Gun-Wielding RMT Union Boss Backs “Militants” to Take Out Blairite “C***s”

Readers will remember RMT union boss Steve Hedley, a Corbynista who ignored the kinder, gentler mantra to call fellow Labour members “careerist little sh*ts” and “right wing traitors”. Hedley had to serve a suspension from the Labour Party, though they let him back in earlier this year. Seems he has not learned his lesson. Agreeing with a Facebook friend’s complaint that the Scottish Labour Party is full of “Brownite and Blairite c***s who can’t wait to drive the knife in JC’s back”, Hedley called for “working class militants” to “clean house”.

The RMT is set to re-affiliate to the Labour Party since they love Jezza so much. Steve Hedley is the RMT’s assistant general secretary and a Labour Party member. Keeping the compliance unit busy…

Labour Mayor Accused of Running Over OAP

Labour mayor of Middlesbrough Dave Budd has been accused of “running over” an old age pensioner in a row over a complaint about a cracked pavement. Great-grandfather Patrick McGill, 68, is said to have ended up “sprawled on the bonnet” of the mayor’s car when he confronted him over issue last weekend. The Sunday Post reports that an argument took place and Mayor Budd “allegedly… drove forward after asking the pensioner to move“. Earlier this year McGill was left with a fractured hand when he tripped over the pavement he wanted to complain about. Cleveland Police told Guido:

“We received a telephone complaint at around 1:30pm on Saturday 1st July reporting that a man had been injured by a car near to Middlesbrough Town Hall. We have spoken with the complainant to gain further information.”

A spokesman for Dave Budd at Middlesbrough Council said:

“There’s nothing to say.”

Don’t get on the wrong side of Mayor Dave Budd…

May’s Year in Numbers

Theresa May’s YouGov positivity rating has gone from just less than zero to minus 50 in the last 12 months.

Last year IPSOS Mori gave her an impressive plus 35 net approval rating, she has swung 42 points to a minus 7 rating. She still has a higher rating than Corbyn, though her 68 point advantage is now just 4 points. She’s going to need a lot more of these ‘human’ interviews with Emma Barnett if that is going to change…

Select Committtee Chair Results in Full

The successful candidates are:

Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (Labour) – Rachel Reeves
Communities and Local Government (Labour) – Clive Betts
Defence (Conservative) – Dr Julian Lewis
Education (Conservative) – Robert Halfon
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Conservative) – Neil Parish
Foreign Affairs (Conservative) – Tom Tugendhat
Northern Ireland Affairs (Conservative) – Dr Andrew Murrison
Science and Technology (Liberal Democrat) – Norman Lamb
Transport (Labour) – Lilian Greenwood
Treasury (Conservative) – Nicky Morgan

‘Friends’ of Seumas are Liars

Robert Mendick in The Telegraph has been speaking to ‘friends’ of Seumas Milne who say he was “not a willing participant” in the hour long public display of affection last Thursday night. Guido’s co-conspirator with the camera-phone says otherwise. The ‘friend’ says “I know the pictures tell a different story… But I know there is nothing going on. I don’t think it’s a quick snog. There may have been a bit of nuzzling on her part but if you look at Seumas’s face, you can see he is not a willing participant.” How did Jennifer Robinson get him to hold her head? Did she suck his tongue out of him against his will as well?

Guido suspects Cristina won’t believe him the ‘friend’ and given that Seumas did not do his usual post-PMQs briefing, he didn’t fancy getting a ribbing from the Lobby lads who also don’t him believe. Or perhaps he is hiding a black eye when he failed to duck a flying plate of pasta?

