Corbyn/Guevara T-shirt

Gabriel Levy on the phenomenon of Jeremy Corbyn, the 2017 UK election result and what it means for the prospects of the working class.

Nigel Buildings tenements rent strike 1930s Peckham, London

The story of a successful rent strike in Peckham, south east London, during the 1930s.

Hillary’s paranoid rage and the campaign’s infighting made a mockery of the slogan “Stronger Together”

Cult of personality - portrait of Öcalan

Text from Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti Kapitălu in response to recent myths propagated about the Rojava "revolution", with a detailed background about inter-imperial...


Recent workers’ struggles in India prompt us to examine the concept of autonomy more closely. Movements in the Gurgaon-Manesar region have consciously or unconsciously addressed the reality of...


240 families on rent strike in Quinn Square, Bethnal Green, circa 1938

On 13 February, 1938, a rent strike began in Stepney, east London. This is an account of tenants' struggles in the area at the time, by Past Tense.