- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 9110
Tepco may refer to:
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (東京電力株式会社, Tōkyō Denryoku Kabushiki-gaisha, TYO: 9501), also known as Toden (東電, Tōden) or TEPCO, is a Japanese electric utility servicing Japan's Kantō region, Yamanashi Prefecture, and the eastern portion of Shizuoka Prefecture. This area includes Tokyo. Its headquarters are located in Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and international branch offices exist in Washington, D.C., and London. It is a founding member of strategic consortiums related to energy innovation and research; such as JINED,INCJ and MAI.
In 2007, TEPCO was forced to shut the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant after the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake. That year it posted its first loss in 28 years. Corporate losses continued until the plant reopened in 2009. Following the March 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, its power plant at Fukushima Daiichi was the site of a continuing nuclear disaster, one of the world's most serious. TEPCO could face ¥2 trillion ($23.6 billion) in special losses in the current business year to March 2012, and the Japanese government plans to put TEPCO under effective state control to guarantee compensation payments to the people affected by the accident. The Fukushima disaster displaced 50,000 households in the evacuation zone because of leaks of radioactive materials into the air, soil and sea.
Arnold "Arnie" Gundersen (born 4 January 1949 in Elizabeth, New Jersey) is a former nuclear industry executive, and engineer with more than 44 years of nuclear industry experience who became a whistleblower in 1990. Gundersen has written dozens of expert reports for nongovernment organizations and the state of Vermont. His curriculum vitae shows Gundersen is a licensed Critical Facility Reactor Operator from 1971-1972.
Gundersen questioned the safety of the Westinghouse AP1000, a proposed third-generation nuclear reactor and has expressed concerns about the operation of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant. He served as an expert witness in the investigation of the Three Mile Island accident and has provided commentary on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Gundersen is a graduate of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1971), with a B.S. cum laude and a GPA of 3.74 in nuclear engineering, holds a master's degree in nuclear engineering, and gained an Atomic Energy Commission Fellowship (1972). Gundersen has more than 40 years of nuclear power engineering experience. Gundersen holds a nuclear safety patent, was a licensed reactor operator, and is a former nuclear industry senior vice president. During his nuclear power industry career, Gundersen also managed and coordinated projects at 70 nuclear power plants in the US.
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (福島第一原子力発電所, Fukushima Daiichi Genshiryoku Hatsudensho) is a disabled BWR nuclear power plant located on a 3.5-square-kilometre (860-acre) site in the towns of Ōkuma and Futaba in the Futaba District of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. First commissioned in 1971, the plant consists of six boiling water reactors (BWR). These light water reactors drove electrical generators with a combined power of 4.7 GWe, making Fukushima Daiichi one of the 15 largest nuclear power stations in the world. Fukushima was the first nuclear plant to be designed, constructed and run in conjunction with General Electric, Boise, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).
The plant suffered major damage from the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. The incident permanently damaged several reactors making them impossible to restart. Due to the political climate, the remaining reactors will not be restarted. The disaster disabled the reactor cooling systems, leading to releases of radioactivity and triggering a 30 km evacuation zone surrounding the plant; the releases continue to this day. On April 20, 2011, the Japanese authorities declared the 20 km evacuation zone a no-go area which may only be entered under government supervision.
Rejseholdet (English: "Mobile Unit" [lit. "Travel Team"]; international title: Unit One) is a Danish television crime series starring Charlotte Fich, Mads Mikkelsen and Lars Brygmann. Produced by Danmarks Radio (DR), the program aired 32 episodes spanning four seasons from 2000 to 2004. Each episode revolved around an elite mobile police task force called "Unit One" that travels around Denmark helping local police solve crimes. Cases portrayed in the show were loosely based upon actual incidents of sensational crimes such as murders, kidnappings, cross-border sex traffic and child pornography. Rejseholdet won the 2002 International Emmy Award for best drama series.
The central character, Ingrid Dahl (Charlotte Fich), is an ambitious detective who has been promoted into command of the unit at the beginning of the first season. The drama is balanced between the forensic process and an unfolding backstory that includes the sometime ambivalent relationships existing between the unit members, their families and those outside the Unit. The series regularly touches on social issues including the insularity of police work, the social and emotional impact of brutal crime, as well as political and press involvement in the justice process.
Nuclear Watch: Fukushima TEPCO abandon 2 robots + RAW Footage + Update 4/20/2015
TEPCO - Generating S-Curves in Excel with P6 Data
TEPCO Not Capable of Decontaminating Fukushima: Arnie Gundersen (English only)
TEPCO reinserts camera in Fukushima reactor 2
TEPCO - Primavera: Using Time Delays to Manage Your Work
TEPCO - P6 Leveling Basics
Tepco completes sea wall at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant
Radiation in Fukushima reactor containment vessel at deadly level TEPCO The Mainichi feb 3 2017
Fukushima: 5 Years Later, TEPCO Admits It Lied, 3 Former Executives Charged Over Meltdown
TEPCO - Using P6 Batch Reports and Excel Macros for Dashboard Reporting
Remove TEPCO Before Removing Fuel.
