Operation Trojan T-Shirt

Operation Trojan T-Shirt

Operation Trojan T-Shirt

The anti-racism organization EXIT from Germany caused a stir in the right-wing extremists scene. They distributed 250 t-shirts on the right-wing rock festival “Rock in Germany” on 6 August in Gera.
The print on the t-shirt shows a familiar visual for the visitors. “Hardcore Rebellen” which means “Hardcore Rebels”.

24 hours after the festival, the first text messages where send by some new t-shirt owners with the following warning: “Caution fake!
After washing another print became visible:
“Was dein T-Shirt kann, kannst du auch” / “You can do the same what your t-shirt did”. The EXIT logo became visible too.
EXIT is a well known organization in Germany, also amongst the extreme right movement.

Bernd Wagner, the founder of Exit-Germany says about this action: “With the T-shirts we wanted to make our services known in the scene and appeal to the young and not so well-established right-wing extremists”.

German news footage:


About NYC Antifa

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