Talking of pasta here is another picture of the couple snapped by a Guido co-conspirator in Ciao Bella. This time in a more discreet corner behind a pillar in the Bloomsbury Italian restaurant which is popular with lawyers. It was taken late on a Friday night a few months ago. It was March 10, if you are interested, Cristina…

DPMQs Sketch: Shadow Cabinet Ladies Night

With the boss otherwise engaged, Damian Green strolled down to the country pub for a quiet pint. He found himself at the shadow cabinet’s all-women lock-in being held at a suburban All Bar One. This was Emily Thornberry’s lunchtime on the tiles; this was her at 3AM at 12 midday. Clothed from head-to-toe in lip-stick-red – a flash of gold from the earrings – Green could not hope to match the entirely unwarranted yet somehow lethal sass of this plump old lawyer as she played the common cougar. Minutes earlier Thornberry is in the Common’s ladies loo, looking at herself over and over again in the mirror (you suspect Green doesn’t ever look). She winks at herself, blows herself a kiss. Don’t you look good darling. You go give it to him; you are the hen at the party. He’s only a man…

Green would confirm Lady Nugee’s long-held views of all those unfortunate enough to have been born with a penis. Like every doddery old bloke in the history of human race, the First Secretary brought his punishment entirely upon himself. Immediately joking about women and leadership when up against Thornberry is ill-advised. He tried this one: “There are many distinguished people – of both sexes – who have done [PMQs] in this party, because we of course elect women leaders.” If there are two things Emily Thornberry is sure of – and there may only be two such things in the universe – it’s that she is a woman and that she is a leader. Instantly she parries: three Labour women had led at PMQs since Theresa May came on the scene. Don’t start with me boy, I’ll make mincemeat out of you… Continue reading

Bookie self-regulator goes into hiding as gambling sites found to be ripping people off

An eight-month investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has revealed that people are not getting the deals they expected from gambling sign-up promotions, and sites are unfairly holding on to customers’ money. The CMA said it was taking action against “a number of operators” suspected of breaking the law.

Nisha Arora from the CMA said: “New customers are being enticed by tempting promotions only to find the dice are loaded against them. And players can find a whole host of hurdles in their way when they want to withdraw their money.” Adding that customers were sometimes forced to play hundreds of times before they were allowed to withdraw their money, denying them the choice to “quit while they’re ahead.”

Ten years since the enactment of the Gambling Act and the formation of the Gambling Commission, this is a conclusion that millions of gamblers have been painfully aware of.

If the Senet Group, the industry-funded self-regulator, actually did what it says it does: “promote responsible gambling standards and ensure that the marketing of gambling is socially responsible” this would not be an issue, so proving that self-regulation does not work.

Wanda Goldwag, the “independent standards commissioner” appointed by the Senet Group, who regularly shows up in Westminster with PR spin initiatives, has gone silent and missing since the CMA news that her members could be subject to legal actions.

Wanda – where are you?  

Content produced and sponsored by Stop the FOBTS.

I, Hypocrite

The miserabalist left-wing film director Ken Loach is joining the chorus of anti-Israelis trying to get Radiohead to abandon playing in Tel Aviv.  Thom Yorke says Radiohead have performed in Israel for 20 years and “we don’t endorse Netanyahu any more than Trump, but we still play in America”. Quite.

The pernicious cultural boycott that the left is seeking is part of their effort to demonise the only Western-style liberal democracy in the Middle East. Nevertheless you can still enjoy Hollywood movies in Tel Aviv cinemas. You can even enjoy left-wing art house type films. In fact if you pop down to the Lev Cinema in Tel Aviv you catch the afternoon showing of “I, Daniel Blake” directed by, err, Ken Loach…

Mrs Milne Lawyers Up

Seumas Milne’s wife Cristina Montanari has taken legal advice – Guido’s betting she didn’t ask hubby if he knew anyone who could help. The Milnes are threatening the press with legal action if they attempt to contact them:

We have been contacted by Howe & Co on behalf of Cristina Montanari & Family.

They say their client will not be making any comments or statements in relation to matters that are currently circulating about her and her family in the press and media. No other member of her family will be making any comments or statements. They ask that press desist from asking questions and refrain from entering onto their client’s property.

They ask that media refrain from calling to the door of the family home (including knocking at the family’s door or ringing the doorbell), as all licences to enter onto the property have been revoked. Any distress caused to their client will result in legal proceedings being issued for damages against those individuals and press or media outlets involved.

