Melbourne, Australia

Solidarity Salon

Organizing Center and Bookstore

580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Victoria 3056 Australia
(take the Upfield train to Anstey
Station or North Coburg tram to Stewart St.)

Mailing Address:
PO Box 308,
Victoria 3056
Tel/fax: 03-9388-0062

Public Hours
Tuesday 10 am - 3 pm,
Wednesday 10 am - 3 pm,
Saturday 10 am - 5 pm.
Or call for an appointment!

Podcasts featuring the Freedom Socialist Party in Australia
Interview with Anti-fascist activist Debbie Brennan
Interview with Alison Thorne

Solidarity Salon is available for rent.
Click here for more information!

For news, analysis and reviews, read the Freedom Socialist Organiser!

Wednesday 6 June and then every second Wednesday ending 19 July, 6:30 pm

Study circle: An introduction to permanent revolution — yesterday and today

The theory of Permanent Revolution is a brilliant contribution by Russian revolutionary leader, Leon Trotsky. The 1917 October Revolution confirmed Trotsky’s belief that although Russia’s revolution initially focused on bourgeois demands — the overthrow of czarism and feudal property relations — it could not stop there. In the lead-up to the revolution’s centenary, this study will introduce the concept and explore the importance of these ideas in the 21st century.

June 7: An introduction to Leon Trotsky and the theory of Permanent Revolution June 21: The Russian Revolution: Permanent Revolution in action July 5: Permanent Revolution and women’s emancipation July 19: Permanent Revolution in the 21st century

Dinner, catering for vegetarians and vegans, served at 6:30 pm for an $10 donation. The discussion kicks off at 7 pm.

This 4 session series is hosted by Freedom Socialist Party. Sessions will be held at Solidarity Salon (address and travel information is above).

For more information or discussion questions email or call 03 9388 0062

Wednesday 27 September, 6:30 pm

8-session study circle: Democracy and Revolution

If this is democracy, why do we feel insecure, ignored and powerless? Join in this timely study of U.S. Marxist writer George Novack’s Democracy & Revolution.

Novack traces democracy’s 2,500-year evolution, from its roots in ancient Greece and rise through revolutionary upsurges to its decline in modern capitalism. We’ll also explore the democracy a workers’ socialist revolution could achieve.

We’ll meet alternate Wednesdays, commencing 27 September.

Democracy & Revolution is available for $28 at Solidarity Salon.

Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm for a $10 donation.

Location: Solidarity Salon (address and travel information is above).

For more information email or call 03 9388 0062