

Trump says 'something happened' with Russia meddling in US election

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Washington: US President Donald Trump admitted on Wednesday "something happened" with regards to Russian meddling in the 2016 election, suggesting he is supportive of investigations into the matter.

In a White House interview with Reuters, Trump said he directly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin if he was involved in what US intelligence says was Russian involvement in the campaign and that Putin had insisted he was not.

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Articles of impeachment introduced against Trump

A Democratic lawmaker has introduced articles of impeachment against US President Donald Trump, but without the support of many colleagues in the House.

Trump said he spent the first 20 or 25 minutes of his long meeting with Putin at the G20 summit Hamburg on Friday, on the election meddling subject.

"I said, 'Did you do it?' And he said, 'No, I did not. Absolutely not'. I then asked him a second time in a totally different way. He said absolutely not," Trump said.

Asked if he believed Putin's denial, Trump paused.

"Look. Something happened and we have to find out what it is, because we can't allow a thing like that to happen to our election process. So something happened and we have to find out what it is," he said.


About Putin he added: "Somebody did say if he did do it, you wouldn't have found out about it. Which is a very interesting point."

While US intelligence agencies and even members of Trump's Cabinet have said Russia meddled in the election, Trump has wavered on the subject, at times suggesting that other actors might have been involved.

Trump equivocated on whether he felt he could trust Putin. He said Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping both look out for their country's interests, as he looks out for US interests.

"I am not a person who goes around trusting lots of people. But he's the leader of Russia. It is the second most powerful nuclear power on earth. I am the leader of the United States. I love my country. He loves his country," Trump said.

But as in the past, Trump said there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia.

"There was zero coordination. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," he said.

Seated at his Oval Office desk on Wednesday, US time, Trump said he did not fault his son for holding the meeting with lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June last year, writing it off as a decision made in the heat of an upstart, non-traditional campaign.

"I think many people would have held that meeting," Trump said.

Asked if he knew that his son was meeting with the lawyer, the President said he wasn't aware. 

"No, that I didn't know until a couple of days ago when I heard about this".

Trump jnr eagerly agreed to meet the woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have damaging information about his father's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as part of Moscow's official support for his father's campaign, according to emails the son released on Tuesday. 

The emails were the most concrete evidence that Trump campaign officials might have been willing to accept Russian help to win the November 8 election, a subject that has cast a cloud over Trump's presidency and prompted investigations by the US Justice Department and Congress.

Trump jnr, in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, said: "In retrospect, I probably would have done things a little differently."

On Tuesday, Veselnitskaya told journalists in Moscow she did not have compromising information to share at the meeting.

The Republican President said Democrats had used the accusations to justify Clinton's loss in November, saying: "The White House is functioning beautifully despite the hoax made up by the Democrats."

Although he and Putin were able to forge a ceasefire agreement in part of Syria, Trump said their interests collided over other issues. He said his US military build-up and drive to increase US energy production were in direct conflict with Putin, whose nation is dependent on energy exports.

Their differences made him wonder whether Putin really had supported him last year, as many news reports have suggested.

"It's really the one question I wish I would have asked Putin: Were you actually supporting me?"

The interview comes as CNN broadcast a segment including videos which show Trump meeting and dining with Russian singer Emin Agalarov, son of Trump business partner, billionaire Aras Agalarov. At the dinner is also Rob Goldstone, the British music promoter whose emails indicated he set up the meeting with the Russian lawyer.

The segment also includes clips of Trump at the Miss Universe 2013 where he extols the political importance of the beauty pageant in approximating the US and Russia. 

Reuters with Fairfax Media