Shadowproof is teaming up with investigative journalist Ken Klippenstein to publish a series of stories on FBI cases and investigations.

Ken’s first story will chronicle how the FBI went after a major conflict researcher for inquiring about U.S. weapons sales.

We need your help to raise $2,000 to fund this project.

Donate to fund Ken Klippenstein’s series on the FBI’s Dirty Files

The Dissenter

13 Jul 2017

A Tribute To Jack Shaheen And His Groundbreaking Work On ‘Reel Bad Arabs’

“Though the movie may contain compelling cinematography and engrossing performances, as history,” “Lawrence of Arabia” “receives a failing grade,” renowned media critic Jack Shaheen wrote. “Throughout, the theme of cultural domination prevails—the civilized British conquering civilized folks.” Shaheen continued, “After all, the movie concerns a brave Englishman, not a valiant Arab.

Two of the original authors of the Combahee River Statement, Barbara Smith and Demita Frazier, spoke at a meeting during the "Socialism 2017" conference. Screen shot from live stream.
10 Jul 2017

Authors Of Combahee River Statement, Which Profoundly Influenced Black Feminism, Mark 40th Anniversary

Authors of the Combahee River Statement reflect on its impact and contemplate what lessons it may hold for those organizing against the Trump administration.

Myron Dewey, founder of Digital Smoke Signals (Screen shot from "Awake, A Dream From Standing Rock")
10 Jul 2017

Charge Dropped Against Indigenous Journalist Who Documented DAPL Construction With Drone

A misdemeanor charge of “stalking” against indigenous journalist Myron Dewey was dropped by Morton County prosecutors.

09 Jul 2017

‘Unauthorized Disclosure’—Episode 24: Best Of ‘Unauthorized Disclosure’

For this week’s episode, hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola revisit clips from some of the most listened to episodes since ‘Unauthorized Disclosure’ started in January 2014. The clips represent some of the show’s better moments. Four of the top five episodes are from the current season. They are the


Prison Protest

Crop of the cover of "Captive Nation." Photo of the Soledad Brothers being transported from court in 1970. Photo by Dan O'Neil.
29 Jun 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 9: Captive Nation feat. Dan Berger

Dan Berger joins episode 9 of Beyond Prisons to discuss his book, “Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era.”

16 Jun 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 8: Prison Labor feat. Jared Ware

We discuss prison jobs programs, organizing against prison slavery, abolishing the 13th Amendment, and the Millions for Prisoners march in Washington, D.C.

Krystal Rountree, founder of iamWE and national organizer of the upcoming Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March
14 Jun 2017

Beyond Prisons – Episode 7: Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March Feat. Krystal Rountree

Krystal Rountree discusses the Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March on August 19 in Washington, D.C. and the campaign to abolish the 13th amendment.

Maya Schenwar, editor-in-chief of Truthout and author of "Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn't Work and How We Can Do Better."
03 Jun 2017

Beyond Prisons – Episode 6: Mothering Under Surveillance feat. Maya Schenwar

Brian and Kim speak with Maya Schenwar about her book, “Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn’t Work and How We Can Do Better.”

Akeem Browder, founder of Shut Down Rikers Island, speaks in front of a mural for his brother, Kalief Browder. Screenshot from YouTube user Peter Eliscu:
11 May 2017

Beyond Prisons – Episode 5: Shut Down Rikers Island Feat. Akeem Browder

Brian and Kim speak with Akeem Browder, founder of the campaign to Shut Down Rikers Island and the Kalief Browder Foundation.

09 May 2017

As Abolition Becomes More Likely, Chicago Bond Fund Sees Future Where They Aren’t Needed

Around 70 people volunteer for the Chicago Community Bond Fund, a nonprofit organization that raises money to post bond for people who can’t afford to get out of Cook County Jail while awaiting trial. The bond fund relies on volunteers and purposely avoids hiring full time staff. It was an all-volunteer organization until February,


Sharp Edges

13 Jul 2017

Role Playing The Resistance: How Liberals Grift Movements In The Age Of Trump

The exploitation of progressive rhetoric for the sake of advancing careers, building platforms, and launching hollow political campaigns has become part and parcel of the liberal grift. It is a long con game several are good at playing, as they boast of “resistance” but have no road map for what

Caricature of the Democratic Party donkey. Photo by DonkeyHotey on Flickr.
28 Jun 2017

When Democrats Use Muslims As Election Props—And Lose

A 19 year-old medical student and grassroots organizer’s account of Jon Ossoff’s campaign stop at an Islamic community center exemplifies why Democrats lose.

Photo by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
20 Jun 2017

ICE Raids Against Iraqi Catholics Present Existential Problem For Refugees

To the sound of chilling screams, dozens of Chaldeans and other Iraqis were detained by immigration agents on June 11 in Michigan.

Yale University graduate teachers protest the administration's refusal to negotiate with them over labor conditions. Source: Local 33 - UNITE HERE on Facebook (
15 Jun 2017

Yale Graduate Teachers Union Presses On With Struggle For Negotiated Contract

Yale University graduate teachers unionized in February but are being stonewalled by an administration that refuses to negotiate with them.

Photo by Water You Fighting For on Facebook:
07 Jun 2017

The Forgotten Residents Of Flint Still In Throes Of Deadly Water Crisis

As media focuses on national politics, Flint residents with debt and no access to clean water feel forgotten and believe pressure was taken off officials.

