- published: 10 Apr 2017
- views: 72
Mark may refer to:
Yawara! Special 「ずっと君のことが…。」 / Yawara! Atlanta Special / 1996 [Japanese + SUB - ENG, ARA, RUS]
HideoTube (ヒデチュー) 第03回:企画展「GAME ON ~ゲームって なんで おもしろい?~」潜入取材
Telescopes Big and Small by Dr. Alan Tokunaga
"A Harmonica for Ronnie" a personal project by Mark Seymour
The Way of the Samurai (Documentary)
Naginata versus katana
Tokunaga Cup 2009
SF260: Acrobazie e Spettacolo tra Piemonte e Lombardia
OBLIVION - Harmonica Diatonic + How to play Tab
আন্তর্জাতিক খবর // আজকের আন্তর্জাতিক তাজা খবর // INSAN KHAN
1986年から1993年まで『ビッグコミックスピリッツ』(小学館)に連載された。第35回(平成元年度)小学館漫画賞受賞作。単行本全29巻。漫画文庫版は全19巻。 主人公・猪熊柔が、「普通」の女の子になりたいという願いと、自身の柔道の才能との間で葛藤しつつも、徐々にその力を発揮・自覚し、日本国内を始め世界のスポーツの祭典アトランタオリンピックまで雄飛してゆく姿を描く柔道恋愛漫画作品である。 柔道をテーマにしたスポーツ漫画としては異例の大ヒットを記録し、柔道ブームを巻き起こした。元は青年向け漫画であったため、初期にはお色気シーンもあったが、物語が進むにつれ徐々に減っていった。柔道ブームの火付け役でもあり、幅広い年齢層に多大な人気を博した。また、女子柔道の強者はそれまで『姿三四郎』からとったニックネーム女三四郎と呼ばれることが多かったが、この作品以降は「やわらちゃん」と呼ばれるようになった。この呼び名は谷亮子(連載当時は田村亮子)の愛称の元となった(#その他参照)が、「容姿が違い過ぎる」「猪熊柔は本来無差別級」などの理由で、その呼び名に異議を唱える者が続出した。 1989年に読売テレビ(日本テレビ系列)でテレビアニメ化され、同年に実写映画化もされている。アニメは1992年まで放送された。また、テレビアニメでは放送されなかったバルセロナオリンピック編は、後にアトランタオリンピックに合わせ、金曜ロードショーでTVスペシャルとして放送された。
HideoTube (ヒデチュー) 第3回 企画展「GAME ON ~ゲームって なんで おもしろい?~」潜入取材 チャンネル登録者数12万人突破! ・小島監督の近況報告 ・潜入!「GAME ON」 撮影場所:日本科学未来館(東京/お台場) 企画展「GAME ON ~ゲームって なんで おもしろい?~」 HP http://www.fujitv.co.jp/events/gameon/ KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS HP http://www.kojimaproductions.jp/ KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS スタッフ募集ページ http://www.kojimaproductions.jp/#careers KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS YouTubeチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6lUqvh42Oc3XL19Edgd9QA
Telescopes Big and Small by Dr. Alan Tokunaga While new large telescopes garner much of the press coverage, mid-size telescopes (less than about 4 meters in diameter) continue to be major contributors to astronomical research. Dr. Alan Tokunaga, who grew up on Maui, is the director of the 3.0-meter NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea that is operated for NASA by the University of Hawaii, and is dedicated to planetary science and mission support. He will highlight the research done with the IRTF and will also review the increase of telescope aperture over the past 400 years, including telescopes as large as 40 meters in diameter that are now being planned. UH Institute for Astronomy Recorded 01/10/2014 at the Advanced Technology Research Center in Pukalani, Maui, Hawaii...
