- published: 06 Jun 2017
- views: 3273
SFS may refer to:
The ICE 1 is the first series of German high-speed trains and one of six in the InterCityExpress family. Revenue service at speeds up to 250 km/h (155.3 mph) started in 1991. It was raised to 280 km/h (174.0 mph) in May 1995 and later reduced to 250 km/h (155.3 mph) again. Today, only a handful of ICE 1 services on the Nuremberg-Ingolstadt high-speed rail line reach 280 km/h (174.0 mph).
Trainsets consist of two power cars (Class 401) and up to 14 intermediate cars (Classes 801 to 804). Occasionally, power cars and intermediate cars of the ICE 2 are used as well (Classes 402, 805 to 808). Unlike later ICE generations, trainsets always operate as a whole train and units cannot be coupled in regular service.
One of the 60 trainsets (trainset 51) was destroyed in the Eschede train disaster. The others were refurbished between 2005 and 2008. Refurbished trainsets will remain in service for ten to fifteen additional years.
ICE 1 trains consist of two powerheads and 9 to 14 intermediate cars. Because trainsets are not separated in regular service, they are multiple units from an operational point of view. During the refurbishment, which was completed in late 2008, trainsets were being standardized to 12 intermediate cars.
ICE 3, or Intercity-Express 3, is a family of high-speed EMU trains operated by Deutsche Bahn. It includes classes 403, 406 and 407, which are known as ICE 3, ICE 3M and New ICE 3 respectively. Four multisystem trains, known as ICE International, are owned by Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS, Dutch Railways).
Based on the ICE 3M/F, Siemens developed its Siemens Velaro train family with versions for Spain, China, Russia, its home country Germany, as well as Great Britain and Turkey.
The design goal of the ICE 3 (Class 403) was to create a higher-powered, lighter train than its predecessors. This was achieved by distributing its 16 traction motors underneath the whole train. The train is licensed for 330 km/h (210 mph) and has reached 368 km/h (228.66 mph)) on trial runs. On regular Intercity-Express services they run at up to 300 km/h (190 mph), the maximum design speed of German high-speed lines.
Because the train does not have powerheads, the whole length of the train is available for passenger seats, including the first car. The lounge-seats are located directly behind the driver, separated only by a glass wall.
SFS Prom 2017 외국인 학교 졸업 파티 (프롬) 같이 준비해요! + 브이로그 / Prom GRWM + Vlog
SFS KAIAC CHEER 2017 {Champions} / 서울 외국인 학교 KAIAC 치어리딩 대회 {1등}
SFS 2016-2017 Welcome to Our House
Елизавета Павловская. Инстаграм-советы. Хештеги? Sfs?
Repubblica - SFS
sfs tutorial ♡ | #1
La Minute Web | Team SFS | Tour de France à la Voile 2017
Highspeed auf der SFS München - Nürnberg mit ICE 1 - ICE 3 und BR 101 Werbelok "ECOPhant"
ICE 1 ICE T ICE 3 ICE 4 SFS Nürnberg – Ingolstadt
Jules instagram @julesjylee http://instagram.com/julesjylee 편집: @im_ranee http://instagram.com/im_ranee * 인트로가 엄청 길어요! 브이로그만 보시고 싶은 분은 2:15 분으로 스킾하세요 To dive straight into the vlog portion, skip to 2:15 Prom performances recorded: Tabitha Kim, Andrew Chung & Christopher Noh Dress: Sherri Hill https://www.sherrihill.com/hr/style/50861/ Music Licence: Great Days by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/5lhZRunuJTs
go down . . . . . . First video of the year! can we get this to 150 thumbs up? This was highly requested!! FONT: link: http://www.dafont.com/shorelines-script.font photo credits: instagram.com/sfspics . . . donate me here :D https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... find me here: twitter: twitter.com/idkaliens facebook: www.facebook.com/obeey.nutella instagram: instagram.com/feedgoalsfilters personal: instagram.com/alienweird business mail: squishytutorials20@gmail.com
Another epic beginning - presented to the high school students to kick off the new SFS school year. - there is nothing our SFS high school faculty will not do for their students! (creative credit: Triston McMillan)
REPUBBLICA ITALIANA nata dalla resistenza...Nata dalla VIOLENZA... Repubblica: la cosa di tutti Fa pensare a marmo e acquedotti, a città romane Costruite da gente inventiva e capace di ispirazione Una cosa da tutti! Repubblica: vivere in mezzo alla merda dei cani Tra gente triste e incazzata, abbronzata da teleromanzi a episodi Con muscoli sodi e intestini spastici Gente malata, circondata da animali domestici! Una repubblica dove tutti scopano come conigli, Ma non fanno figli perché a trent'anni sono ancora bambini Coi videotelefonini sempre pronti a filmarsi i pompini! Repubblica: la cosa di tutti, una cosa per tutti Uomini e donne che passano ore davanti agli schermi Tutti i giorni della repubblica E chattano e schiattano e spremono e vengono e poi si raccontano! Repubblica: dove g...
this is my first video whooo hope you liked and it helped :) SOCIAL MEDIA; 💛💛💛💛💛💛 tumblr quality acc; tumvlrinq ♡ personal acc; wavvykayy_ ♡ twitter; kristinatheqt we heart it; tumvlrinq ♡ sc; (personal) ohitskristinaa ♡
Focus sur l'équipage du Team SFS, leader du classement général du Tour de France à la Voile !
Der Haltebahnhof Kinding im Altmühltal stellt schon ein Novum dar. Auf den beiden mittleren Gleisen brausen hier die ICE´s mit bis zu 300 km/h durch und auf den beiden Nebengleisen hält der Regio Express München- Nürnberg. Der Bahnhof liegt zwischen 2 Tunnels und läßt sich nach beiden Seiten gut überblicken. Neben dem ICE 1 / ICE T und ICE 3 war auch die BR 101 Werbelok von DB Schenker als Regio Express mit dabei. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen. Aufgenommen am 4. Juni 2016
Aufnahmen aus Allersberg(Rothsee) und Kinding(Altmühltal). Neubaustrecke Nürnberg–Ingolstadt Der 77,4 km lange Neubauabschnitt wurde in weiten Teilen parallel zur Bundesautobahn 9 trassiert. Auf insgesamt 69,4 km Länge sind die Gleisanlagen für eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 300 km/h ausgelegt.
You were the last I tell myself
The last of those I robbed of health
I doubt myself my restraint
Can I live without your pain?
Prominently on display in my living room
Stuffed and treated, none could assume
That I'm a fucking psycho, polishing my trophies
Casually glancing as they decay slowly
Possessed by their glazed eyes and their pale cold lips
Each room macabre
For some too much
My collection complete
My purpose obsolete
Would you believe
I still feel the need
To disembowel those
Filled with greed
Maybe one more, her blood will stain my floor
Swept under the rug, beaten and drugged
Praying for mercy, this may be sloppy
Organs on display, I revel in the pain
Softly caress your heart in my hands