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Red Symons: Race, understanding the differences

So Red Symons was talking to a woman who produces podcasts about racism and he asked her, "Are you yellow?" and "What's the deal with Asians?" But these aren't racist questions – they're stupid questions, and Red was using them to show that racism itself is stupid. It's really depressing that so many people (including ABC management) don't understand the concept of irony.

Neil Staton, Fitzroy

Why the negative reaction?

What's the deal with Red Symons? I fail to understand the negative reaction to ABC morning radio presenter Red Symons' phrase "What's the deal with Asians?" as a proposed program title. It's catchy and suggests a program about various nationalities in our Asian region including Australia.

As for his question of Asian-Canadian Australian broadcaster Beverley Wang, "Are you yellow", it was in the context of a discussion on "white" people. Although white people are not literally white, use of the colour term is not regarded as offensive, while so-called black people embrace that term, as in "black power". So, what's the deal with "yellow"? Is not the Yellow Emperor father of the Chinese people?

Amid a group of Anglo-Celtic white friends, as a Chinese Australian I don't look yellow. Rather, we share a pinkness of varying degrees of intensity. But my Chinese ancestry does render my skin a yellowish tinge compared with the pale pinkness of my friends.

When I heard a segment of the Red Symons' interchange that the ABC has withdrawn due to its offensive nature, I heard no misdemeanour. There again, I don't stand ready always alert for an offence.

Helene Chung, Melbourne


Ready with a reply

Red Symons asked an ABC podcaster if she was "yellow". A good retort would have been "no more than you are red".

Richard Jemison, Carlton River, Tasmania

He should be stood down

Even though I am a fan of Red Symons (most of the time), I feel he should be stood down by the ABC until he apologises to Ms Wang: a real apology that shows he understands the seriousness of his racist remarks.

Susan Munday, Bentleigh East

Influence and responsibility

If the ABC doesn't move Red Symons on for his detestable xenophobic rant, what hope is there for a better outlook, a brighter horizon, than the disappointing century we have had to endure so far.

Individuals in a position of influence need to be reminded of Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl's assertion that with freedom comes responsibility, hence his suggestion that the US have a complementary statue of responsibility on the west coast.

Damian Peters, Brighton


A beautiful passing

Wrong Helen Fuller (Letters 15/6). My wife drank liquid Nembutal and was unconscious within a couple of minutes, literally just falling asleep while we hugged and told each other how much we loved each other. Her body then slowly shut down over a period of the next hour. It was the most beautiful and peaceful death you could wish for and certainly much preferable to her than the untreatable and incurable slow death she was experiencing. The legislation provides the person be given the medication and it is completely up to them if and when they choose to take it. Medical intervention is only required if the person is no longer able to swallow and requests the doctor to assist. If you do not agree with voluntary assisted dying then you don't have to be involved, just don't begrudge it to those that want and need it.

Name and address withheld

Not above the law

If Greg Hunt, Alan Tudge and Michael Sukkar think they are above the law, and claim judges are divorced from reality, their capacity to serve as representatives in Parliament must be very seriously questioned.

They represent the ongoing failure of parliamentarians to recognise that there is a new demand for insight and sense to guide democracy.

Melanie Lazarow, Brunswick

Doing the right thing

Sometimes we face difficulty in life not because what we are doing is wrong, but because what we are doing is right. Gillian Triggs is a case in point of a public servant who has provided frank and fearless advice to the Coalition government in her role as President of the Human Rights Commission.

('Lauded and vilified', The Age, 17/6)

The basis of Attorney General George Brandis' tirade against Gillian Triggs was that the report she tabled to Parliament regarding children in detention, did not augur well for the Coalition government. Put simply, it made them "look bad".

However, making the government "look good" to Australians was not what Gillian Triggs signed up for, but rather to observe the provisions in her statutory mandate of "speaking out if particular acts are contrary to Australia's obligations under international law". A finding of fact that is now clearly irrefutable.

John Fitzsimmons, Mornington

Satirical target

Whether Malcolm Turnbull's speech at the Midwinter Ball should have been leaked is one thing.

The reason why President Trump was satirised (Jeremy Browne, Letters, 17/6) might just be that Donald Trump has through his behaviour, actions, comments and tweets since even before he put himself forward as a candidate for the presidency until now made him the perfect target. He may be the leader of our most important ally but I amongst many would suggest there has never been a person more unprepared and unsuited for this most important position.

Tony Healy, Balwyn North

Cladding risks

One must agree with the sentiments in John Coffey's letter (16/6) about the risks of aluminium-sandwich cladding in fires, and obfuscation and delays in dealing with the problem, here and elsewhere. I must correct his repeating of a furphy, however: no British ships were lost in the Falkland/Malvinas through aluminium fires. Two frigates lost still had some aluminium in the superstructures, but both were sunk by the blast of "conventional" bombs. Aluminium in British and American ships was being phased out because of its lower melting-point than steel, so John's point remains valid.

