
Like mother, like sons: Eman Sharobeem sons accused of extra payments: ICAC

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In the Sharobeem family, the apple doesn't appear to fall far from the tree.

Eman Sharobeem's two sons Richard and Charlie appeared at ICAC on Wednesday and were accused of lying and receiving payments from the public purse to which they weren't entitled.

Richard, 25, who blessed himself before being questioned, was accused of lying about his qualifications on his CV, just like his mother had done, and did not have Bachelor of Business from Griffith University as he had claimed.

After failing every subject in his bachelor of criminology degree before dropping out, he got a job under a fake name without an interview at a publicly funded organisation run by his mother. He was accused of regularly not showing up and of taking a work car to use as if it was his own. And again, like his mother, he received more than $34,000 in extra payments for work he never performed in one year alone. He had a $5670 red Suzuki motorbike paid for by taxpayers. 

Charlie, 28, received more than $7000 in payments for his work at the Immigrant Women's Health Service run by his mother but couldn't explain what he had done to earn it beyond preparing a Powerpoint presentation and handyman work such as fixing a mailbox. Relevant IT experience he brought to the organisation included "playing with computers as a little kid". (Charlie completed high school but didn't get an HSC mark because it was under the minimum score of 30.)

The boys enjoyed motorbikes, cars and payments on the taxpayer purse. Charlie even received a first-home buyer bonus but admitted his mother might have put up the whole $20,000 deposit even though the property was in his name. Neither son could explain the payments of thousands of dollars appearing in their bank accounts. They never checked, they said.


The allegations against the Sharobeem sons were in stark contrast to the evidence of an employee of a second not-for-profit community organisation run by their mother, the Non-English Speaking Housing organisation.

Nevine Ghaly admitted she was not without fault but, with a colleague, Chanthaneth "Neith'' Chanthalangsy, who had been confiding to Ms Ghaly her own concerns about NESH, the pair approached officials at the Department of Family and Community Services to detail allegations about the former Australian of the Year awards finalist. (Ms Chanthalangsy would leave the meeting after it became apparent law enforcement might get involved.)

Ms Ghaly alleged to FACS that NESH had been paying money to Ms Sharobeem and it was not clear what her role at NESH actually was. She also accused Ms Sharobeem of using "bullying tactics" in the office. In earlier evidence, she spoke of the "tense atmosphere" in the office and how she "just wanted to get out of there".

Auditors of the IWHS had already started piecing together problems with the organisation's accounts by the time Ms Ghaly spoke out.

Ms Ghaly said her concerns were raised when Ms Chanthalangsy showed her a $3000 reimbursement Ms Sharobeem had claimed from Westmead Hospital, saying it related to a function she had attended.

Ms Ghaly said she rang the hospital accounts department to query the spending and confirmed it was for a medical procedure. ICAC had previously heard that Ms Sharobeem claimed liposuction treatment for her son Richard that was performed at Westmead.

Ms Ghaly said a 2014 annual general meeting was never held, rather a function attended by two unnamed MPs and police dignitaries had been later described as an AGM and that FACS accepted minutes of it having taken place.

Ms Ghaly conceded she had allowed Richard Sharobeem to work at NESH without thoroughly checking his credentials and that she was aware he was employed under an assumed name, saying it was at Ms Sharobeem's direction.

"I might have done the wrong thing but I was really motivated by doing the job on the ground," Ms Ghaly said.

Asked about employing Richard Sharobeem, Ms Ghaly said: "For a young man he wasn't motivated. He did not show initiative. He wasn't ignited by the job. He wasn't doing the hours he was supposed to."

In earlier evidence, Richard Sharobeem was accused of getting a diamond engagement ring subsidised by taxpayers and for receiving $3000 in liposuction from the public purse.