- published: 30 Mar 2017
- views: 414306
Henry George BloggGC BEM (6 February 1876 – 13 June 1954) was a lifeboatman from Cromer on the north coast of Norfolk, England and the most decorated in RNLI history.
Blogg of the Cromer Lifeboat Station is referred to as "the greatest of the lifeboatmen". From the rescue of the crew of the Pyrin and then of half of the crew of the Fernebo in 1917, through to his near drowning in the service to the SS English Trader in 1941, he was awarded the gold medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution three times and the silver medal four times, the George Cross, the British Empire Medal, and a series of other awards.
Born the son of Ellen Blogg, he was brought up in the family of James Davies (whose son John became Henry's stepfather after John Davies married Ellen Blogg in 1881), himself coxswain of the Cromer lifeboat. He first went to sea as a lifeboatman in 1894 in the rowing lifeboat Benjamin Bond Cabbell and then served in the Louisa Heartwell as second coxswain under Jimmy 'Buttons' Harrison. When coxswain Harrison retired in 1909 due to ill health, Blogg won the vote to take on the leadership role.
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✖ Som jag nämnde i början av vloggen mådde jag verkligen inte bra i måndags, så det GICK INTE att vlogga. Alltså, jag grinade FEM gånger på en dag. En av gångerna bröt jag ihop för att jag inte hittade parkering, en annan för att jag tyckte vinden var jobbig…haha, ni hör ju, mina hormoner var kaos. Den här mens-svängen var inge rolig. Vissa gånger har jag mindre besvär, men andra gånger är det riktigt jobbigt. Den här gången var riktigt jobbig. Men nu mår jag bra i alla fall! ✖ Tänk er, för typ ett halvår sedan var jag rädd för att gå till frisören, för två år sedan vågade jag inte ens boka tid. Jag gick liksom till frisören EN gång mellan 2012 och 2014 för jag VÅGADE inte. Jag var hundra procent säker på att jag skulle få panikångest. Men nu går jag till salongen utan problem, jag till oc...
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For those in peril the story of Henry Blogg Here is a film that is quite scratched at the start charting the life of that famous Norfolk lifeboat man Henry Blogg. The film is produced by Anglia Television and introduced by Dick Joice. The film focuss on the life of Henry Blogg in and around Cromer and was probably made in the mid 1960s As for the others involved in the making of the film the director is listed as David Kenten who apparently a decade later was the producer of the soft porn film Mary Millingtons True Blue Confessions!! amazing what you can discover on the internet.
A clip from the BBC's Antiques Road Trip show, filmed at the RNLI Henry Blogg Museum in Cromer. (Please note that this footage is owned by the BBC.)
Museums + Heritage Award Winning Volunteer Team from Henry Blogg Museum talk to BBC Radio Norfolk about their win.
"Bli arg på kex med Hailee Steinfeld | English subtitles available, svensk textning finns. THANK YOU HAILEE! Listen to Love Myself here: https://open.spotify.com/track/52izjvF7wwveRG1rDJsGWe Le BOOK: Le merch: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
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English subtitles available, Svensk undertext finns. I met Troye Sivan. It was great. Check out his channel HERE: http://youtube.com/troyesivan18 ... and his new album HERE: https://open.spotify.com/album/2Kd0yf71hrqGWXT4G375WR Jag skrev en bok: http://adlibr.is/henryclara Le merch: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
"I suck at failing" | English subtitles available. Dagens video är i stolt samarbete med Always! Keep Going #LikeAGirl : https://youtu.be/25q3mEqyfgA Håll utkik på min instagram för att få reda på vad min utmaning blir! http://instagram.com/glasclara Jag skrev en bok: http://adlibr.is/henryclara Le merch: https://ikon-next.com/clara-henry Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficiall Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
Dog with a Blog Stars Avant et Après 2017, Then and Now. Disney Dog with a Blog Actors Before and After 2017: Genevieve Hannelius - Avery Jennings, Blake Michael - Tyler James, Francesca Capaldi - Chloe James, Peyton Meyer - Wes Manning, Denyse Tontz - Nikki Ortiz New Girl - https://youtu.be/5iTrSCUSCR8 Love Actually - https://youtu.be/DvCgxOhn3v8 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - https://youtu.be/pKxGFg4ONns Addams Family - https://youtu.be/cWUVZN6J0to WALL·E - https://youtu.be/CXACtoDavGI Saved by the Bell - https://youtu.be/1_ztkrJi3Og Passengers - https://youtu.be/j_AcvxunHI4 The Mask - https://youtu.be/k9xly4a3wiY Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - https://youtu.be/pbgtOW900IA Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - https://youtu.be/FZIKNrYljnc Guardians of the Galaxy - https://yo...