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen demonstrates how Fukushima's fuel rods melted and shattered
Closing Ranks: The NRC, the Nuclear Industry, and TEPCo. Are Limiting the Flow of Information
Fukushima TEPCO abandon 2 robots inside Containment Vessel. 2015.04.20 Site test to investigate inside Unit 1 Primary Containment Vessel (video taken on April 16, 2015) 2015.04.20 Additional investigation result after the site test to investigate inside Unit 1 Primary Containment Vessel (video taken on April 18, 2015) Toshiba tests fuel cell system for disasters Tsunami-hit swimming pool reopens in Fukushima Japan, US begin 2nd day of TPP talks Japan's population down 4th straight year http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/ http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/news/library/archive-e.html?video_uuid=o852v7u0&catid;=69631
TEPCO Not Capable of Decontaminating Fukushima: Arnie Gundersen (English only) I edited out the Japanese portion to save only the English from Arnie Gundersen in Tokyo press meeting September 7, 2012. Link to both Japanese and English video here. The wording got a little off the video, but the words are all there in tact, just the timing got goofed up a bit, sorry, I could not fix it. I tried. Originally published on Sep 8, 2012 by junebloke Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Issue, Press Conference in Japan 自由報道協会 05 Sep.2012 * http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/25195376 《Index to short cut》 3:36 Gunderse, Speach starting 7:47 TEPCO doesn't have capablity to decontaminate the plant etc. 東京電力は除染、事故処理の技術を持っていない 20:56 Japan Government's Evergy Policy , Energy without nuclear etc.日本政府...
TEPCO reinserts camera in Fukushima reactor TEPCO, the operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, has again begun using a camera probe inside the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor. Taking pictures of the molten fuel inside is regarded as an important step towards decommissioning the reactors that melted down. On Tuesday, workers at the plant tried to insert a camera into a pipe leading into the containment vessel. But the camera got stuck in the pipe's opening. The rubber, which had shrunk due to cold, blocked it. In a second attempt on Thursday, workers tried to push the camera into the pipe while warming the rubber with thermal material. They were successful. Footage from the camera shows a black substance adhering to the surface of metal rails in the vessel. The rail...
Tokyo Electric Power Co. release video footage is its completion of steel pipe sheet piles for a coastal wall designed to protect Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, which was damaged after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Read more here: http://jtim.es/TQBLM SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://goo.gl/mExQt7 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/thejapantimes FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/japantimes LEARN ABOUT JAPAN TIMES DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: http://members.japantimes.co.jp/sub/
Radiation inside the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant measures as high as a deadly 530 sieverts per hour, the highest since the 2011 disaster, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) announced on Feb. 2. TEPCO calculated the radiation dose from video noise on footage it took inside the containment vessel in late January, when a camera was inserted to examine conditions inside and scout a route for a scorpion-like observation robot scheduled to go into the vessel later this month. Deployment of the robot is also being reconsidered after two gaping holes were found along the robot's planned path over a 5-meter-wide circular walkway inside the containment vessel, close to where the 530-sievert radiation dose was detected. The holes in the ...
www.undergroundworldnews.com Fukushima Prefecture, Japan — EDITORIAL: THE TRUTH: Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) knew within hours following the 3/11/11 tsunami that a full-scale, multi-reactor nuclear meltdown was underway. THE LIE: TEPCO waited nearly two months to inform the public. Those were the staggering admissions handed down to the media in a press release published by TEPCO on February 24, 2016. Of course, for many people on the inside track with Fukushima Daiichi news, this came as no surprise at all. TEPCO admitted it was aware of the meltdowns from the inception and apologized, saying a declaration should have been made to the public. Despite the admissions of wrong-doing in the press release, on the other hand, TEPCO says it didn’t break the law, and did what was requ...
Fairewinds has fielded a number of questions regarding the removal of the fuel rods from the spent fuel pool in Unit 4 at Fukushima Daiichi. Today's video shows Arnie debunking TEPCO's animated film point by point, and highlights the issues TEPCO will have removing the fuel rods. TEPCO needs to be removed as the organization overseeing the cleanup of the site prior to the removal of the fuel rods.
原発危機 第2回「広がる放射能汚染」
Arnie Gundersen discusses inconsistencies between what the NRC, TEPCo, and the Nuclear Industry are saying privately and publicly. Documents from the French nuclear firm, Areva, and the NRC reveal what the industry knows about the Fukushima disaster.
Recent press reports have discussed the possibility that Fukushima Unit 1 may be having a nuclear chain reaction. New data released by TEPCO indicates that even though Fukushima Unit 1 was shut down during the March 11 earthquake, it appears to have "gone critical" again without human intervention. The detection by TEPCO of short-lived radioactive isotopes substantiates the existence of this inadvertent criticality.
