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China dissident Liu's condition critical, breathing failing, hospital says

By Christian Shepherd and Venus WuUpdated

Chinese Nobel Peace Prize-winning dissident Liu Xiaobo is in critical condition and his breathing is failing, the hospital treating him says.

Liu, a prominent participant in the Tiananmen pro-democracy protests of 1989, was jailed for 11 years in 2009 for "inciting subversion of state power" after helping to write a petition known as "Charter 08" calling for sweeping political reforms.

He was recently moved from jail to a hospital to be treated for late-stage liver cancer.

Liu's kidney and liver functions are failing and he suffers from blood clots, among other ailments. AP

Liu's kidney and liver functions are failing and he suffers from blood clots, among other ailments, the hospital in the city of Shenyang said on its website.

However, Liu's family has declined the use of intubation machinery to help him breathe with the aid of a plastic tube in his windpipe, the hospital said.


"The patient is in a critically ill condition, the hospital is doing all it can to save him, and his family members understand the situation and have given their signatures," it added, without elaborating.

The announcement suggested a significant deterioration in Liu's health since early on Wednesday, when the hospital said he was being treated for worsening liver function, septic shock and organ dysfunction.

Rights groups and Western governments have urged China to allow Liu and his wife, Liu Xia, to leave the country to be treated abroad, as Liu has said he wants.

But the government has warned against interference and has said Liu is being treated by renowned Chinese cancer experts.

He was recently moved from jail to a hospital to be treated for late-stage liver cancer. AP

Liu's international counsel Jared Genser told Reuters that getting him out of China for treatment was a realistic possibility if approval was granted soon.

"But time is of the essence," he said. "Every moment that passes makes that possibility more difficult."

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders repeated a call for Liu to be free to travel abroad for treatment.

"We remain concerned that Mr Liu and his family are unable to communicate with the outside world and that he is not free to seek the medical treatment of his choosing," she said.

A White House official said US President Donald Trump raised Liu's case in a July 2 telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, while the US national security adviser, HR McMaster, raised it with his Chinese counterpart at the G20 meeting last week.


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