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Cadence the key to running success: expert

Aspiring runners should not feel limited by fitness or age, but should instead focus on improving their own running style and cadence, a health expert says.

James Cook University's College of Healthcare Sciences senior lecturer Glen Deakin believes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to running.

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Running with fast legs

The secret to running more efficiently, faster and with less injuries, may be having a quicker cadence.

"Running isn't bad for any age, as long as it's done correctly. So if you're not sure how to run that's where you need to get some advice to see if it's suitable for you," Dr Deakin said.

Every body is built differently, he said, and it is important to focus on individual running style and capacity, rather than comparing it to others.

"A rugby league player is going to run differently to a marathon runner ... You can't put one specific running style on another person."

Dr Deakin said cadence is one of the most important factors in determining how people should be running.


Cadence is a measurement of the strength of stride a runner makes, this affects how fast runners are able to move across different terrains, and is improved gradually depending on the frequency and intensity of running.

"As the terrain changes, the body's mechanics are going to change as well," said Dr Deakin.

Trying to keep the same cadence while running up a hill as when running on a flat terrain will lead to the runner burning out, he said.

"The key to a successful run is to take smaller steps and take more of them on a hill, and if you're on flat, take longer steps in order to take less time."

Dr Deakin said the most important thing a runner should do is find their own rhythm and limit any change in pace in order to avoid fatigue.

Experienced runners participating in longer events work to maintain their cadence throughout the race, in order to reduce excess stress, and aspiring runners should work towards the same, said Dr Deakin.

Finding this consistency in running is key to limiting any potential damage to joints, and will ensure they are able to continue to run as they age.

"You can still be running into your 60s, and there are people that do and have no joint issues at all. It comes down to how you've looked after yourself, how long you can run for, as well as your cadence," he said.

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