Each week Fairewinds receives many questions about the ongoing tragedy unfolding in Japan as a result of the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Join us as Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen highlights the many problems facing Japan as he takes you on a tour of the Fukushima Daiichi site by combining satellite video, animated graphics and photos to create a comprehensive and easy to follow video tour.
Is the Japanese government and the IAEA protecting the nuclear industry and not the people of Japan by claiming that Fukushima is stable when it is not? Fairewinds’ chief engineer Arnie Gundersen outlines major inconsistencies and double-speak by the IAEA, Japanese Government, and TEPCO claiming that the Fukushima accident is over. Dynamic versus static equilibrium, escalated dose exposures to the Japanese children and nuclear workers, and the blending of radioactive materials with non-contaminated material and spreading this contaminated ash throughout Japan are only a small part of this ongoing nuclear tragedy.
Analysis of new Fukushima 3 photographs released last week by TEPCO substantiate Fairewinds’ claim that explosion of Unit 3 began over the spent fuel pool. Fairewinds believes that significant damage has also occurred to the containment system of Fukushima Unit 3, and that the two events (fuel pool explosion and containment breach) did not occur simultaneously. Video also includes brief discussion of tent system being constructed over Fukushima Unit 1.
As the eyes of the world have been focused on the Unit 4’s removal of spent fuel, TEPCO released a report entitled, TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Roadmap, that contained some astounding information regarding Unit 3. Follow Fairewinds Energy’s Arnie Gundersen as he shows you the 35-ton refueling bridge that fell in the Unit 3 spent fuel pool during the Unit 3 detonation explosion. Do the math. The bottom line here is that TEPCO has just acknowledged that at least 50-tons of rubble has fallen on top of and into the spent fuel pool in Unit 3. What does this 50-ton pile of debris mean to the Unit 3 spent fuel pool and its cleanup? Please support our work, so we can continue to bring you breaking nuclear news: http://fairewinds.org/donate/
http://www.sortirdunucleaire.org Directed by wasaru watch on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwqSgjxeTFQ
At night.. (yeahhh!)
At night.. (talkin bout - all that shit)
At night.. (better not go to sleep nigga)
At night.. (yeah! I see you nigga)
Smokin bomb, feelin loaded, forty yappin, smoke imported
Servin (?) fat as boulders, got a (?) on my shoulders
Homies robbin homies, on point with the po'-po's
Sellin white snow pure yo, twist a little bit just to get a lil' mo'
We had the ground, we bagged a round, crack, money in stripes
I lay you down, let niggaz know that we ain't no fuckin joke, niggahhh
The nighttime's, the right time, family and pride
Personally known for the way I, spray and ride
Silent if I, silent is the way I glide
Money'll make a nigga shift a pistol shoot to the sky
Nigga let's ride! I love it when the sun goes down
Nigga get chopped down, get gunned down
Run down, run around, and shot down
Popped down glocks in full pound surround
Get the homies together and call the shots, fallin on baller's blocks
Smaller and smaller knots, alcoholics lookin fo'
[D] my gangsta bitches (uh-huh) and busta niggaz (uh-huh)
[K] Liquor weed, pistols pills, niggaz shot and niggaz killed
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night.. (uh-huh)
(liquor weed, pistols pills, niggaz shot and niggaz killed)
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night.. (what ch'all niggaz wanna do, huh?)
I put holes in the air and turn black to blue
And I don't give a fuck about puttin holes in you
The midnight strike, the killer strikes the streets at night
Imitation Doggs on scope and it's on on sight (nigga)
Murder killin robbery, mayhem
Assault with the deadly weapons equals battery
I be down with the tragedy
Catch a nigga slippin, shoulda known
Nigga one-eighty-seven ain't shit but a misdemeanor
(If you ain't knowin - they ain't knowin)
Niggaz dyin unexpected, and they knowin
(They don't know) Niggaz tryin to make it echo
but it's showin (they ain't showin) little bitches on the street
straight hoein (straight hoein) you ain't knowin (thought you knew)
Overblown, got'n'gone, the song zone, at the zone shown
Time and time again it's on, Vietnam again
Napalm set-trip, coast-trip, post and get
tripped on, blastin fuckin chippin niggaz out the fuckin dash
What the fuck is this? Niggaz is the luckiest
Strike and spray, e'ryday all day around the way
I lost my homeboy last year, nigga shed his last tear
Comin through to blast shit, I knew I'd catch his ass crip
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night.. (uh-huh)
(liquor weed, pistols pills, niggaz shot and niggaz killed)
At night.. (uh-huh, uh-huh)
At night..
At night.. (yeahhh - that's how it go down e'ry night nigga)
At night.. (y'all niggaz better stay strapped)
(cause we on a hunt for all y'all)
At night.. (and we ain't takin no shorts)
(servin y'all niggaz on sight)
At night.. (everyday, all night, yeah)
At night.. (everyday, all day, anybody killer)
At night.. (fuck all y'all! yeah!)
At night..
Whassup whassup? Whatchu need?
(Got a fifty sack?) Whassup? Aww the police, c'mon!
{Police! Police! Up against the wall}