- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 2600686
Prague (/ˈprɑːɡ/; Czech: Praha, [ˈpraɦa], German: Prag) is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is the 14th largest city in the European Union. It is also the historical capital of Bohemia Situated in the north-west of the country on the Vltava River, the city is home to about 1.24 million people, while its larger urban zone is estimated to have a population of nearly 2 million. The city has a temperate climate, with warm summers and chilly winters. Prague has the lowest unemployment rate in the European Union.
Prague has been a political, cultural, and economic centre of central Europe with waxing and waning fortunes during its 1,100-year existence. Founded during the Romanesque and flourishing by the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque eras, Prague was not only the capital of the Czech state, but also the seat of two Holy Roman Emperors and thus also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. It was an important city to the Habsburg Monarchy and its Austro-Hungarian Empire and after World War I became the capital of Czechoslovakia. The city played major roles in the Bohemian and Protestant Reformation, the Thirty Years' War, and in 20th-century history, during both World Wars and the post-war Communist era.
Separ ft. Rytmus - Praha (Mixtape) TEXT http://texty.rukahore.sk/separ/praha FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/damemonsignorsmart/ https://www.facebook.com/separ.dms https://www.facebook.com/PiratArmy INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/separ.dms https://www.instagram.com/minimo.dms/ Merch PIRAT ARMY http://www.piratarmy.sk SHOP https://shop.rukahore.sk/separ https://shop.rukahore.sk/dms Rytmus https://sk-sk.facebook.com/Rytmusjepan https://instagram.com/rytmusking/ Nahráno ve studiu - Viktor Hazard (Fatmusic) Mix/master - Marek Šurin Původní skladba - Biggie Smalls - Going Back to Cali Režie - Tomáš Bláha Kamera - David Hofmann Ronin operator - Radim Střelka Asistent kamery - Tomáš Kotas Color grade - Martin Kacvinský (http://www.vankusik.com) Řidič - Jan Duben Poděkování - Biofil...
Pohádka v nejlepší HD kvalitě přímo od tvůrců. Český animovaný film. Výtvarník, Kamera a Režie: Jan Tománek Divácky nejúspěšnější český animovaný film vypráví o Kubovi a jeho neustále žvanící Koze, kteří přivážejí vejce na stavbu Karlova mostu. Láska k městské dívce Máce zavede Kubu až k práci na legendárním Staroměstském orloji. Celý příběh je protkán tajemným osudem chudého studenta Matěje z Faustova domu a dalšími pověstmi a strašidly středověké Prahy. Kromě skvělých hereckých výkonů Jiřího Lábuse a Matěje Hádka si "Kozí příběh" - první český 3D animovaný film - vydobyl pověst filmu se zvláštním a svébytným výtvarným pojetím, které si získalo přízeň i u zahraničních diváků. Film byl nominován nza výtvarný počin i na prestižní filmovou cenu "Český lev". © Art And Animation studio 2015 - ...
Původně projekt do školy, ale proč to nezveřejnit když jsem se s tím asi 3 dny pachtil...
Švédské obležení Prahy bylo poslední střetnutí třicetileté války, které se odehrálo v roce 1648, když se švédská vojska operující v Čechách pokoušela obsadit Prahu. Švédské armádě generála Jana Kryštofa Königsmarcka se pomoci přeběhlého císařského důstojníka Arnošta z Ottowaldu podařilo obsadit Malou Stranu a Pražský hrad již 26. července. Na pravém břehu Vltavy se však obyvatelé Staré a Nové Město pražské připravovali na obranu a ve dnech 31. července až 1. listopadu úspěšně odolávali útokům švédských armád. Švédové z Prahy odvezli části umělecké sbírky Rudolfa II. nevyčíslitelné hodnoty, jako například Codex Argenteus nebo Codex gigas. Část této kořistí zůstává dosud ve Švédsku jiné artefakty se již vrátily do Česka. Jako poděkování za udržení východní části města byl na Staroměstském ná...
Отдыхая в Артеке, двенадцатилетний Юра пообещал своей чешской подружке Здене подарить медвежонка из Беловежской Пущи. И теперь вместе с приятелем герой отправляется в пущу... Мы знаем, как получить от видео максимальный доход. Подключайтесь к партнерской программе RVISION на YouTube https://rvision.tv Вступайте в нашу группу в ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/rvision Подписывайтесь на нашу страницу в Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rvisionchannel/ Подписывайтесь на канал http://www.youtube.com/user/belarusfilmRV?sub_confirmation=1 Оставляйте ваши отзывы о работе сети RVISION: https://www.facebook.com/rvisionchannel/reviews Пущик едет в Прагу / Puscik jede do Prahy (1965) Жанр: комедия, детский, приключения Год выпуска: 1965 Производство: Беларусьфильм Продолжительность: 01:25:32 Режиссёр:...
