Small Business


How your job makes you eat your feelings

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Had a shocker of a diet earlier this week. On one day in particular, I devoured two donuts, a Nutella crepe, a large pizza, a bag of chips and half a tub of ice cream – all within about four hours. The act of pigging out felt great. It was the aftermath of sickening engorgement and crushing remorse that ruined the short period of blissful overconsumption.  

But, gee, for the time it lasted it was fulfilling. As in, full and filling. That it was so fulfilling can be explained by the commonly uttered phrase "eating your feelings". It was a method of momentary recovery for what had been a challenging, stressful, exhausting day. It was essentially an attempt to alter my mood which, for work-related reasons, had turned negative and resentful.

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That mood-altering objective emerged as the culprit in a series of studies recently published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. The researchers analysed the behaviour of employees to find out what compelled them to suddenly dive for unhealthy food.

In the first study, 125 employees from five companies filled in a diary four times a day for a period of three weeks. They also completed a survey every night before hitting the sack. They were asked, for example, to indicate the times they consumed healthy foods, such as vegetables and whole grains, as well as unhealthy items such as processed meat and sugary drinks.

There was a significant spike in the latter whenever employees experienced a demanding day during which they endured physical and psychological strain. But if they managed to get a decent sleep the night before, the chances of lunging for a guilty snack dropped by more than 9 per cent. Not a lot but enough.

Now, eating crap is one thing; eating to excess is another – hence the reason for the second study in which the researchers also focused on a particular type of stressful experience: an interaction with an abusive and disrespectful customer.


This time, 110 call centre employees participated because if there's one place customers can be at their nastiest, perhaps rightly so, it's the call centre. Much like the other study, this one required the participants to fill out a diary four times a day over the space of a month detailing their eating patterns.

A similar theme arose. When they were confronted by an aggressive interaction with a customer, the resulting negative mood heightened their chances of eating way too much afterwards. As before, sleep was an antidote because it replenished the vigour they needed to cope with their difficult clientele.

The scholars suggest there's also an evolutionary explanation. Many, many generations ago, our ancestors gorged on food because they were never sure how long it'd be before they were able to get more. Overeating, then, became a survival technique, a technique still part of our brain circuitry today but in a different manifestation. Our sudden and ravenous mouthful of calories now occurs because what we're usually trying to survive these days is the workday.

In any case, the researchers reach the logical conclusion that eating poorly may bring "temporary comfort or a quick escape from any experienced tension", but that it "cannot effectively alleviate the problem that caused the tension in the first place". And that problem evidently appears to be the way we work.

If only it were possible to have both a great job and the self-control to restrain ourselves from overindulging. Well, that would be akin to having your cake and eating it, too.

James Adonis is the author of How To Be Great. Follow MySmallBusiness on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.