Cherán K’eri through music and murals as tools of resistance
Immediate freedom for our anarchist comrade Nicolás de Antueno!, stop the repression of the Argentinian State!
To repress the demonstration, Mauricio Macri's government ordered the City Police to disperse violently the place, beating and insulting the demonstrators present, punching the face and body of our comrade Nicolás. At the moment, he is injured and in solitary confinement, almost in a kidnapping by the State.
New book provides details on rabid infighting in 2016 Clinton campaign
Why modern revolutions fail?... but in México & Rojava they are advancing! / Michael Shraibman
The USA, Qatar and ‘New’ Imperialist Alignments
The official story is that Saudi Arabia, supported by Egypt, the Emirates, Bahrain and other sidekicks in the Gulf, is trying to isolate Qatar from the rest of the Arab world as punishment for betraying the Sunni cause and for financing jihadhi terrorism. Like all lies, this one contains an element of truth which conceals other aspects of the situation which must not be brought to light, much less focussed on.
Ayutla de los Libres municipality will govern itself without political parties; it’s the people's time
There seems to be a trend among indigenous communities of increasing vindication of their right to choose their own representatives, rejecting the model of “voting a representative and hoping they deliver what they promised” and instead using their traditional methods to solve the quotidian problems they face.
From Solidarity Networks to Class Organisation in Times of Labour Hallucinations
Whatever happened to Dear old Lenin?
Reflections on my time in Palestine
Grenfell Tower: A Tragedy Foretold
The truth is, to the authorities, Grenfell Tower tenants didn’t really matter ...It has been left to the survivors themselves and the wider community to organise relief ... they organised in their hundreds and held mass meetings, electing delegates, organising demonstrations. The community has shown itself to be well organised, efficient, extremely compassionate and truly democratic. Everything the capitalist state isn’t.
Review: They can't kill us all: Ferguson, Baltimore, and the new era in America's racial justice movement
Living The Dream after the UK General Election
Latest episode of the Living The Dream podcast from The Word From Struggle Street - an anticapitalist blog from Brisbane.
Are we all Corbynistas now?
Latest blogpost from The Word From Struggle Street - an anticapitalist blog from Brisbane. An attempt to make sense of the debate in Australia around Corbyn.
Paramilitaries kill six, and leave three children wounded, to steal territories in Guerrero, Mexico
Venezuela: The dead-end of the "Bolivarian Road to Socialism"
There was no revolution in Venezuela. Being against neo-liberalism is not the same as opposing capitalism but only one form of it. However, it does feed into the social democratic narrative of Corbynism. Today, in the middle of an election campaign, the assertion that “Venezuela is socialist” is happily repeated by right wing papers and politicians to gloat over the social disaster which Venezuela has become.