Většina lokací je vymyšlená, zapomněl jsem si to dohledat. :) Sleduj mě na instagramu! ► https://www.instagram.com/roth.wellden/ Náramky ► http://bit.ly/RothNaramek Steam Trade ► http://bit.ly/RothTrade Patreon ► http://www.patreon.com/adamjicha Ask.fm ► http://ask.fm/EjdmJicha Stream ► http://bit.ly/HitAdam Můj twitter ► http://bit.ly/TweetRoth Facebook stránka ► http://bit.ly/FaceRoth Záhadná Fakta ► https://www.facebook.com/zahadnafakta Hry hraji na tomto stroji: http://bit.ly/PredatorRoth Na natáčení používám: Mikrofon - Focusrite CM25 MkII Sluchátka - Focusrite HP60 Kamera - Canon 70D (EFS 18-55mm f/3,5-5,6 IS II / EF 50mm f/1,8 II) Videa upravuji v programech od firmy Adobe. V komentářích se respektujte! Nedělejte si reklamu na vlastní video/channel. (Jednoduše komentáře flagněte...
Prohlídka Prahy (virtuální realistický) Praha je hlavním a největším městem České republiky. Je to 15. největší město Evropské unie. Je také historickým hlavním městem Čech. Nachází se na severozápadě země na řece Vltavě, město je domovem asi 1,26 milionu lidí, zatímco jeho větší městská zóna má přibližně 2 miliony obyvatel. Město má mírné klima, s teplými léty a chladnými zimami. Praha je politickým, kulturním a ekonomickým centrem střední Evropy s voskovými a ubývajícími bohatstvím během své historie. Byl založen v románském stylu a vzkvétal v goticích, renesančních a barokních dobách. Praha byla hlavním městem českého království a hlavním sídlem několika císařů z Římské říše, zejména Karla IV. (1346-1378). Bylo to důležité město pro habsburskou monarchii a její rakousko-uherskou říši. ...
Sestřih příjezdů, odjezdů a průjezdů různých vlaků osobní dopravy ve stanici Benešov u Prahy, která se nachází na trati Praha - České Budějovice (v jízdním řádu směr České Budějovice jako 220, směr Praha jako 221) a odbočuje odsud trať do Vlašimi a Trhového Štěpánova (trať 222). Staví zde všechny osobní vlaky a rychlíky ČD a spěšné vlaky ARRIVA. Nově zavedené expresy stanicí pouze projíždí (v sestřihu jsou zachyceny celkem 4 takovéto vlaky). Poprosil bych ještě o vyplnění ankety, viz karta vpravo nahoře, je to taková zpětná vazba, zda mám pokračovat s natáčením zrcadlem (i když jsem musel udělat pár úprav obrazů), či kamerou. :) ---------- Datum: 17.3.2017 Čas: 10:11 - 10:36, 16:09 - 17:18 Kamera: Nikon D3300 ---------- WEBSITE → http://www.martinvlaky.cz FACEBOOK → http://www.facebook.com...
Video z letu z Prahy do Londýna s British Airways, jako bonus prohlídka centra Londýna z výšky zdarma.
Another practical episode today - getting around Prague by trams, metro and buses. What is the best option and how it works? What ticket should you get? Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ Previous episode: 50 Things to do in Prague https://youtu.be/OO96JVSM5Y0 Weird people in public transport: Divnolidi v MHD https://www.facebook.com/DivnolidiMHD/ (make sure to have your camera ready when you're here) Feel free to follow us at instagram or twitter: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ and twitter.com/janekrubes Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ and https://twitter.com/honzamikulka Thank you for your support! Honza ...
https://www.expedia.com/Prague.d180014.Destination-Travel-Guides Step into a child’s storybook when you first arrive in Prague, a city in the Czech Republic where sleek, modern buildings share space with ancient gothic architecture. Wander down the twisting cobblestone streets – you’re sure to find something new and exciting. After all, even locals get lost here. Prague tourism usually involves the Royal Route, a historic coronation path that will take you through Old Town. Walk a few blocks to Old Town Square and sample local street fare in the shadow of old castles and palaces. Old Town itself is full of cafes, restaurants, and galleries, and will provide days of exploration for intrepid visitors. Cross over the Charles Bridge and climb up to Prague Castle, a network of palaces, churc...
