Petya and Wannacry tip of the iceberg as Australian businesses fight ransomware

Businesses are advised not to pay ransoms when cyber crooks lock up their files.
Businesses are advised not to pay ransoms when cyber crooks lock up their files.
by Beverley Head

Petya and Wannacry are just the tip of the iceberg, according to experts, as Australian organisations work to figure out a feasible strategy for dealing with the increasing threat of ransomware.

The high profile global attacks have put the issue of hijacked computers on the radar of executives across the country, but law firm Minter Ellison said companies, including itself, are batting away a constant barrage of threats.

The company's chief information officer Gary Adler said Minter Ellison is hit with 10 million spam emails each year, with many of them would-be phishing and ransomware attacks. While most are kept at bay by a third party security service, he acknowledged that the firm has endured minor ransomware hits that had been managed by recovering information from back ups.

Ransomware is often unleashed when an unwitting employee clicks on an emailed link that contains malware, though it can also be injected into company computers through known software flaws. Once launched the ransomware locks up data until a ransom is paid in return for an encryption key.

People stand around at a supermarket in the Ukraine unable to pay for their shopping due to Petya ransomware affecting ...
People stand around at a supermarket in the Ukraine unable to pay for their shopping due to Petya ransomware affecting computers.

Mr Adler's philosophy regarding ransomware is clear: "If you haven't been attacked you will be attacked."

He has implemented a strict regime of regular patching, backups, education and testing to protect the firm and its 2000 computer users as best he can. But he recognises: "Law firms are the soft underbelly. We hold information about mergers and acquisitions, about government. We need to be extra vigilant."

Rival law firm DLA Piper was one of the organisations affected by the recent Petya ransomware attack forcing it to bring computing to a standstill to contain the situation. Clients and staff could not use email to communicate for up to five days.

According to the firm's latest statement on the attack, "We have seen no evidence that client data was taken or that there was a breach of confidentiality of that data", but its investigation is continuing.

According to the most recent BDO/AusCERT survey a quarter of Australian businesses had suffered a ransomware attack during the previous 12 months.

The ransom screen for WannaCry, which raised awareness of ransomware around the world in May.
The ransom screen for WannaCry, which raised awareness of ransomware around the world in May.

BDO Partner Leon Fouché said that recent ransomware attacks such as WannaCry and Petya had shifted the dial, and that instead of ad hoc one-off attacks, large-scale, organised waves of ransomware were becoming the norm with small and medium businesses at greatest risk.

The CIO of one Sydney property sector business contacted by The Australian Financial Review acknowledged the challenge, but asked that neither he nor his company be identified lest it turn it into a target. He believed that besides keeping a low profile, "One of the key things we find is having your systems well patched and up to date."

The organisation is also embracing more cloud solutions, which the CIO sees as something of a cyber security ally.

"One of the benefits of cloud is that it is incumbent on the provider to have the highest level of patching and security," he said.

However Steve Ingram, PwC's APAC cyber leader, warned that moving to the cloud was no guarantee of cyber safety. PwC has for example identified a Chinese-based threat called "cloud hopper" that compromises managed service providers as a route into other commercial or industrial targets.

In general terms, when it comes to cyber security, Mr Ingram said, "There are two sorts of organisations – those that are breached and know it, and those that are breached."

With specific regard to ransomware he said that one benefit for Australia in the recent WannaCry and Petya outbreaks had been the fact that the first instances had been reported in the northern hemisphere, ostensibly giving Australian business a half day heads up about the looming threat.

However, even with a head start, organisations can still get stung, and face the tricky question of whether to pay the ransom. 

Mr Fouché said the only way to combat the appeal of ransomware was to refuse to pay up, no matter how much it may seem like the only option. 

"You should never pay – but a lot of smaller businesses end up paying. If you pay once, the expectation is that you will pay the second time," he said.

According to Mr Ingram; "Unless you are in danger of losing life, never pay the ransom. Often as not you won't get access anyway."

Minter Ellison's Gary Adler maintains that while ransomware can't be eradicated, its effects can be ameliorated. But he warns that this requires concerted and consistent effort. "[Security] technology won't solve all your problems – it's one of four inputs along with process, policy, people and behaviours."