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   May Day 2017


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Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

Adani – coal mining and climate struggles  

Adrian M.

The current struggle around the proposed Adani Coal mine in the Galilee basin of Central Queensland is taking place in a complex social and economic situation.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 25

Workers rally in response to Turnbull’s war on workers  

Marcus H.

On the morning of Tuesday June 20, 2017, more than 30,000 workers descended on the streets of Melbourne to oppose the Turnbull Liberal Governments attack on working people. The protest was part of a National Day of Action, with workers uniting under the theme 'Stand Up, Fight Back ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 23

Foreign investment in Australian agriculture booming  

Duncan B.

The recently-released 2015-16 annual report of the Foreign Investment Review Board shows that investment in Australia’s agricultural land has hit $4.6 billion, almost double the $2.5 billion recorded in the previous year. 


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 22

The NT Intervention: a ten-year attack on Aboriginal sovereignty  

Nick G.

June 21 2017 marks the tenth anniversary of the racist NT “emergency” Intervention. It is not an anniversary to be celebrated.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 21

Book Review: Catastrophe ALERT!  

Ned K.
The above heading is the title of a book by German comrade Stefan Engel. It is a book that gives the reader a feeling of utter despair because of what capitalism has done to humanity and the planet, but also a feeling of hope as to what is ...


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 17

Departed comrades are a great source of inspiration  

Nick G.

​Departed comrades have left the current generation of Party members with an incredibly valuable legacy.
It is important that their lives are remembered and used to educate and inspire.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 17

Wind power sweeping through Victoria  

Ned K.

Travelling through any regional area of Australia it is always worth listening to the locals and reading their local newspapers to see what is going on.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 11

Fletcher Insulation workers: ‘One day longer – one day stronger’  


Workers at a South-Eastern Melbourne factory have returned to work victorious following an industrial dispute spanning more than three months.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 05

Uluru Statement: moving towards Treaty  

Nick G.

Delegates at the Referendum Council at Uluru on Friday 26 May, 2017 issued a statement essentially rejecting the farce of Constitutional Recognition, and gave explicit support to the demand for a Makarrata or Treaty.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 30

Turnbull's 2017 Budget: a wolf in sheep's clothing!  

Max O.

The recent 2017 Federal Budget catch-cries of "good debt vs bad debt" and "security, opportunity, fairness" pitifully fail to cloud the class antagonisms that afflicts Australia. From the disastrous 2014 Budget of "lifters and leaners", Turnbull's Coalition government has taken the 'Labor Lite' route to swoon support for ...


more...- Posted on 2017 May 26

The Trump Administration: The new Cold War  


A recent media release from the United States Defence Department has revealed a new generation of counter-insurgency training provision. It is specifically intended for use in the Asia-Pacific region and forms part of wider initiatives to reassert traditional US hegemonic positions.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 23

Book review: Yezhov vs. Stalin  

Nick G.

Joseph Stalin, the man who led the building of socialism in the USSR and saved the world from Hitlerite fascism, is to many people an evil, bloodthirsty dictator and tyrant. Anti-Communists everywhere have had a field day demonising Stalin and using the demon so created to drive people ...


more...- Posted on 2017 May 08

What’s so unclear about nuclear?  
John C
What’s so unclear about nuclear? Answer: Nothing!
​Nuclear energy and weaponry have been around long enough for any rational person to arrive at the conclusion that these have no place or future on our planet. Yet the proponents of the nuclear industry continue to flog this ...

more...- Posted on 2017 May 07

United States war-drive in Asia-Pacific  


Military planning is now well under-way by the United States to implement a region-wide Electronic Warfare system across the Asia-Pacific.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

Baiada Attacks Workers AND Farmers  

By Duncan B. 

Poultry processor Baiada announced late last year that it was closing its Victorian operations. This left 16 chicken farmers without supply contract and limited options to find other uses for their huge chicken sheds. 100 workers are also without jobs with the closure of Baiada’s Laverton North ...


more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

Construction giants caught in their own web  


Resurrecting the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) has long been a dream of construction corporations and the corporate ruling class, even though Labor’s replacement, the Fair Work Building and Construction, already had its own anti-worker, anti-CFMEU teeth. Now the ABCC and its surrounding laws are back.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

Trump and Turnbull – Imperialism’s climate vandals  

by Bill F.

US President Trump has signed an executive order scrapping climate change laws that applied environmental restrictions to oil, gas, coal and coal seam gas extraction, and sure enough, the subservient Australian government is echoing Trump’s call to vandalise the environment.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

Land. Life. Language. Liberation: Sovereign Peoples’ struggle intensifies  

Louisa L.

Sovereignty and Treaty lie at the heart of building socialism in this continent.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

Peoples' livelihoods are being crushed by capitalism's economic crisis  

Max O.

Capitalist production has placed enormous pressure on ordinary peoples' lives to the extent that we are again seeing the immiseration of the working class.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

Fight for Science  

Jamie C. (With some content from a Spirit of Eureka leaflet distributed at March for Science)

Science is important not only because of its obvious technological benefits to humanity, but also because it gives us an ever-deeper understanding of the universe. 



more...- Posted on 2017 May 03

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