What to avoid when in Prague - tourist traps and scams. Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ Previous episode: Travelling around Prague https://youtu.be/zW0GpJ9-RTo Where to exchange money in Prague? https://youtu.be/BHNzBvFXmf4 Enjoy the Kafe Damu place and their 70 cent beer here: https://goo.gl/maps/Cfd9RvcV3Hk Watch Prague vs Crooks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcJ8mqRKBn8&list;=PLM9_KZNJw8qFzeqikoHIjfWolmg5q7vbA Feel free to follow us at instagram or twitter: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ and twitter.com/janekrubes Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ and https://twitter.com/honzamikulka Thank you for you...
With one week in Prague, we hit the ground running trying to see and experience as much as we could in the Golden City. We had high expectations and Prague's beauty and charm managed to exceed all of them. It's a city we thoroughly enjoyed and wanted to share with you. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsam...
This is our Prague travel vlog watch this before you travel to Prague. we got to visit awesome coffee shops in Prague and restaurants in prague. In this Prague travel guide we show you places you can visit for a perfect weekend in Prague. We didn't visit to many Prague attractions but I got to take a hyperlapse of the old town of Prague. Be sure to check out our top 10 things to do in Prague blog post going online soon! My name is Mike I make travel videos, travel vlogs and daily vlogs/lifestyle vlogs about our life as entrepreneurs travel hackers and digital nomads. Daily Vlogger, Travel Vlogger here is my Channel: http://www.youtube.com/makingithappenvlog Travel Vlogger Instagram Account: http://www.instagram.com/makingithappenvlog Nelly’s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nellys...
Prague, Czech Republic Travel Guide 2016 - Prague, Czech Republic Tours & Vacations Sponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com )) Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube prague travel guide, prague travel documentary, prague travel guide expedia, prague travel diary, prague travel blog, prague travel video guide, prague travel tips, prague travel guide rick steves, prague travel man, prague travel 2015, prague travel video, prague czech republic travel guide, prague czech republic travel, travel channel prague, prague vacation travel guide expedia, prague vacation travel video guide, prague travel, travel to prague, travel blog prague czech republic travel guide, prague czech republic travel guide, prague czech rep...
An absolute Prague essential by Honest Guides Janek & Honza :) Thank you so much for your support during our way! We really appreciate it :) If you'd like to send us postcard or anything, you can reach us here: Honest Guide Janek & Honza Radlická 3294/10 150 00, Praha Czech Republic Feel free to follow us at instagram: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ and let us know what would you like to see! Honest Prague Guide is your best guide for Prague :) We only show you what we as locals like and what we think you should see in Prague. There's ton of cool things to do in Prague as well as cool places. We'll show you around :) And we hope you'll come and will visit...
Most of the guides will tell you 10 things to do in Prague. Well, the Honest Guide will show you TOP 50! :) Map ► https://drive.google.com/open?id=12RZJBa-kJcpPekJ9JjUKT50chNc&usp;=sharing Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this. Full list of the TOP 50 things to do is listed below Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ Previous episode: Prague on a Budget - Restaurants https://youtu.be/QxeOllIHqDY Feel free to follow us at instagram or twitter: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ and twitter.com/janekrubes Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ and https://twitter.com/honzamikulka Thank you for your support! Honza Mikulka & Janek Rubeš Stream International PS - Please note that all the tips are b...
Before traveling to Prague, you should definitely follow tips by Honest Guide. Have fun! Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Watch more: What's the weather in Prague? https://youtu.be/BHAnaCerirs Feel free to follow us at instagram: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ Mapy.cz app: iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/cz/app/mapy.cz/id411411020?mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.seznam.mapy&hl;=cs Windows phone: https://www.microsoft.com/cs-cz/store/p/mapycz/9wzdncrfhzdc Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ and let us know what would you like to see! Honest Prague Guide is your best guide for Pragu...
In the Czech Republic, we visit Prague to experience its massive castle, beloved statue-lined bridge, evocative Jewish Quarter, and thrilling 20th-century history while enjoying its infectious love of music and perhaps the best beer in Europe. With a beautifully preserved Old Town, Prague deserves its nickname: the Golden City of a Hundred Spires. © 2014 Rick Steves' Europe At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
The Central European city of Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and is one of the world's great architectural jewels. Like a city from a children's story book the city conjures up images of romantic fairy stories and dark gothic folk tales. The city is a cobblestone labyrinth where even locals get happily lost. An easy way to discover Prague is to follow the Royal Route, which starts at the Powder Tower and ends at Prague Castle. Along the way, stop at Old Town Square, a plaza surrounded by former palaces. Highlights here include the Astronomical Clock and Tyn Church. Explore the Old Town to discover sidewalk cafes, galleries and the ancient Jewish Quarter. Pass beneath the Bridge Tower, cross the beautiful Charles Bridge, then climb the hill to Prague Castle. Rising above the...
