

What problems do you want to solve? DigiLab is a place of attraction to try new tech, join a coding class and host your party with DigiLab. 3D Printing, Gaming

Barking, East London
Beigetreten November 2015


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    8. Juni

    We need your help to make this a reality... There is an urgent drive to get more children / young people into taking up computer programming, to prepare and meet the demands of existing and future jobs.

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  2. hat retweetet
    18. Sep.

    Heads up! Coding for good. Get tech to get kids active in the YES BALL GAMES! social impact 19 - 21 Oct .

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  3. 18. Sep.

    Skills Alert ⚠ We currently have an artist in our team. If you have some work that requires this skill set, do send us a message.

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  4. 24. Aug.

    Our is now open for business.. Arrange a visit to Digilab for your 3d printing needs.

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  5. hat retweetet
    23. Aug.

    movie coming out soon. Nice work guys

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  6. 18. Aug.

    If you have skills... You're needed at DigiLab with us... Our machine is arriving very soon.

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  7. 8. Aug.

    Skills Alert ⚠ We currently have a sound engineer and music producer in our team. He's incredibly. If you have some work that requires this skill set, do send us a message.

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  8. hat retweetet
    7. Aug.

    Earn your points even without the branded QR codes on lamppost, as long as you are within the 40miles radius, you can still access your points.

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  9. hat retweetet
    7. Aug.

    Great news, the newly released update to app is working well. "Besides that I think the new update of the app is great! Even though 3 tags (1, 2 & 19) were missing over the weekend you were still able to complete a whole circuit. :)"

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  10. 2. Aug.

    Skills Alert ⚠ We currently have an Interior Designer in our team. She's incredibly hard working and good at what she does. If you have some work that requires this skill set, do send us a message.

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  11. 1. Aug.

    The 3D printer engineers of Barking and Dagenham at work today finally fixing one of our printers.

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  12. hat retweetet
    1. Aug.

    Love going to Barking and Dagenham, meeting great people and then connecting them up.

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  13. 1. Aug.

    We are ready for our next Hackathon at DigiLab... More information coming very soon. In collaboration with London Sport.

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  14. hat retweetet
    27. Juli

    This beautiful game was built on for Havering Catering Services with

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  15. hat retweetet
    27. Juli

    The current leader of the day on in Barking and Dagenham. Excellent Jezami.

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  16. 26. Juli

    When the DigiLab Avengers descend on fixing a flat screen TV. So we've removed the broken screen, now we need a spare part to replace it with. Nice work Nilas and Justinas!

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  17. 26. Juli

    Skills Alert ⚠ We currently have a 3D Animation designer/artist in our team with experience using a range of animation softwares. If you have some work that requires this skill set, do send us a message.

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  18. 26. Juli

    Good day yesterday being around DigiLab with this cool bunch. Marie and Jenkinson of Mavrik Studios, wishing you well with your graduation celebrations today at Kingston!

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  19. hat retweetet
    25. Juli

    Minecraft Build Challenge is underway with . If you want to join in the Summer holiday fun, we've got more workshops on Friday 3 August!

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  20. 25. Juli

    Skills Alert ⚠ We currently have a young developer in our team with experience using Python programming language. If you have some work that requires this skill set, do send us a message.

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  21. hat retweetet
    25. Juli

    I've actually done some crazy awesome stuff with people.. This was at in 2016.

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