They say the attempts by members of the press and media, including repeated attempts, to contact their client and/or members of her family are unwanted. Their client considers the media’s presence outside her family home, despite requests to leave is intimidating and harassing. Media must cease all attempts to contact Cristina Montanari and/or member of her family and must leave the vicinity of her family home.

Notable that Seumas isn’t actually mentioned in the legal threat. A situation where the press aren’t allowed to phone up a Director of Communications would be somewhat unorthodox…

The Lady Vanishes: May Removed From Tory Website Splash

The PM used to take pride of place on the website splash:

There she was during the election:

And on election day:

Today, she is nowhere to be seen:

The lady vanishes… (© Labour’s Toby Perkins)

Dromey Repeatedly Swears During Abuse Debate

Completely inexplicable from Jack Dromey, who repeatedly swore during a Daily Politics discussion on abusive language in politics, before being told to pack it in by Andrew Neil. What was he thinking? Did he have a bet on?

DPMQs: Who’s Asking the Questions?

The Prime Minister is welcoming the King and Queen of Spain so First Secretary of State Damian Green is standing in. Emily Thornberry leads for Labour.

Q1 Caroline Flint (Don Valley) If she will list her official engagements for Wednesday 12 July. (900401)

Q2 Jeremy Lefroy (Stafford)

Q3 David Morris (Morecambe and Lunesdale)

Q4 Alison Thewliss (Glasgow Central)

Q5 Neil O’Brien (Harborough)

Q6 Dan Jarvis (Barnsley Central)

Q7 Kit Malthouse (North West Hampshire)

Q8 Mr Graham Brady (Altrincham and Sale West)

Q9 Dr Rupa Huq (Ealing Central and Acton)

Q10 Mrs Maria Miller (Basingstoke)

Q11 Michael Tomlinson (Mid Dorset and North Poole)

Q12 Toby Perkins (Chesterfield)

Q13 Andrew Selous (South West Bedfordshire)

Q14 Rosie Cooper (West Lancashire)

Comments in the comments…

Gibraltar Flag Flies as King of Spain Visits

The Gibraltar flag flies proudly on Parliament Square this morning, ahead of the King of Spain’s visit later today. He’ll be driven right under it…

Top Corbyn Aide Sided With Assad and Putin

Following Guido’s story yesterday, Jeremy Corbyn gets a lot of criticism in today’s papers for his links to an Assad-supporting genocide denier. Of course it should come as no surprise that the Labour leader’s office is sympathetic to people with such views. Take Steve Howell, Corbyn’s deputy director of strategy and comms, one of his most senior aides (and a former colleague of Seumas Milne at the Stalinist newspaper Straight Left). His Twitter feed is full of tweets promoting Assadists, siding with Assad and Putin, accusing Western media of spinning the Aleppo slaughter, blaming Ukraine on the West, defending Russia Today, and even spinning Russian hacking of the US election in support of Putin.

These views are commonplace at the very top of Corbyn’s Labour…

Another Hard-Left Agitator Tricks BBC News

On last night’s BBC Six O’Clock News, Kamal Ahmed presented a package on the Taylor Report which included an interview with one Felicity Flynn. Flynn was introduced by name only and captioned as a “former zero hours worker”. She had clearly been invited to Millbank studios to tape just a few seconds of her condemning “insecure work“. Yet Felicity Flynn is not your average “former zero hours contract worker”…

She is in fact the Vice Chair of South Norwood Labour Party. She describes herself in her Twitter bio as a “socialist”, and her social media is awash with pictures of her campaigning for Labour at the general election. Moreover, she’s a rep for the PCS union, which might have been important to mention given the topic of the report. This came on the same day that the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme introduced a Corbynista union activist as a “Deliveroo rider“, also in its Taylor Report coverage. This keeps happening. Either the Beeb is getting taken in by these hard-left agitators – which is incompetence – or they are complicit, which is worse…

