Sunday, 25 July 2010

The End: Punk Friction blogs out today.

So now its time to say this is it for Punk Friction. Its lasted alot longer than I thought it would and for me,its been enjoyable and very educational. That is down to you lot (the commenters) and for that I'd like to thank you for your input and your knowledge,opinions,funny comments and making this blog what it was (yes.....shite! :)

Now the good people of rapidshare will be deleting links on here soon (11 days actually because I'm not going to pay them anymore dosh) Any inactive links over the 50 gig limit that I'm well over,they will delete so if you want anything from this blog then grab it now (check all the links are working first) And if you've got a blog yourself and you want to chuck anything from here on it,then feel free and do it (some of you already did this right from the start anyway :)

Now please do not ask me to re-up anything on here. This blog is now dead. The lights may be on but there is nobody home! If you need to get hold of me I'll be pottering away down on my football blog talking bollocks as usual no doubt and doing alot less than I was here. Fellow bloggers,you will still be seeing me I'm afraid via the comments on your sites and if there's anything you want that you think I might be able to help you with,then give us a shout.

Thanks again everyone for taking the time to visit and comment. I love you all (well almost all) and its been a great pleasure.

Take care everyone xxxx

PS If you didn't download yesterday's surprise gift,then do it before the links die and grab yourself a treat.


Mike Ether said...

I'll miss this blog.

ok, see ya on your football blog.

cheers mate!

Mona said...

Sad! But we shall see each other at the new place...You are a good man (for a Chelsea supporter!)

Longy said...

Cheers Mike and Mona. I would write you an essay but I'm out on the piss for the afternoon :)

si said...

Aghhh Longy - I'm gutted lad - you'll be missed big time mate. Still, it's been fantastic while it lasted. All the best with GoalFriction.

I'll be sure to snaffle that surprise item - nice touch there.

Again, all the best.

Anonymous said...

Well. Never did comment much but took a lot. You'll be missed. As they say, have an interesting death.

gobshyte said...

well mate its been a had a great blog here and i will be paying regular visits to goal are one of the few to leave regular comments on my blog so for that i thank you.there will always be a beer in the fridge for you here at muebles towers!

razor said...

thanks for everything !

Frank Miller said...

Thanks for all the great posts Longy, Punk Friction has been a real pleasure,It will surely be missed.I'll add the new site to my blogroll. Thanks again for all your hard work, and please keep in touch.

Lee said...

This is so sad :(
But thanks for all the stuff previously posted, a lot of stuff I thought I'd never hear again and others I'm glad you told me to download because I would never have come across.
But with the footy blog on the up it's not really goodbye :)

Marky Dread (Sparks) said...

Good luck mate thanks for all your efforts always appreciated. CHEERS!

topper said...

Longy thanks for all the nice stuff you put on youre blog.

punx not dead

vulture said...

So long Longy ....its been a blast.
And Thanks for all the great downloads

Best of luck in your new venture

WildDevilMan said...

I'm very sorry to hear that but i understand your anger with rapidshit. That's frustrated man, and you feel very betrayed. Too bad, maybe i would like to post something from your stuff in my blog. Thanks a lot Longy for cool stuff and your kind words.

Chris said...

A sad day ! Youve given us some fantastic stuff.....thanks for all that ! Good luck with the footy blog !

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you go mate, thankyou so much for the memories, help, info and some good laughs too. Will miss you, only blog i look at. Very best wishes to you and those who you love, Gonk

Nazz Nomad said...

aw jeez, all the good ones are going.
good luck with your SOCCER blog. Cya on the other side.

Anonymous said...

Be Well! & Happy Trails!



Mark said...

Cheers Longy, all the best. See you around no doubt...

Anonymous said...

Cheers from Chicago and thanks for all that you've shared with us over the years;you will be missed 'round these parts.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your love of the music... that's what it's been all about I'm sure... a bunch of you bloggers have given to me the best music collection ever and I am truly grateful... long live jimi Hendrix.... oh yeah.... he's dead!

maybe you can try this again next year when that soccer crap gets old and boring... shouldn't take long


Longy said...

Thanks everyone! You are all too kind :)

garychching said...

Hey Longy, as you know I've not been around lately, I come on for the first time in ages, and your gone. All the best mate, great blog, great blogger.

Longy said...

If it wasn't for you Gary,I wouldn't of started a blog in the first place. ASFM inspired me! I hope all is well mate and I sincerly hope Man Utd have a successful a season as the last one :) Cheers mate.

styreneboy said...

Oh well, yet another one bites the dust. You know we'll all miss you, but thanks for everything you've shared in the past and good luck for the future, mate. Long Live Longy!

wilfofhove said...

Thanks for all the great music. You'll be missed, man.
Cheers, JWW

Highlander said...

Thanks for all the hard work Longy.

Longy said...

Cheers guys :)

George Caldera said...

We'll miss this wonderful stuff man... a salute from Argentina.


goodbye cunt

Doug said...

Hey Longy

I guess it is football talk from now on.Thanks for all the great music.I am presently listening to Jimmy Pursey's 'Imagination Camouflage' in your honour.Cheers from the west coast of Canada.


