
Workplace Relations

Kasun Rajapaksha and his wife Sandeepani Warnakulasooriya say they have "lost some of the best years of our lives to ...

Caretakers claim $700K in unpaid wages

A couple who were on call overnight as residential caretakers at a UniLodge student accommodation block of units allegedly received just $108 in net pay for a year's work after rent was deducted from their combined salary.

A bronze statue of the Lady Of Justice composited into a blur background of a law firm. fairness dispute misconduct workplace

'I know it when I see it'

It can be hard to define, but procedural fairness must underlie public service employment decisions.

Hospitality penalty rates are to be cut.

Penalty rate ploy could bring 'chaos'

Reversal of the Fair Work Commission's decision to reduce Sunday penalty rates in industries including the hospitality and retail sectors could lead to industrial "chaos" and reduce wages to a political "plaything" experts warn.