
“The Image” (1967). The first Bowie film short, & an influence on several of his later songs, even though he didn’t think much of it in retrospect


When reporters ask where your kids are

Philip & Elizabeth are chill post-Perestroika

Have you considered doing a Scott Walker song-by-song? Smaller discog, less time involved, wink wink nudge nudge

no way: everything i have to say about that guy was used in the Nite Flights, Motel and Heat entries

“Delia Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in 1965
honestly, my all time crush


Delia Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in 1965

honestly, my all time crush

hey john not to be that guy but im wondering when you guys are gonna cover all star by smash mouth. im not even joking this is a serious concern. you may think im pulling your leg. memeing you for shits and giggles. sir i am not. i just think when i finally hear it i can be at peace i think. please respond


We are never going to do this. I learned my lesson with “funny” covers in the 90s. Bands generally speaking have to be really careful about doing anything funny, because people then want you to make the same joke for the rest of your life. There are approximately 10,000,000,000,000,000 worse problems to have, so I am not complaining, but I am explaining why, while it would be funny to do this, I would regret it: the next night. And the night after. And forever. People would absolutely see to it that I regretted it but good. One of the discreet joys of growing older is learning to stop yourself from doing stuff you might later regret. Other people take this weird “I regret nothing!” attitude toward everything they’ve done but I have never really understood that whole stance, if a person regrets nothing then I wonder what their whole deal is honestly. Anyway. Covers that would be totally hilarious are generally, with very occasional exceptions, off the menu, because they become millstones almost immediately. Neolithic and Upper Paleolithic citizens used millstones for grinding nuts, rhizomes, grains, and probably a lot of other stuff we don’t even know about. Did they sometimes get curious, what if I ground my finger in this millstone, fuckin’ ouch, that was stupid? I bet they did, and that’s how I’d feel if I covered “All-Star.” I have, after a long apprenticeship, finally left the Neolithic Era behind and entered, with much ceremony, my own personal Bronze Age. 

Supposing there had been a Scary Monsters tour 80-81, do you think the 80s might have panned out differently for Bowie? Would Under Pressure and Let's Dance still have happened?

possibly. but under pressure still might’ve happened, depending on whether DB was around in Switzerland during that summer. & he still would’ve wanted to make a lot of money for a new label, and get hits in ‘82, so Let’s Dance may still have happened too




But I shot you! Yes, well, that was the plan, you see?

#JUST. PUNCH. HIM (via @clarabosswald)

“You know that thing I did to Clara once that I’ve been pointedly living down for two seasons now? I’m gonna do that to Bill, only way more traumatically and over the course of months.”

man this episode was just shit

Why is Ricky Gardiner so overlooked?

well, compared to the other Bowie lead guitarists, he’s a pretty marginal figure (his only tour was the brief DB/Iggy ‘77 one & he’s only on 1 DB album), though a very talented one. He’s essentially the Mick Wayne of Bowie’s ‘70s. But he wrote the almighty riff for “The Passenger” so the guy should always be remembered for that if nothing else

[on his comics being a stepping stone to mainstream work] That’s not the next step. Love and Rockets is the last step. I ‘made it’ when we did the first issue.
Jaime Hernandez (via tozozozo-x)