Trevor said...

End of an era!
Thanks for an excellent blog and good luck with the new one .

Longy said...

Thanks again (George,Doug & Trevor)

Oh congratulations SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENTS aka Gabe.......on finally managing to string two words together without a spelling mistake:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all of your efforts!


i don't give fuck what you think as for my spelling error's that because i have Dyslexia sorry for calling you a cunt your more of an arsehole.

Longy said...

^^^ Is that why you're here then? ^^^

You must love a good arsehole :)

Mullers said...

good effort Longy - see you on t'other side

Longy said...

Cheers Mullers me old mucker.

Philippe Nihoul said...

You'll be missed. Thanks for everything you achieved. See you up there!

kennyhel77 said...

Hey Gabe, I will be on tour with Peter and The Test Tube Babies and we will be in Seattle, WA in Jan. or Feb. Please feel free to come by and say hi. I have a great bit Kiss for you. A big slobber of a kiss bitch. Muaawww.
Stealing POS.

Yeah I write my name not Anonn

kennyhel77 said...

Longy, you know the respect that I have for you and your blog. RIP Punk Friction!

Longy said...

Cheers Philippe and Kenny :)

nekrodad said...

take care brother and damn this blog must have taken a toll on you, all these fine videos. and the other post too.

see you on the otherside.


Longy said...

Thanks Nekro :)

halaldub said...


Sad to see your blog out of operation. However, I want to thank you for all the beautiful music you uploaded here, and for all your efforts to make this blog one of my all time favorites on the net.

See you on your new blog!

Cheers from Sarajevo!!!

Longy said...

Thank you halaldub :)

Korla said...

Thanks for everything. But what exactly is this thing called football?

Longy said...

Its a game played by overpaid wankers Korla! But thats another blog on another day.


Anonymous said...

damn, i miss this site so much. but thank you for all your efforts and for allowing me to have such great videos and music. Thank You. all the best longy. Guesty

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your time invested and the great stuff you posted. It is very much appreciated. Sad to see the blog go but all great things must come to an end at some point.

All the Best
Angry (Days of Our Youth)

Longy said...

There's plenty of great blogs out there Guesty. This blog was just a small drop in a very large ocean but cheers anyway :)

And thanks Angry. Keep up your fine work with Kenny over on Days Of Our Youth!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Longy, and thanks for all your posts, much appreciated and sadly missed. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god what's happens ?
all my neigbhbourds are dead and now my faforite blog !
what a weird time really !
thank for all your good job , man !
have a good time in another world
bye from Paris (France) !

yogi said...

thanx Longy for your job, blog was awesome, all the best!

Longy said...

Cheers anon's and yogi :)


Thanks for all!
Good luck & take care ...

Longy said...

Thank you Midnight Rambler :)

gazzpunk said...

This has been a top-Blog Longy and one of the first I stumbled across in my quest of long lost punk gems. You certainly came up with the goods and the banter on your Blog has been excellent.
All the best with the footie Blog but being a massive Leeds fan I guess I could use your Blog to diss Master K Bates !

Longy said...

Thanks Gazzpunk. I won't mention Derby County if you don't mention Man Utd!

Anonymous said...

Discovered your blog shortly after re-awakening to punk. What an eye-opener! Thanks for the contributions to my re-education!

Good luck with future bloging. I for one hope you will be back!

biopunk said...

Well thank you Longy, for re-acquainting me with some grebo bands, Shonen Knife, and heaps more.

I'll miss Punk Friction.

Belated thanks too, for the Blondie singles and something else I'm forgetting from a few weeks back...

And I'll follow on over at GF


Longy said...

Thanks anon and thanks biopunk :)

Neil said...

Typical cockney....short arms and deep pockets....and a fooking Chelsea supporter to boot.

We need to hook up on soulseek like the old days Longy :p

Neil aka S!

Longy said...

lol S. You sound like a geordie who's just about to get stuffed by the Manc's. Yes I will go back on soulseek when I've reinstalled the thing! Let us know your addy and I'll hog your queue for the week :)

COBRETTI said...

Why all the good blogs must end?

Longy for a long time I don´t come write here or say hello.
I will miss your blog, anyway congratulations for this great job you have done!
Have a visit on my blog anytime you want. My other band Legion of the Sadists have their recordings for the 2nd album ready it will be called The Return of Semen and Blood, a punk rock bomb is coming in the way.
Now I´m singing with the Legion but now all the songs are sang in portuguese except No tomorrow,my english it´s not good enough to sing punk rock, I can only sing in portuguese slang.
My first band also will record an LP on True Force Records this year.

Take Care my friend

Andy Rampage said...

*LATE* for Everyfling I AM!!
Sorry to SEE Yer 'Goin' .. but from wot i unnerstan Rapdshare is "Given The Business" to quite a-few .. sos i can say I BLAME YOU!!
Will miss those acidic comments, MORE than YOU may Ever know!

Maddie said...

Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.



Mia Mossberg78 said...

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