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Queensland school suspensions for five-year-olds doubles in three years

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The number of school suspensions slapped on unruly and violent five-year-olds has more than doubled in just three years, Education Queensland data has revealed.

The data shows 1028 pupils in their Prep year were suspended last year, compared to 572 in 2013. 

Prep student incidents ranged from "physical misconduct" involving objects and without objects, verbal abuse, persistently disruptive behaviour adversely affecting others, property misconduct and refusing to participate in activities.

For example, Queensland Teachers' Union president Kevin Bates said bad behaviour could include assault with an object such as a ruler or furniture, fighting, swearing or stealing.

Suspensions for "preppies", usually aged five, were overwhelmingly short suspensions lasting one to 10 days, although a small number were given long suspensions of 11 to 20 days.

In 2016, there were 1024 short suspensions for Prep pupils and four long suspensions.


Of those, there were 154 Prep suspensions for physical misconduct incidents involving an object, 596 for physical misconduct not involving an object, 123 for persistently disruptive behaviour and 24 for property misconduct.

Expulsions were very rare for Prep students, with only two incidents in 2014.

The figures list incidents rather than individual students, and one student may be suspended several times in a school year.

LNP opposition education spokeswoman Tracy Davis said it was very concerning to see increased numbers of Prep pupils being suspended for discipline matters.

"It is also concerning that teachers are being left to address inappropriate behaviour when this is primarily a parental responsibility," Ms Davis said.

"The question is, what is Labor's minister doing to address this escalating trend in Queensland schools?"

Mr Bates said early learning years were critical for students.

"So the issues causing disruption have to be significant," he said.

"There are very clear and well-enforced guidelines around what schools do in response to student behaviour.

"The reality here is that if students don't misbehave then they don't get that as a consequence."

Mr Bates all pupils had a right to learn but they also had the responsibility to not impede the rights of others to learn.

"There has to be a set of consequences and processes that teachers can use in relation to significant behaviour," he said.

Mr Bates said it was important to put the suspension numbers into context, with more than 47,000 Prep pupils enrolled in 2016, attending almost 200 school days in the year.

"It's a very small fraction of students that are in attendance at schools," he said.

In 2016, Year 8 students recorded the highest number of disciplinary absence incidents of any year level, with 10,874 short suspensions, 578 long suspensions and 286 exclusions.

Students who are in Year 10 or above, past the compulsory schooling stage, can have their enrolment cancelled if they display persistent refusal to participate.

An Education and Training Department spokesman said only 1.1 per cent of state school Prep students received a disciplinary absence in 2016.

That meant a small number of unruly Prep students were responsible for the bulk of suspensions.

The spokesman said students and teachers had a right to a safe and supportive school environment.

"School disciplinary absences have increased over the three years since principals were given increased powers against disruptive behaviours in 2014," he said.

The spokesman said the department supported principals in taking strong disciplinary action where a student's behaviour was unacceptable.

"We have undertaken significant work to support principals to use graduated and measured responses to behavioural issues," he said.

"The great majority of state school students from Prep to Year 12 behave appropriately every day, are actively engaged in learning and have positive relationships with their fellow students and teachers."