CEFC makes $150m loan to Moorebank freight hub, calls for greener transport

Governments are putting more pressure on companies to demonstrate their green credentials, CEFC chief executive Ian ...
Governments are putting more pressure on companies to demonstrate their green credentials, CEFC chief executive Ian Learmonth says. Kevin Chamberlain

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation says transport projects need to make a bigger effort to tackle carbon emissions after making a $150 million loan to the $1.9 billion Moorebank freight hub, its first investment in transport infrastructure.

"Governments that are commissioning infrastructure projects are increasingly putting pressure on the proponents in these tendering processes to demonstrate their green credentials," CEFC chief executive Ian Learmonth told The Australian Financial Review.

The transport sector, which contributes 17 per cent of Australia's total emissions, was quite "a way behind" the office and commercial building sector in tackling emissions, he said. "The property sector has a more developed ratings system."

The Moorebank hub, which is located in south-western Sydney and owned by logistics group Qube, received the financing because it will reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 110,000 tonnes annually by providing a rail link to Port Botany, reducing the numbers of trucks needed to move goods to and from the port.

The Moorebank freight hub will move containers to and from Port Botany by rail, reducing the number of trucks making the ...
The Moorebank freight hub will move containers to and from Port Botany by rail, reducing the number of trucks making the same journey. Supplied

Net reductions from carbon emissions are expected to reach 2 million tonnes over 40 years, including savings from the use of renewable energy at the freight hub, which will include solar power on warehouse roofs.

Qube CEO Maurice James said the company had expanded its plans to use renewable energy at the hub following discussions with the CEFC over the past six months, including ensuring that solar panels could recirculate electricity back into the freight hub.

Qube hopes to eventually capture the energy produced when containers are lowered by cranes off ships, and switch to fully electric AutoStrads – 10-metre-high unmanned machines that move and stack containers – using stored battery power. Its current AutoStrads have diesel/electric engines. 

While it would initially cost Qube more to install renewable power, the company was confident the investment would pay off, Mr James said. "All the primary work we've done suggests that based on reasonable assumptions for future power pricing, that it's very, very cost effective."

Renewable target


The CEFC, which is given $2 billion by the Commonwealth each year for a five-year period to invest in the clean energy sector, needs to invest at least half of its funds directly into renewable energy. It does not have a specific target for transport-related investment, but is considering other investment opportunities.

"Infrastructure as a sector is a substantial emitter of carbon so if we can tap into that particular corner of the market and help work with them to reduce carbon emissions, that's very interesting for us," Mr Learmonth said.

The Moorebank project was an "obvious" one to get involved with because the hub displaced road transport in favour of rail and the CEFC was able to encourage Qube to adopt solar energy, he added.

Transport emissions have been rising as Australia's population expands, with the majority of emissions coming from cars, commercial vehicles and trucks.

Road transport accounts for 85 per cent of overall transport emissions, although emissions from airplanes have been rising as more people fly more often.

Emissions in the transport sector have increased by 52 per cent since 1990, and are projected to rise a further 9 per cent on 2015 levels by 2020, according to the Environment and Energy Department.

The CEFC targets projects in which it sees opportunities to boost energy ratings or introduce renewable energy.

Influencing decisions

"We like to get in as early as we can and influence engineering and construction and design decisions as best we can, we've got a lot of experience in the property sector in this regard and we are trying to bring some of that experience and thinking to infrastructure," Mr Learmonth said.

The CEFC financing, which needs to be paid back, consists of a seven-year bilateral term debt facility, which is longer than traditional five-year banking facilities. The financing has helped Qube diversify its funding of Moorebank, Mr James said.

The Commonwealth is contributing an additional $370 million to the cost of building the freight hub as well as leasing 158 hectares of land to Qube, which already owns land at the site.

Moorebank will be the largest intermodal terminal in Australia when it starts operating in 2018, and is forecast to handle up to 1.05 million import and export containers annually as well as up to 500,000 interstate freight containers.

Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said the Moorebank project would help Australia meet emissions targets. As part of the Paris Agreement, Australia has committed to reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.