Today I'm teaching Mamrie Hart some highly important Swedish words. What is, for example, a top fart? Or a slut station? Only Swedes know. Check out Mamrie's channel!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/youdeserveadrink Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
I met Ed Sheeran. We hummed some songs. It was awesome. Don't miss out on Ed's new album, released TODAY in Sweden! http://open.spotify.com/album/1xn54DMo2qIqBuMqHtUsFd Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
English subtitles available; Svenska undertexter finns. I wrote a book: https://www.amazon.com/Ive-Got-My-Period-What/dp/1510714227 Jag skrev en bok: http://adlibr.is/henryclara Le merch: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
English subtitles available. En mössa, en trött vloggerska och en jävla massa svar. Hela tio och en halv minuter. Shit. Tog mig på allvar sju och en halv timma att klippa och texta. Aldrig mer. 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bo8S7LREu0 Le MERCH: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
Veckorevyn höll sin årliga prisutdelning "Blog Awards" för bloggare i Stockholm och här kan du se höjdpunkterna inför, under och efter evenemanget med intervjuer från kvällen med Zara Larsson och Clara Henry. Blog Awards 2014 sändes direkt på TV4 Play. Galans konferencier: Daniel Paris och Clara Henry. Artister i videon: Miriam Bryant och Molly Sandén. Datum: 18 september 2014. Plats: Fotografiska muséet, Stockholm. Musik: "Coming" av Zepidix. Mer information om galan och vinnarna hittar du på www.blogawards.se.
"Horror movie reactions" | English subtitles available. SE KORTFILMEN HÄR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y6f4zDMfEQ Se förra gången jag såg skräckfilm här: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK1FeHL3vSc Jag skrev en bok: http://adlibr.is/henryclara Le merch: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
English & Swedish subtitles available. Nick Jonas teaches me how to be Nick Jonas and I succeed. (Sorry for the crappy sound! You should've heard it before the noise reduction though. That was horrible.) Jealous @ Spotify: http://po.st/NickJonasJealous Le MERCH: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
blogg: http://thebentish.blogg.se/ frågor: http://ask.fm/TheBentish Instagram: @TheBentish facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebentish Twitter: https://twitter.com/bentskramm Kik: friqie
English subtitles available. Jag och Sabina Ddumba blir plötsligt tio år yngre. SABINA DDUMBA: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Mp409M6EpFr3kGdQ1mwjS Jag skrev en bok: http://adlibr.is/henryclara Le merch: http://clarahenry.spreadshirt.se/ Le blog: http://www.claraslife.com Le facebuk: http://facebook.com/clarahenryofficialpage Le twittuh: http://twitter.com/glasklart
Zara Larsson duckar inte läsarfrågan om att kissa på sig – och avslöjar att hon var ett blöjbarn tills för tio år sedan. Spontanrappa däremot vägrade hon. Se när Zara svarade på Metros läsares frågor under livesändning.
I used to hide,
I used to cry a lot,
but now I don't
It's you, you.
When you smile
the whole world's sky,
when you smile
I'm a star in that sky
It's you, it's you.
And we're barely friends,
we're hardly star-crossed lovers,
but who cares?
It's you, it's you.
When you smile
the whole world's sky,
when you smile
I'm a star in that sky.
It's you, it's you.
It's you.