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Cabinet backs Malcolm Turnbull's 'sensible centre' as conservative critics keep quiet

Malcolm Turnbull's cabinet was prepared for a conservative backlash to his speech about the Liberal Party's ideological direction, coordinating an early morning media blitz to defend the Prime Minister's "sensible centre".

But the firestorm never came. 

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Turnbull's swipe at Tony

While giving a speech in London, Malcolm Turnbull has criticised Tony Abbott and other conservatives, saying the Liberal Party should sit in the sensible centre.

While former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett went ballistic - accusing Mr Turnbull of an "appalling lack of political judgement" for delivering a speech that threatened to stir internal tensions while travelling overseas - he was a lonely voice.

In his London speech Mr Turnbull said the Liberal Party was not a "conservative party", arguing founder Robert Menzies had "firmly anchored" it in the centre. In what was widely seen as a swipe at his right-wing internal dissenters, the Prime Minister said ideology was a "very poor guide to policy" and the party's focus should be on results.

Conservative and moderate cabinet ministers - led by Julie Bishop, Josh Frydenberg and Christopher Pyne - took to the airwaves to back in the comments, which come at a fraught time of renewed factional tensions.

Ms Bishop said Mr Turnbull's observations were consistent with Menzies and the "broad church" once described by John Howard.


"It very eloquently articulates our values as the Liberal Party," she said, adding it should not antagonise the party's conservative base.

Conservative cabinet minister Josh Frydenberg - who was a close ally to Tony Abbott when he was prime minister - described the speech as "considered and powerful" and its characterisation of the party's philosophical underpinnings "absolutely right".

Former prime minister Tony Abbott did not respond to a request for comment. Other influential conservatives contacted by Fairfax Media declined to comment.

Mr Pyne said the Liberal Party was made up of liberals and conservatives.

"It's what's given us our electoral success," the moderate Liberal said. "It's why the Australian public have trusted us more often than not with the government of the country over the socialism of the Labor Party."

Even Liberal senator Eric Abetz, one of the party's most prominent conservatives, defended Mr Turnbull's speech and said "hysterical media have decided to dishonestly spin the speech in such a way to inflame tensions".

But Mr Kennett said he was so disillusioned about the state of the party under Mr Turnbull that he wanted to drink whisky before 9am.

"This latest point he has made in London seems to me to be an appalling lack of political judgment," Mr Kennett told ABC radio in Melbourne. "Why would you do it? Why would you do it from overseas? Why would you throw a can of petrol onto a fire?" 

Mr Kennett said previous Liberal leaders had united the liberal and conservative elements of the party but Mr Turnbull had failed to do so: "We've never had a period of this incessant brawling because unfortunately Malcolm hasn't been able to meld the different views within the party."

Former Liberal senator Cory Bernardi seized on the the speech as a recruiting tool for his Australian Conservatives party. "If you aren't welcome in the Turnbull Liberal team there is a credible and principled alternative," he tweeted.

And One Nation's Pauline Hanson said Mr Turnbull had confirmed what everyone already knew: "One Nation is Australia's LARGEST conservative party!"

New Liberal Party president Nick Greiner criticised Mr Abbott's alternative policy agenda - which he outlined earlier this month - as impossible to implement and said his interventions were damaging the Turnbull government in the polls.

He said he agreed with Mr Turnbull that "the sensible centre is the place to be".

"In the real world, the Australian public isn't all that ideologically pure - they want good government," he said. "My view is the public expects governments to govern."

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said Mr Turnbull was engaging in navel-gazing.

"Mr Turnbull is having an identity crisis, debating whether he is a Liberal or a conservative. But what is beyond doubt is that he is not a leader. What everyone knows is this a government lacking leadership," he said.


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