Peter Beattie and Mark Peters promise: no white elephants after Gold Coast Commonwealth Games

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games chairman Peter Beattie (left) and chief executive Mark Peters are leading planning ...
Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games chairman Peter Beattie (left) and chief executive Mark Peters are leading planning for the event. Tammy Law
by Peter Beattie and Mark Peters

Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie is the chairman of Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Former Australian Sports Commission chief executive Mark Peters is its CEO.

Mark Peters

I was CEO of the Australian Sports Commission and the Australian Institute of Sport for 10 years after the Sydney Olympics. The Queensland government contracted me to look at whether we had a chance of winning [the 2018 Commonwealth Games] because it was so close to the [2006] Melbourne games. Normally, the games go from Australia to Canada to England to New Zealand and then they might experiment with Delhi and then back to Australia.

We knew that the 2014 games were in Glasgow, so you weren’t going to get a bidder out of the UK. New Zealand had just had the Rugby World Cup so they weren’t going to bid, and Canada was still annoyed at the way India beat them [for the 2010 games] so they weren’t going to bid. So we had a real chance.

When the bid is being put together one of the biggest costs is the village where you have to house 6600 people. In some games, you’re building a new suburb but the Gold Coast didn’t need a new suburb, so the village was put next to the Gold Coast University hospital, across the road from Griffith University.

The new light rail means you can get to the beaches and the accommodation, so that became the key legacy: a health and knowledge precinct that would diversify the economy and strengthen the already developing education sector.

With Peter’s leadership we are on budget and things are being finished. A year out, most [games organisers] have already asked for additional money.

It’s [about] not being frightened to go back and review what you’ve put in the big book and not get precious about it. We had money to build a squash court, which was going to be temporary. We’ve taken that money, and with the state government and Village Roadshow, built a permanent facility [at the Warner Bros film studios], which is a massive legacy.

The velodrome is a $50-odd million expense and people go, “Oh cycling is so popular.” Well, road cycling is; if you look at velodromes they’re on an incredible angle and not very many people go recreationally track cycling. By locating it in Brisbane it opens the facility up to the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast and Brisbane. The state government has built a BMX track there and it’s now the state centre of cycling. You don’t have to put it on the coast because the games are on the coast. You put it there because there’s a long-term benefit for cycling in Queensland and Brisbane.

Shooting is [also in Brisbane] because in 1982 that was the range that we used for the Commonwealth Games. It was a pretty low-cost option for us to just upgrade.

In Cairns and Townsville, there’s also a massive arts and culture festival: it’s a celebration of the community, of what’s good about Queensland. That’s the other aspect that’s key: showing off our young and internationally renowned artists.

What that program enables us to do is to extend the Commonwealth Games beyond being a sporting event. Because China is not a Commonwealth country we can broaden the appeal through this as well as the games.

So the state government’s investment overall, if you take out the revenue side, is around $2 billion, but by the time we get revenue and everything else it’ll be down to somewhere between $1.3 billion and $1.5 billion, and the economic benefits are somewhere in the order of $3 billion-plus.

When you talk about leadership, what do you want people to remember about your city and your state after the games? That you’re credible and you do things and you care. We’ve got awards for sustainability that games don’t usually win. It says something about the Gold Coast and Queensland, and ultimately Australia, and that’s the image you want to keep promoting to people who are thinking about coming and visiting.

Peter Beattie

I was happily in retirement: I’m on an investment board in Melbourne and I do Sky News as well. I was asked by Annastacia Palaszczuk to do this and I did it because it’s an opportunity.

This is the biggest event in Queensland’s history and probably the biggest event in Australia for 20 years. This will totally, radically change the Gold Coast for the better. We’ll have better transport, the venues will be places for post-season and pre-season training, maybe even training in the lead-up to the Tokyo Olympics. This is actually an economic opportunity, not just a sporting event.

There will be no white elephants, this is about growing the economy, this is about changing the mix of the Gold Coast.

The biggest challenge is transport, it’s a nightmare simply because the Gold Coast is a narrow strip and there’s a lot of water.

Security is another matter. Luckily Mark had the foresight to get the security team to start years ago and they’re working closely with federal agencies, state police; a couple of Mark’s people have been over to the UK and France to have a look at the latest issues to deal with terrorism.

We’ve got to keep driving this, we’ve got nine months to go. The reactions [have] been amazing look at the fact that we asked for 15,000 volunteers and got 47,000 and ticket projections are ahead of what we projected, so we’re in a good space, but we continue to drive the promotion of it.

There’s a few firsts at this games: the first time that the number of medals for woman and men is exactly the same; there’s an integrated para-sports program, it’s the biggest para-sports that’s ever been in the Commonwealth Games.

Mark’s been the only consistency in this. We’ve had three chairmen, of which I’m the third. Mark did an enormous amount of work on Suncorp Stadium when my government built it and I knew of Mark’s good work then, and he was well-regarded and I knew he was someone who is practised and delivers.

When you’re a chair coming on, you want to make sure you have a good CEO and that was one of the things I checked before I accepted.

The beauty about Mark is he’s got a great network so you can run a good event. We have got someone who is well-regarded in the sporting community so he was pivotal to my accepting the position. I’ve seen the work he’s done and he’s been the rock of these games.

Peter Beattie and Mark Peters spoke to Patrick Durkin.

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