Watch our exclusive interview with Mark Seymour about his recent exhibition ‘A Harmonica for Ronnie’. In this interview Mark talks through the back story to his recent exhibition ‘A Harmonica for Ronnie’, a heartfelt project charting his father’s decline through Alzheimer’s. Mark discusses the creation of the project as well as how it has gone on to become such a huge success. It’s links to such a prominent disease and the emotional power of the images helped to engage a wide range of people who then wanted to help spread the message further, ultimately leading to the exhibition itself and tying it in with Alzheimer’s awareness month. Ultimately great images and a strong story are the key elements in documentary, but having a relevant subject at the right time can also be a crucial part o...
In the early 16th century, Japan is a warlike society ruled by samurai and their daimyo warlords. When Portuguese merchants arrive in 1543, they are the first Europeans to set foot in Japan. Missionaries quickly set out to convert the nation to Christianity. In the same year, a samurai boy named Tokugawa Ieyasu is born to a low ranking daimyo family. To prove his family's loyalty to their ruling warlord, Ieyasu is given as a hostage where he remains for most of his childhood. When he is finally freed, he reclaims his family's domain and allies himself with the most powerful rulers in Japan: Oda Nobunaga, and his successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi awards him a small fishing village named Edo, later to be known as Tokyo, and provides him with a vast area to rule. But Hideyoshi and Ieya...
*How to play Tab now added. Click on Show More * This is my cover of this beautiful melody by Astor Piazzolla. My thanks to Maxime for the lovely piano backing and for inspiring me to play this. I'm playing a Bb diatonic harmonica and at a regular tempo. Oblivion – Astor Piazzolla Harmonica Tab by Grey Owl On a B Flat Diatonic Harmonica -6 = draw hole 6 +5 = blow hole 5 -3’ = half step draw bend on hole 3 -3’’ = Whole step draw bend on hole 3 -3’’’ = One and a half step draw bend on hole 3 +6OB = Overblow on hole 6 -6_____ +6 -5 +5 -4 -5__ +5 -4 +4 -3' -4_ +4 -3' +4_ -3' -3'' -3'_ -3'' -2 ,-3''/-3’/-3’’/-3’/3’’ -3'' -6____ +6 -5 +5 -4 -5__ +5 -4 +4 -3' -4___ +4 -3' -3'' -3'__ -4 +6 -6 +6OB__ -6_ +6_ -6__ +6__ -5 +5 -3'''_ -3''__-4__ -4 +5 -5__ -4 +5 -5 +5 +6 +4 -3' -3'' +5__ -4 -5 ...
1986年から1993年まで『ビッグコミックスピリッツ』(小学館)に連載された。第35回(平成元年度)小学館漫画賞受賞作。単行本全29巻。漫画文庫版は全19巻。 主人公・猪熊柔が、「普通」の女の子になりたいという願いと、自身の柔道の才能との間で葛藤しつつも、徐々にその力を発揮・自覚し、日本国内を始め世界のスポーツの祭典アトランタオリンピックまで雄飛してゆく姿を描く柔道恋愛漫画作品である。 柔道をテーマにしたスポーツ漫画としては異例の大ヒットを記録し、柔道ブームを巻き起こした。元は青年向け漫画であったため、初期にはお色気シーンもあったが、物語が進むにつれ徐々に減っていった。柔道ブームの火付け役でもあり、幅広い年齢層に多大な人気を博した。また、女子柔道の強者はそれまで『姿三四郎』からとったニックネーム女三四郎と呼ばれることが多かったが、この作品以降は「やわらちゃん」と呼ばれるようになった。この呼び名は谷亮子(連載当時は田村亮子)の愛称の元となった(#その他参照)が、「容姿が違い過ぎる」「猪熊柔は本来無差別級」などの理由で、その呼び名に異議を唱える者が続出した。 1989年に読売テレビ(日本テレビ系列)でテレビアニメ化され、同年に実写映画化もされている。アニメは1992年まで放送された。また、テレビアニメでは放送されなかったバルセロナオリンピック編は、後にアトランタオリンピックに合わせ、金曜ロードショーでTVスペシャルとして放送された。
HideoTube (ヒデチュー) 第3回 企画展「GAME ON ~ゲームって なんで おもしろい?~」潜入取材 チャンネル登録者数12万人突破! ・小島監督の近況報告 ・潜入!「GAME ON」 撮影場所:日本科学未来館(東京/お台場) 企画展「GAME ON ~ゲームって なんで おもしろい?~」 HP http://www.fujitv.co.jp/events/gameon/ KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS HP http://www.kojimaproductions.jp/ KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS スタッフ募集ページ http://www.kojimaproductions.jp/#careers KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS YouTubeチャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6lUqvh42Oc3XL19Edgd9QA
