

Global freedom to cooperate voluntarily. There's no true justice or freedom until all have it. There are enough resources for all. Sharing gives synergy to all.

Beigetreten Februar 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    22. Dez. 2015

    Note: I'm not a journalist. I just believe that reporting events as accurately as I can will help move the world in a positive direction.

  2. 3. Sep.
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    I've had to poweroff/on three times just to post the previous tirade. This is life for "Soros-funded protesters" (a.k.a., no funds at all).

  3. 3. Sep.
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    If you know why HDDs may go "dunkdunkdunkdunk…BEEEEP!!", then switch from near silent to 1980s audibility and bad performance… let me know?

  4. 3. Sep.
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    Of course, that tweet years ago was horribly offensively profiteering and I should be ostracized for it: :-D *sigh*

  5. 3. Sep.
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    …and no, not fundraising to enable my having platform to stay online. Did that for roof over head in ONE tweet once. Made friends block me.

  6. 3. Sep.

    Sorry for forced to absence. Again trying to persuade my dying hardware to survive a bit longer… at least until I can afford replacing it.

  7. hat retweetet
    1. Sep.

    HACK-A-LONG: Let's expose passwords ~ no front friday issue 4 ~

  8. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.
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    P.S.: Is EXTRA needed if your followers are NOT in Sweden. People in Sweden know. Let others know also, so they can help stop Nazis too.

  9. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.

    Please help distributing these two, so people interested in stopping Nazis know where to go:

  10. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.
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    Also, a call to everyone to fight the Nazi march, from Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance ():

  11. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.

    ~3200 said they will go and ~6900 "interested" so far in going to counter-demo the Nazi NMR's demo at Gothenburg Book Fair on September 30.

  12. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.

    Find someone that loves you as much as the Washington Post Editorial Board loves fascists

  13. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.

    Good news from : Georgian neo- beaten up by comrades after counter-protest in tonight.

  14. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.

    Galician activists from the BNG occupy a building of Franco's dictator family. It's a public space!

    , , und 6 weitere
  15. 30. Aug.

    "Antifa will enable backlash against anti-fascism" says those literally creating backlash against anti-fascism… they weren't in, in any way.

  16. 30. Aug.

    GOPs will oppose antifa because they overlap with fascists. Dems same so people won't find options less authoritarian and more "left" work.

  17. 30. Aug.
    Antwort an

    P.S.: Is EXTRA needed if your followers are NOT in Sweden. People in Sweden know. Let others know also, so they can help stop Nazis too.

  18. 30. Aug.

    Please help distributing these two, so people interested in stopping Nazis know where to go:

  19. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.

    More beatings, torture in Tarsus Prison!

  20. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.
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    ...or if I allow myself a longer comparison on how astoundingly opposite of correct such a statement is:

  21. hat retweetet
    30. Aug.
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    When calls for direct & constant rule by people over themselves (more democracy) is labeled "threat to democracy"" and centrists cheer. :-D

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