Small Business


Should you be allowed to work anywhere, anytime?

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Many companies have improved workplace flexibility by allowing staff to work occasionally from home. What if they took the concept to its limit, allowing all staff to work anywhere, anytime, provided the work gets done?

A young employee might travel through Europe, working for his Australian employer during the day and experiencing the local culture at night. A parent with young children might work exclusively from home, between school drop-off and pick-up times and later at night.

An older worker might move to a seaside location as part of their retirement planning, still working full-time for their city-based employer.

Each worker is connected to their employer online and their output is indistinguishable from that produced at head office.

Established organisations that allow millennials (roughly aged 25 to 36) to combine their love of travel with a full-time career and regular pay would be swamped with applications.

My guess is that some would take a pay cut if they could combine travel and work, be more loyal to their employer and have higher productivity because they love life.


The business would have a better chance of attracting and retaining star young talent, slash its costs and potentially have an international network of staff that could grow the business in new directions. Work would be more of a lifestyle than a job.

The idea is not as crazy as it sounds. Some new ventures have moved to this model – partly because their young entrepreneurial founders love to travel. Some freelancers I know combine work and travel. Others in the so-called gig economy who are self-employed on projects also enjoy the work anytime, anywhere model.

The concept does not only suit tech businesses or those relying on project-based workers. With a bit of foresight, established businesses that need a physical head office, deal with the public and have lots of staff, could move to more of an online model.

I'm not suggesting big companies suddenly become virtual operations. They wouldn't and couldn't. But is it a stretch to suggest more ventures will be established from day one as virtual businesses and others will flip the 80/20 model (80 per cent of work done from the office, the rest from working a day each week from home) on its head?

Here, the worker spends most of their time outside the office and comes to a work location or company-sponsored co-working space when they want to interact face-to-face with peers.

The young employee travelling overseas might spend 20 per cent of their work time in Australia each year, working from head office over a two- or three-month block.

Across occupations, people are spending less physical time with clients and more time servicing and communicating with them online.

You're thinking, employers would be crazy to give workers so much autonomy. They are paid to work and be available at short notice, not receive regular pay as they traipse around Europe.

Clearly, the work anywhere, anytime model does not suit all organisations. Or all employees: many staff like going to a physical work location each day and interacting with their peers; others need regular supervision.

Head offices exist for a reason. Something is lost when too many staff work remotely and personal interaction is lacking. Creativity, innovation, organisational culture and staff development can suffer.

Most organisations have insufficient systems and reporting to manage virtual workforces. Managers are not trained in leading staff based in multiple locations. Company security systems are not designed for virtual workforces. Staff output is not well measured. Communication is haphazard or lacks transparency.

And working outside head office can mean being forgotten about. Careers suffer.

These are complex issues. Moving from a physical business with a small virtual presence, to the opposite, is a huge change for industry and society. Most organisations and employees are not used to working this way and it contradicts traditional business thinking.

But consider the trends: more organisations forming autonomous project teams rather than relying on traditional management hierarchies; start-ups adopting "capital light" business models that do not rely on costly physical locations to operate; and more products and services being sold and fulfilled online.

Then there's social change: a new generation of workers who do not want to be tied to an office cubicle or micro-managed each day; millennials who want to combine work and travel, experiencing things now rather than wait until retirement; and technology that makes it easier than ever to communicate and work online.

Making this model work means creating and maintaining a virtual organisation culture – an easier task for emerging, rather than established, businesses.

Some ventures have weekly online staff meetings and are in regular contact via messaging apps. They have online "dashboards" – information systems so staff know exactly how the business is performing, their task schedule and a transparent record of staff output.

They still do performance reviews, help staff develop careers, manage underperforming employees and all the other issues that come with a small business. It's just that 80 per cent of it is done online and 20 per cent in an office setting.

I suspect this model is already entrenched in more businesses than is widely realised. Across occupations, people are spending less physical time with clients and more time servicing and communicating with them online. How many times do you meet your accountant, financial planner or other service provider in a physical setting each year?

Who is to say your service provider cannot give the same value if they work where and when it suits them. They might offer a better service than those who lose too much of their life each week to commuting, boring office cubicles or daydreaming about a better lifestyle.

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