FULL EPISODES from the 2007-2008 travel series on Travel Channel with host Shane O guides you through off beat travel adventures around the world.
DELETED SCENE from the 2007-2008 travel series "Not Your Average Travel Guide" on Travel Channel with host Shane O guides you through off beat travel adventures around the world.
Midsummer has always been a big affair in Sweden and this year was big. Having missed a flight and a train to Falun, I was tired and hungry. Yet the familiar smell and sight of my mom-in-law, her home, my favourite pie of Broccoli and potatoes warm on the table, rejuvenated me completely. I ate up three quarters while Lisbeth talked on. She said they predict rain and thunderstorm for the Midsummer. Between the big mouthfuls, I murmured, they can be wrong sometimes and Lisbeth concurred. And true, much to the delight of millions of Swedes, the sun shone strong on the Midsummer eve celebrations and also few days afterwards. As I gathered with many others to celebrate the biggest Swedish festival, it struck me that as we become more modern, people long for tradition. I have never seen so ...
This is a summary of 30 min travel show of E! Latin America hosted by Patricia Zavala. I directed the show with the idea in mind to do a fashion film, and Patricia and the Czech Republic were the perfect inspiration: both are stylish and beautiful to photograph. The frame and the light of every shoot were very important and we (10 people team) did it the entire job in three days. CREDITS Client | The Czech Republic and E! Entertainment Television Production | Boomdog Films Direction | Aleja CM Photography | Benjamín Ramaugé and Aleja CM Producer | Mónica Molina Zúñiga Content Director | Joserra Zúñiga Czech Republic’s Guide | Jitka Jirátová Image | Raquel Suárez Camera assistant | Jesús Velázquez Post Production | Aleja CM and Mauricio Serfaty Protools | José Badillo
Amy and Brian from katropolis.com send in a clip from Prague, Czech Republic. Eva Trklova from trkalova.guide-prague.cz provides commentary on the clock, how to read it and a little of the legend behind it.
Travel photography instructor, author and international photo tour guide Ralph Velasco shares a time-lapse video made with his GoPro Hero2 camera from the east tower of the Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. For more information on Ralph's classes and photo tours, please visit http://www.RalphVelasco.com/blog
(above, clip) AUTHOR: LEIGH ANTHONY DEHANEY TITLE: FUTURE SHORTS - PRAGUE LAUNCH TRT: 00:02:54 ORIGINAL AIR DATE: 20080426 LOCATION: PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC FORMAT: 720pHD, NTSC, PAL (16:9) LANGUAGE: ENGLISH You can find out more about Lonely Planet's Prague world guide by checking out: www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/czech-republic/prague
"I love to watch TV -- who doesn't? But what I wanted to learn was how to make the programmes I loved so much. So I joined the TV Production Course at Stockport College, and it led me into a world in which I thrived - and was passionate about. My task was to create a short documentary style film for an internet travel site and it had to feature something about the chosen city that you wouldn't find in a tourist travel guide. The city I was visiting was Prague, and finding a suitable subject was the hardest part of the pre-production. However, what started out as five unfeasible ideas became one great idea; after hundreds of emails to different contacts I made contact with local presenter Alice Ticha (through Facebook!) who was kind enough to help me make this idea a reality. "Memoirs of...
(Selbe Melodie wie bei „Mein Tod“ vom Album „UUAARRGH!“)
Ich sitze hier am Tresen, denk an die letzte Nacht,
da ham wir viel getrunken und noch viel mehr gelacht.
Tabletten, Sekt und Biere ham wir uns reingefüllt,
wir waren ziemlich prall und dann hat es geknallt.
Wir gingen auf dein Zimmer und es war wirklich toll,
du hast gelutscht, geblasen, doch ich war wohl zu voll.
Du hast dich sehr bemüht, Heavy Metal ohne End,
und als es dann noch klappte bin ich gleich eingepennt.
Die Nacht sie wurde fast heiß, doch der Alk verlangte seinen Preis.
Ich hab zu viel getrunken, Potenzi ist gesunken.
Und dann am nächsten Morgen hast du mich angeschaut,
gefragt „Willst du's noch mal versuchen?“, doch ich lachte laut.
Ich ging aus deinem Zimmer, nur die Unterhose an,
auf dem Flur traf ich mein Mädchen, sie schaute mich nicht an.
Die Nacht sie wurde fast heiß, doch der Alk verlangte seinen Preis.
Ich hab zu viel getrunken, Potenzi ist gesunken.
Die Nacht sie wurde fast heiß, doch der Alk verlangte seinen Preis.
Ich hab zu viel getrunken, Potenzi ist gesunken.
Die Nacht sie wurde fast heiß, doch der Alk verlangte seinen Preis.