Events organiser, project manager and hobbyist. I love to make things – knitting, crochet, painting, sketching, sewing. Recently moved to north London and set up a knitting group on Saturdays (find us on I also co-host London Skeptics in the Pub on the first Monday of each month from 7.30pm.
At work, I am extremely organised, self motivated and highly experienced in managing and coordinating projects, with a focus on events and marketing. I can help to identify simple steps to improving practices to make sure projects are delivered successfully, on time and in budget.
My specialities are in ‘herding cats’, broadening target audiences and delivery of a specific ‘thing’ – from transitioning smoothly between two services, organising a busy life, or planning a massive party. I have experience in the private sector and the NHS, as well as managing a large number of personal interest projects – see my portfolio for further details.
You can contact me by filling in the form below or get in touch via Twitter.