Telescopes Big and Small by Dr. Alan Tokunaga While new large telescopes garner much of the press coverage, mid-size telescopes (less than about 4 meters in diameter) continue to be major contributors to astronomical research. Dr. Alan Tokunaga, who grew up on Maui, is the director of the 3.0-meter NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea that is operated for NASA by the University of Hawaii, and is dedicated to planetary science and mission support. He will highlight the research done with the IRTF and will also review the increase of telescope aperture over the past 400 years, including telescopes as large as 40 meters in diameter that are now being planned. UH Institute for Astronomy Recorded 01/10/2014 at the Advanced Technology Research Center in Pukalani, Maui, Hawaii...
Watch our exclusive interview with Mark Seymour about his recent exhibition ‘A Harmonica for Ronnie’. In this interview Mark talks through the back story to his recent exhibition ‘A Harmonica for Ronnie’, a heartfelt project charting his father’s decline through Alzheimer’s. Mark discusses the creation of the project as well as how it has gone on to become such a huge success. It’s links to such a prominent disease and the emotional power of the images helped to engage a wide range of people who then wanted to help spread the message further, ultimately leading to the exhibition itself and tying it in with Alzheimer’s awareness month. Ultimately great images and a strong story are the key elements in documentary, but having a relevant subject at the right time can also be a crucial part o...
In the early 16th century, Japan is a warlike society ruled by samurai and their daimyo warlords. When Portuguese merchants arrive in 1543, they are the first Europeans to set foot in Japan. Missionaries quickly set out to convert the nation to Christianity. In the same year, a samurai boy named Tokugawa Ieyasu is born to a low ranking daimyo family. To prove his family's loyalty to their ruling warlord, Ieyasu is given as a hostage where he remains for most of his childhood. When he is finally freed, he reclaims his family's domain and allies himself with the most powerful rulers in Japan: Oda Nobunaga, and his successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi awards him a small fishing village named Edo, later to be known as Tokyo, and provides him with a vast area to rule. But Hideyoshi and Ieya...
*How to play Tab now added. Click on Show More * This is my cover of this beautiful melody by Astor Piazzolla. My thanks to Maxime for the lovely piano backing and for inspiring me to play this. I'm playing a Bb diatonic harmonica and at a regular tempo. Oblivion – Astor Piazzolla Harmonica Tab by Grey Owl On a B Flat Diatonic Harmonica -6 = draw hole 6 +5 = blow hole 5 -3’ = half step draw bend on hole 3 -3’’ = Whole step draw bend on hole 3 -3’’’ = One and a half step draw bend on hole 3 +6OB = Overblow on hole 6 -6_____ +6 -5 +5 -4 -5__ +5 -4 +4 -3' -4_ +4 -3' +4_ -3' -3'' -3'_ -3'' -2 ,-3''/-3’/-3’’/-3’/3’’ -3'' -6____ +6 -5 +5 -4 -5__ +5 -4 +4 -3' -4___ +4 -3' -3'' -3'__ -4 +6 -6 +6OB__ -6_ +6_ -6__ +6__ -5 +5 -3'''_ -3''__-4__ -4 +5 -5__ -4 +5 -5 +5 +6 +4 -3' -3'' +5__ -4 -5 ...