18 May 2017

Sanctuary Communities And The Fallacy Of ‘Good Immigrants’ Vs. ‘Bad Immigrants’

There are four sanctuary states in the United States, and over 200 sanctuary cities and counties, as of March 20. President Donald Trump’s administration has actively targeted sanctuary communities, and threatened to cut federal funding, but the administration’s pursuit of legal avenues in order to curb sanctuary cities has, so


The Bullpen

Photo (cropped) via Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur on Flickr.
24 Jun 2017

Senate Trumpcare Bill Shows GOP Thinks Working Poor Should Struggle More For Health Care

Senate Republicans want to make Obamacare much worse in order to fund a large tax cuts for the rich, drug companies, insurance companies, and device makers.

Photo by Health California on Facebook:
07 Jun 2017

California Plan For Single-Payer System Must Confront Political Obstacles To Succeed

Generating support for single-payer health care is important, but it will never succeed without planning for the trade-offs necessary to make it work.

Screenshot from Mother Jones website.
24 May 2017

Single-Payer Health Care Is Less Expensive—Deal With It

Practically everyone (except Kevin Drum at Mother Jones) believes single-payer would cut health care costs. It’s the heart of the whole debate.

Screenshot from C-SPAN broadcast of House vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA):
14 May 2017

Trumpcare Shows Majority Of Politicians Are Willing To Vote Against Health Care Industry

Single-payer opponents claim it’s politically impossible get a majority in Congress to oppose the health care industry, but House GOP just proved them wrong.

Vermont Human Right To Healthcare. Rally at the State House in Montpelier, VT. Photo by NESRI on Flickr.
02 May 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Overcoming Hurdles At The State Level

Attempts to convince states to adopt single-payer healthcare face significant hurdles that are both legal and financial.

"Obama at Healthcare rally at UMD." Photo by Daniel Borman (dborman2) on Flickr.
24 Apr 2017

Road To Single-Payer: Fighting For Universal Health Care At The Federal Level

In Part 3 of Jon Walker’s series, he examines various hurdles at the federal level that Americans must overcome to achieve a universal health care system.


The Next Cold War

21 Jun 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 24: What Is The Antiwar Right? Feat. Angela Keaton

Angela Keaton, executive director of, discusses libertarian and right-wing opposition to war and areas of common ground with the antiwar Left.

14 Jun 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 23: High-Level Leaks, Soft Coup, And Conspiracy Feat. Philip Giraldi

Phil Giraldi discusses how former intelligence officers are questioning whether there’s an ongoing soft coup in the national security establishment.

07 Jun 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 22: Shadow Wars And The Manchester Bombing

Author and scholar Dr. Christopher Davidson discusses manipulation of the Middle East by Western powers, the strategic use of extremist groups, and more.

02 Jun 2017

Manchester Bombing Connected To Intervention In Libya

Despite initial claims by the British government, it is now clear that Salman Abedi, the man responsible for the bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, was not a “lone wolf” but a member of terrorist network living in the United Kingdom under the protection of the government.

President Donald Trump and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia talk together during ceremonies, Saturday, May 20, 2017, at the Royal Court Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Official White House Photo Shealah Craighead on Flickr)
27 May 2017

Trump Sides With ISIS Supporters In Middle East Sectarian War

Rather than confront the roots of the terrorism, Trump praised its benefactors and took a side in a sectarian war that is ripping apart the Middle East.

24 May 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 21: Impeach Trump, Get President Pence? Hell No.

Doug Henwood discusses the anti-Trump faction’s endgame, the force applied by the unelected permanent government and the prospect of a President Pence.


Beyond Satire

27 May 2017

Tips For Politicians Looking To Swiftly Dispatch Pesky Reporters

These days a politician cannot seem to go anywhere without encountering a journalist, who thinks he or she has the right to thrust a recorder in your face and ask a question about the day’s latest developments that are making the news. Here are some tips for handling reporters, who

25 Feb 2017

I Was A Professional Anarchist Paid By Super-Rich Liberal George Soros To Bring Trump Down

Weeks into the presidency of a buffoonish but vicious tyrant, I feel compelled to take off my black bandana, hooded sweatshirt, and kick off my steel-toed boots to reveal myself to the people. This is especially for those who believe the United States is faced with an uprising led by

Screenshot of CSPAN broadcast of Trump news conference.
16 Feb 2017

We Obtained Leaked Copy Of Trump’s Plans For First 100 Days And It’s Just Wow!

We got a glimpse at copy of what Trump plans to do by his 100th day and, whoa! It’s simply incredible!

01 Feb 2017

Donald Trump Remembered Some Black People For Black History Month

Read President Donald Trump’s remarks at a Black History Month event with African Americans.

30 Jan 2017

Creators Of ‘Paul Ryan: The Magazine’ Discuss Their Satirical Project

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is both a media darling, who positions himself as a leader that can temper President Donald Trump’s extremism, and an embodiment of much of Ayn Rand’s most destructive ideology, who is eager to carry out the agenda of the Koch Brothers. He is

15 Jan 2017

Trump’s Cabinet Of Terror: Let Us Explain To You What These Foul Creatures Really Think

We watched or combed through the transcript of every confirmation hearing for Donald Trump’s cabinet picks this past week to bring you this explainer that is sure to make your knees buckle and induce nausea. This is not for the faint of liberal hearts. Here are the views of each


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