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Leonard sends his respect to the Siers-Little family

Dear Friends, Supporters and Family, It was a sad day on Saturday when I had to tell Leonard that his friend and sister Wanda Siers and her four gran
Dear Friends, Supporters and Family,
It was a sad day on Saturday when I had to tell Leonard that his friend and sister Wanda Siers and her four grandchildren: Janae, Jeremy, Winyan, and Mato Little were killed in a car accident at Red Shirt Table, on Pine Ridge Friday night/Saturday morning. Leonard replied, "O My God, please send my condolences, her grandchildren also? Wow what a huge loss, see what we can contribute to the wake. Let people know she was a descendant of the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre and survivor of the 1973 Wounded Knee Resistance. She, along with others, were offered bribes by the FBI to turn snitch and traitor against the Oglala Nation and when this didn't work with the Strong Hearted Women, they tried to threaten their families lives and freedom. These are my True Real Heroes. Please ask our supporters to hel…



Home / Blog / Haul No! Tour Report Back Part 1
Building Momentum in Resistance to Grand Canyon Uranium Mining & Transport
Photos by Dustin Wero | Instagram: darth_wero

In late 2016 Indigenous anti-nuke & sacred sites organizers decided something had to be done to confront the threat of radioactive uranium ore transport from the Grand Canyon to the White Mesa Mill. In December of 2016, volunteer-based Haul No! was formed to raise awareness, organize, and take action to protect sacred lands, water, and our health from this toxic threat. Haul No! got to work right away researching, creating outreach materials, exploring and advocating policy changes, and planning for direct action to stop the transport.

In March 2017, Energy Fuels Inc. (EFI), the owner of Canyon Mine and White Mesa Mill (the only commercially operating uranium processing plant in the US), announced that it could be ready to start mining uranium as early as June 2017. Haul No! kicked in…

Oglala Commemoration Honoring those who Sacrifice in the Struggle

Greetings Friends, Supporters and Family:
I apologize for the time it has taken us to write you about our trip and the wonderful June 26th event in the Oglala district on Pine Ridge, in the Oglala Lakota Nation!
The trip was a car disaster, 2 flat tires from new gravel roads in Nebraska, and North Dakota. We also drove through a variety of weather from Fargo we had a thunderstorm with Tornado warnings; And Great Plains thunderstorm with hail and a 3 hour massive lightening storm that brought us back to Fargo.

But it was worth every piece of hail & lightening to be able to be part of the June 26th Commemoration. It was 43 years ago that the attack on the Jumping Bull's took place, 3 lives were lost and Leonard is still in prison for being a part of Resistance & Support for the People of Oglala.
It was wonderful and sad to see the honor given Joe Stuntz, Bob Robideau, Grandma Jumping Bull and Waha - Leonard's son that passed away in DC during the push for Clemency for his da…

Mohawk Nation News 'Day of Reckoning is Now'

DAY OF RECKONING IS NOWPosted on July 6, 2017
Mohawk Nation News Please post & distribute. MNN. July 6, 2017.  If animals were herded in captivity for many generations, they would lose most of their ability to survive in the wild, because they are being cared for in captivity.
COURT: “FIELD EXPERIENCE DOES NOT MAKE YOU AN ‘INDIAN’ EXPERT!!” When the gates are opened these creatures cannot take care of themselves. Most perish.  The onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people, are at this point. Those who remained real human beings as creation intended and continued their strong relationship with our mother earth and our natural relatives like the moon, sun, plants, animals, birds, fish and all natural life will persevere.
ANYONE CAN NOW LEGALLY DECLARE THEY ARE AN INDIAN!!  For thousands of generations we lived off our surrounding resources. Now we are living corporate designed suffering like alcoholism, social breakdown, wai…

'More Than a Pipeline' (Watch full movie English or Dutch)

Photos by More Than a Pipeline
Watch movie below: full movie in English or Dutch)

Watch on YouTube at:
Published on Jun 30, 2017 We are grateful, humble and proud to announce the online release of More than a pipeline. MORE THAN A PIPELINE is a story about 500 years of suppression of the First Nations and how Standing Rock is basically a next chapter in that story.

This is a 100% non- profit project that relies on donations of viewers. The objective of the film is to increase global awareness about the suppression of The First nations of the US and other countries around the world. But also to show how they resurrected and found back their identity. MORE THAN A PIPELINE A documentary by Robert Bridgeman & Lex Olthof SYNOPSIS More than a pipelineis a documentary film by Dutch director Robert Bridgeman and cameraman Lex Olthof. The film tells the story of the 500 years suppression of the First Nati…

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