Businesses warned of insider cyber threat

One of the biggest cyber security threats to businesses comes from insiders.
One of the biggest cyber security threats to businesses comes from insiders. Shutterstock
by Paul Wallbank

When high-profile fashion startup Showpo found its customers were being contacted out of the blue by a competitor, its executives knew something was amiss. A quick check of their system logs showed its emerging competitive threat had come from within, as one of its employees had downloaded the business' critical client information.

The information had been passed on to competing website Black Swallow, and a subsequent legal action was settled out of court with substantial costs to everyone involved.

The story is far from unique in organisations of all sizes. While executives are increasingly awake to the cyber security threat from external crooks and hackers, the threat within their own four walls often passes by without sufficient attention. 

"The greatest threat to the security of companies is no longer the hacker attacking from beyond network walls," said Eric Meyer, CEO of threat intelligence service Apvera. "Now, it is the insiders already within those walls, and equipped with an all-access pass. Over 60 per cent of malicious attacks are carried out by insiders. "

Mr Meyer said an insider threat may be an employee who consciously or unwittingly exfiltrates data, sabotages a company's IT systems, or manipulates its data and systems.

He said cases of trusted insiders who abused their privileges to remove data included Edward Snowden's theft and disclosure of classified information in 2013, and Jun Xie's exfiltration of 2.4 million files from GE Healthcare's secure network in 2014.

Most recently he nominated the so-called Panama Papers, the unprecedented leak of 11.5 million files from the database of the world's fourth biggest offshore law firm, Mossack Fonseca, as an example of the threats posed from insiders.

Motivation of leakers

In an analysis of more than 120 United Kingdom-based insider cases in the public and private sectors between 2007 and 2012, the UK's Centre for the Protection of Financial Infrastructure found the motivations for internal security threats varied. Financial gain made up nearly half of the cases, while revenge and a desire for recognition in the organisation were also driving factors.

Further worrying for companies is a 2015 survey by US cyber security firm Clearswift, which polled more than 500 internet technology decision makers and 4000 employees in the United States, Europe, and Australia. It found a quarter employees would be willing to sell company data for less than $10,000.

"It's all about people, data and process," says Keith Lowry, senior vice president of Sydney security company, Nuix. "IT systems are not the answer, first and foremost it's a people problem. The second major thing is that dealing with insider threats is a process, not a destination.

"Too many people are chasing shadows, it's an education process, teaching them not to open suspicious emails and so on, but even CEOs open their own emails. There's all kind of scams out there but they are people scams, not technology scams."

For executives worried about the impact of insider threats within their organisations, the Federal Attorney General's department last year amended its 'Managing the insider threat to your business' publication to provide guidance for managers.

Key to the Federal Government's advice is to have rigorous recruitment procedures including properly checking references, watching for changes in staff behaviour and maintaining internal access and security controls on data.

Mr Meyer said organisations should also focus on monitoring behaviour on their networks to get early warning of untoward activity. 

"Companies overwhelmingly continue to direct security funding to traditional network defenses that fail to prevent damage from insiders, rather than collecting comprehensive data on user and system behaviour, advanced analytic tools and automated incident-responses," he said.