Paul McGann, Glen Waverley

Heed Dutton's actions

We should take more notice of Immigration Minister Dutton's actions than his words. He claims that the $70 million payment to the Manus Island asylum seekers is not an admission of guilt; if the government is not guilty of being complicit in their brutal and torturous treatment, they'd fight the case legally. He clearly doesn't want their dirty secrets to be exposed publicly. He's forgotten that 90 per cent of Manus Island asylum seekers have been found to be genuine refugees. His draconian policy has cost us billions as the annual cost of detaining two people in the centres is $1 million as against $30,000 to process them in the community. We should stop demonising people fleeing from persecution and war with over 60 million displaced people scattered throughout the world.

Who's taking responsibility for the 2014 deaths of Reza Barati, murdered by a guard and Hamid Khazaei, who died from medical negligence?

Kevin Burke, Eltham

Prison profits

The exploding prison population ensures the multinational companies working with Corrective Services are raking in the profits. The private businesses who run some of Victoria's prisons emphasise security and incarceration, rather than correction. There's no gain for their shareholders in altering a prisoner's antisocial behaviour by education or treatment before they are released. And there is no gain for a community placed under constant stress and danger from the released unrehabilitated criminal doing their reoffending. Recidivism rates have reached critical levels, while the prison owner's profit margins soar.

Glenda Jones, Carlton

Nothing fair here

So much for fair, egalitarian Australia. Blind Freddy could see what was happening when the state Labor government asked developers to "redevelop" the Carlton public housing estate. The ratio should have been 549 public apartments and 241 private, with no distinction between them. Labor's continuing and deluded infatuation with "private-public partnerships" is a joke. All they do is hand truckloads of money to profiteers, generate short-term savings and shift costs to the health, justice, education and social welfare sectors. This constant deference to the private sector partly explains the widespread frustration with, and mistrust of, the barely distinguishable Labor and Liberal parties.

Sian Watkins, Ivanhoe

No damage

I d like to point out to Les Gordon ("Water recovery", 17/6) that in fact I live and invest in Mildura and I see no evidence of damage to agriculture due to water recovery. There has been no major water recovery for a while and there is water available to buy.

The next lot of water recovery will happen through infrastructure works. You just have to acquaint yourself with available information.

The NFF should come clean and say why they want to undermine the Murray Darling Plan.

Mr Gordon should see the Darling river for himself: it is being reduced to a trickle thanks to irrigators in the north of the basin. If South Australia does not demand an explanation, I will be surprised. In the meantime a lot of farmers are in distress. For now, let us pray there's not another drought on the way.

Stefano de Pieri, Mildura

A thought for refugees

Tuesday is World Refugee Day. Of 65 million refugees in the world today, two-thirds are internally displaced and the others have fled their countries. They all deserve to be kept safe and to be properly fed and housed. They also need an opportunity to live meaningful and productive lives. Some have been in camps for 20 years or more but most are children and young people.

War and persecution are the main cause of this displacement. Why is Australia increasing expenditure on arms and the military while reducing expenditure on diplomacy and aid for overseas development?

Carole Wigg, Medical Association for Prevention of War

Whither morality?

Asylum seekers and refugees have long been commodities (Letters, 18/5), like the elderly, disabled and other vulnerable groups. Since the late 1990s, these voiceless and-or impaired people have been units of funding for competitive tendering by service providers.

Why, then, are taxpayers paying compensation and not the funded providers? It seems risk has been shifted to "clients", who endure mistreatment, and taxpayers, who are kept in the dark under "commercial-in-confidence" but remain financially liable.

This format appears to literally bank on the full extent of scandal, abuse, malpractice and waste remaining concealed.

Hence, every effort is made to prevent uncontrolled information flowing to the public, stemming transparency, accountability and independent scrutiny. This, in turn, heightens the risk to vulnerable people.

How much unnecessary suffering has to occur before ethics, humanity and transparency are restored to elevate the society above moral bankruptcy?

Barbara Chapman, Hawthorn

The fourth evil

Communist China's President, Xi Jinping, has vowed to fight "the three evil forces" – terrorism, separatism and extremism. He should add a fourth – communism.

Craig Calvert, Montmorency


Tony Abbott

When will Tony Abbott go back to where he belongs – the 20th century?

Dawn Kneen, Deepdene

Abbott is becoming more like an Opposition Leader every day.

Ian Broinowski, Battery Point, Tas

Abbott in bronze? It should be coal or maybe pig iron.

Greg Bradshaw, Dandenong North

What Mr Turnbull needs in cabinet is an Abbott-proof fence.

David Baylis, Mentone


Human rights abuse, $70 million payout, $20 million legal costs, Peter Dutton's day job.

Terry Malone, Warburton

As a policeman, Peter Dutton enforced laws, as an MP he creates laws, as Immigration Minister he plans to be above all that.

Wendy Knight, Little River


Grenfell Tower was once a home, now it is a funeral pyre.

Andrew Powell, Caulfield North

If cladding creates updraughts of air behind it that spread flames, it is senseless to use on high-rise.

Meg McPherson, Brighton

The spotlight is on a chronic housing shortage in London. Isn't the problem chronic over-population issues?

Jen Gladstones, Heidelberg


If the taxpayer is funding the legal challenge by Tudge, Hunt and Sukkar, I object your honour.

Annie Wilson, Inverloch

Vale rugby

We are witnessing the death of Australia as a first-ranking rugby nation.

Ian Cunliffe, Moonee Ponds