- published: 12 Apr 2017
- views: 305873
Uno may refer to:
Kushtrim Ademi (born 1 March 1991 in Prishtina), better known by his stage name Capital T, is an Albanian Kosovar musician. He raps and sings in his native Prishtina influenced Gheg Albanian dialect.
Ademi was born in Prishtina, then part of SFR Yugoslavia on 1 March 1991, and was raised in what is now Kosovo's capital city where he attended Sami Frashëri High School. He was interested in music as a teenager, and was influenced to take up rapping by his uncle Besnik Canolli, who is one half of a famous Albanian Kosovar rap group called 2po2.
Let's play may refer to:
Capital T - UNO (Official Video)
Let's Play - Uno: The Movie
UNO - Rule 7-0 Full Match! First to 200 Points! (Hand Swap!)
UNO RUINS FRIENDSHIP | Uno w/Mark,Bob & Wade
THE UNDEFEATED TEAM MATE | Uno #2 w/Mark,Bob & Wade
Daniel Beta - Uno
Capturan a uno de los narcotraficantes más buscados de Sudamérica tras 30 años de persecución
Capital T - UNO (Official Video) Music: Strike Beatz Lyrics: Capital T Produced by: Mixey Authentic Entertainment http://smarturl.it/ONIMA Connect with Capital T: https://www.facebook.com/KAPOofficial https://www.instagram.com/truekapo https://twitter.com/truekapo Snapchat: true.kapo AUTHENTIC ENTERTAINMENT All rights reserved 2017.
Oh boy. Here it is. The biggest penis of a Let's Play we've ever done. Get your big boy dicks ready for the hottest five-man four-way involving the most Spanish-speaking cards you've seen this side of the internet. Grab some popcorn and get ready. This isn't just some lame-ass 90-minute affair. We've gone full Tarantino all over this muthafucka. It’s Uno: The Movie! ||| Join FIRST for exclusive Let’s Play content: http://bit.ly/295K1xP ||| Get yer Let’s Play merch: http://bit.ly/2dn2Z3g Rooster Teeth Store: http://bit.ly/29dfCeX Achievement Hunter: http://achievementhunter.com Rooster Teeth: http://roosterteeth.com RTX: http://rtxevent.com Business Inquiries: http://bit.ly/1DZ77uy Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: http://bit.ly/1BuRgl1 Subscribe to the Achievement Hunter Channel: htt...
Each player is dealt 7 cards with the remaining ones placed face down, The first player has to match the card in the DISCARD pile either by number or color. For example, if the card is a red 7, player must throw down a red card or any color 7. Or the player can throw down a Wild card. If the player doesn't have anything to match, he must DRAW a card. If he can play what is drawn, great. Otherwise, play moves to the next person. When you have one card left, you must yell "UNO" (meaning one). Failure to do this results in you having to pick two cards from the DRAW pile. That is, of course, if we challenge them. Once a player has no cards left, the hand is over. Points are scored. Want more matches? Let me know :) Gaming system from CyberPowerPC - Save 5% with code "H2O" on orders over $1...
UNO gets pretty heated when you THINK you're teaming up with someone and they HELP THE OTHER TEAM WIN!! Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier Wade ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LordMinion777 Jack ► https://www.youtube.com/user/jacksepticeye Bob ► https://www.youtube.com/user/muyskerm Follow my Instagram ► http://instagram.com/markipliergram Follow me on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/markiplier Like me on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/markiplier Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shirkofficial/haunted Happy Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint
Who knew Uno could be such an exhilarating and hilarious game! Rick and Morty VR ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugwwFmp4bIA Uno ► https://www.youtube.com/user/muyskerm Dos ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LordMinion777 Tres ► https://www.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/jacksepticeye ►Facebook : https://facebook.com/officialjacksepticeye ►Merchandise: http://jacksepticeye.fanfiber.com/ Game Link ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/470220/ Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro animation created by Pixlpit: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro Song created by "Teknoaxe". It's called "I'm everywhere" and you can listen to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtNBwMIQ9Q
UNO is the most intense game of virtual FUCK YOU I've ever played! Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier Wade ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LordMinion777 Jack ► https://www.youtube.com/user/jacksepticeye Bob ► https://www.youtube.com/user/muyskerm Follow my Instagram ► http://instagram.com/markipliergram Follow me on Twitter ► https://twitter.com/markiplier Like me on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/markiplier Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shirkofficial/haunted Happy Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint
I am the lord of Uno but only when I play on teams.... then I win always Part 1 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sugcj8dSNmU Uno ► https://www.youtube.com/user/muyskerm Dos ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LordMinion777 Tres ► https://www.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/jacksepticeye ►Facebook : https://facebook.com/officialjacksepticeye ►Merchandise: http://jacksepticeye.fanfiber.com/ Game Link ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/470220/ Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro animation created by Pixlpit: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro Song created by "Teknoaxe". It's called "I'm everywhere" and you can listen to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtNBwMIQ9Q
Compuesta por Daniel Beta y Jorge Luis Bohórquez www.danielbeta.com www.facebook.com/DanielBetaOficial https://twitter.com/SoyDanielBeta https://www.instagram.com/danielbeta/ BORKIS MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT GUAYAQUIL-ECUADOR 2017 TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS
Suscríbete a nuestro canal de eventos en vivo: https://goo.gl/qFPG81 El narcotraficante se había sometido a varias cirugías plásticas para modificar su aspecto físico y cambió su identidad con el fin de despistar a las autoridades. SEPA MÁS: https://es.rt.com/57m6 RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT RT en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActualidadRT RT en Google+: https://plus.google.com/+RTenEspanol/posts RT en Vkontakte: http://vk.com/actualidadrt Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/en_vivo RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
Uno busca lleno de esperanzas
el camino que los sueños
prometieron a sus ansias...
Sabe que la lucha es cruel y es mucha
pero lucha y se desangra
por la fe que lo empecina.
Uno va arrastrándose entre espinas
y en su afán por dar su amor...
Sufre y se destroza hasta entender,
que uno se quedo sin corazón...
Precio de castigo que uno entrega
por un beso que no llega
o un amor que lo engaño,
vació ya de amar y de llorar
tanta traición...
Si yo tuviera el corazón,
el mismo que perdí;
si olvidara a la que ayer
lo destrozo,
y pudiera amarte,
me abrazaría a tu ilusión
para llorar tu amor.
Pero Dios te trajo a mi destino
sin pensar que ya es muy tarde
y no sabré como quererte,
déjame que llore como aquel
que sufre en vida
la tortura de llorar
su propia muerte.
Buena como eres salvarias
mi esperanza con tu amor...
Uno esta tan solo en su dolor,
uno esta tan ciego en su penar...
Pero un frió cruel que es peor
que el odio, punto muerto
de las almas, tumba horrenda
de mi amor, maldijo para siempre
y me robo... toda ilusión...
Si yo tuviera el corazón,
el mismo que perdí;
si olvidara a la que ayer
lo destrozo,
y pudiera amarte,
me abrazaría a tu ilusión
para llorar tu amor.