Welsh Labour’s Stunning Tuition Fees Hypocrisy

The Welsh Labour government has announced a hike in tuition fees just weeks after pledging to scrap them during the election. Welsh Labour’s manifesto stated that “Welsh Labour has always been clear that education should be free and if funding allowed, there should be no tuition fees”. During the election First Minister Carwyn Jones said “it would be difficult to conceive” a scenario where Welsh Labour did not match the UK Labour Party’s pledge to abolish fees. Last night the Welsh Labour government announced fees would rise to £9,295 from autumn 2018 because “our universities must be able to compete domestically and internationally”. The Welsh Tories called it “amazing hypocrisy”A message to student voters that when actually in power, Labour puts up tuition fees. Carwyn Jones’ Nick Clegg moment…

Corbyn ‘Spent Yesterday Evening’ With Assad-Loving Genocide Denier

Marcus Papadopoulos is a notorious Assad supporter who claimed the slaughter at Aleppo didn’t happen and denied the Srebrenica genocide. As you can see from his tweets above, he holds the very worst of the views found on the extremes of the far-left. Papadopoulos says he spent yesterday evening with Jeremy Corbyn:

A reminder that cuddly Corbyn hasn’t changed, this is the sort of person he hangs around with…

Aldi Creates 4,000 New Jobs #DespiteBrexit

After the referendum Remain soothsayers predicted disaster for Aldi. The FT reported:

Aldi and Lidl face threat from weak pound – Aldi and Lidl face having their advance against the Big Four supermarkets checked… A fall in sterling will push prices up for everyone who sources products from Europe, but Aldi and Lidl will be affected more than most

How’d that one work out? Aldi today announced it will create 4,000 new jobs after a “surge in sales”. Aldi also said it remains on course to open 300 new stores, taking its presence from 700 to 1,000 shops by 2022. CEO Matthew Barnes emphasised the business’s growth prospects:

“We need more high-performing individuals to help us achieve our growth plans.”

The Remain dinner party class should pop down to Aldi…

Taylor Report Coverage Hijacked by Union Sock Puppets

Coverage of this morning’s Taylor review of the gig economy was hijacked by Corbynista trade union activists, Guido can reveal. Sky News and the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme interviewed two Deliveroo riders, each of whom were presented as representative of ordinary workers, but are in fact hard-left organisers for the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB). Meanwhile, Wired ran a piece headlined “a courier’s view” written by another IWGB organiser. The union supported Corbyn’s leadership bid, and both Corbyn and McDonnell has spoken on IWGB demos. Like the wheel of a Deliveroo bicycle, all the contributors did was spin…

The rider featured in Wired, Guy McClenahan, refers to himself on social media as a “communist“. He branded Conservative voters “c****” and suggested Theresa May wants to hunt poor people with dogs. Wired neglect to provide this context…

Ben Geraghty, captioned on Sky as a “Deliveroo driver“, has been referred to by the IWGB as “one of our key activists“. He has been supported by the highly controversial anarchist Class War group who smashed up a Shoreditch cafe in response to the “gentrification” of the area. No mention of that in the Sky interview…

Megan Brown, captioned on Victoria Derbyshire as “courier for food delivery company” is in fact the IWGB courier branch chair. Buzzfeed reported that she took Deliveroo to court. She’s also given quotes about her work with the union to the Telegraph. The only thing these couriers deliver is their union’s lines…

Osborne Defends BlackRock’s £500 Million Investment on Standard Front Page

George Osborne has defended his employer BlackRock’s half-a-billion pound investment on the front page of the Evening Standard. In the most glaring conflict of interest since his editorship began, today’s Standard blasts Rebecca Long-Bailey as “out of touch” for criticising Uber, and favourably quotes her own colleagues who support the taxi app.[…] Read the rest


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Quote of the Day

Vince Cable on racism:

“Thanks to Obama, race isn’t really an issue any more.”


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Corbyn Spends Evening With Assad Loving Genocide Denier Corbyn Spends Evening With Assad Loving Genocide Denier
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Taylor Review Hijacked by Union Sock Puppets Taylor Review Hijacked by Union Sock Puppets
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