Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

It's going to be party time this Friday night down Toronto way as the folks behind the theoretical journal 'Upping the Anti' celebrate the launch of issue number 8 of their magazine. here's their announcement. Go to their website for more details about what the mag is all about.
digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Upping the Anti #8 Launch Party - Concord Cafe, Toronto(Upping the Anti) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
On Friday, May 8th, join UPPING THE ANTI and DJs Saira Chhibber and Nik Red as we celebrate the launch of UPPING THE ANTI NUMBER EIGHT
Friday May 8, 8pm
The Concord Cafe
(937 Bloor Street West)
- DJs Saira Chhibber and Nik Red
-- Raffle, Dancing, Politics, Fun
- Admission: $10 (includes new issue).
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Subscribers get in free.
- Interviews with David McNally, Sam Gindin, and Leo Panitch on the economic crisis
- Interview with Deborah Gould on the legacy of ACT UP
- Interview with Helen Hudson on building sustainable movements
- John Clarke on anti-poverty organizing during the economic crisis
- Shourideh Molavi on Palestine solidarity organizing after the assault on Gaza
- Shiri Pasternak on the struggle at Barriere Lake
- Roundtable with members of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM)
- Roundtable on activist study groups
- And More...
For more information, email or visit

Monday, March 23, 2009

Issue number 108 of Workers' Solidarity, the paper of the Irish Workers' Solidarity Movement is now online, both for reading and in a downloadable pdf format for distribution. Here, from the Anarkismo website, is the announcement.

Workers Solidarity 108 is online:
The March - April 2009 Edition of Ireland's anarchist paper, the Workers Solidarity freesheet is now online to read or download.
Click on one of the links below for a PDF version of the northern or southern edition of Workers Solidarity 108.
In February, the WSM continued its series of public meetings about why capitalism is in crisis and why working people should refuse to make sacrifices to benefit the rich. Limerick and Bray were the latest. We will be continuing our efforts to spread anarchist ideas in this vein over the coming months, with meetings planned for Drogheda, Galway, Derry, Navan, Tralee, Tipperary and Ballina. Also, our next radio show will be appearing on NEAR 90.3 FM, a Dublin community radio station, in the near future.
The WSM made its presence felt in a number of protests in early January against the Israeli assault on Gaza. We also supported the anti-fees protest organised by third-level students in February, with a number of our student members active in FEE (Free Education for Everyone), a campaigning group in the universities.
In a leaflet produced by the WSM for the education protests, we argued that “we need to build a national campaign that can fight the battle to prevent cuts at all levels of education, to demand more, not less, investment in our children’s future, to stop the further limitation of access to third-level and, ultimately, to push to improve the entire education system.” With this in mind, we held a meeting in late February aiming to establish an education workers libertarian socialist network.
In Belfast, WSM members participated in pickets of Subway after management sacked a pregnant migrant worker. The Belfast branch also held its inaugural ‘day school’ in February, with talks on the history of anarchism and how we can fight the recession.
Meanwhile, we have seen the first signs of workers taking direct action with the occupation of the Waterford Glass plant. Our Cork branch visited the factory to offer their support and released a statement, an extract of which is quoted below.
“In the last while there has been an unprecedented assault on our living standards. Huge numbers of us have been put out of jobs or put on short time; we have been told bluntly 'Take a pay cut or your job is gone'. Our union leadership has reacted to this with offers of talks and with appeals for calm. While doing this they have leaned over backwards to meet the demands of the bosses and the Government. Against this scenario, the Waterford Glass workers have said NO MORE. The time for talking with your hands tied behind your back are over! Workers did not create this crisis and they sure aren't going to pay the huge price that is being asked to solve it!”
With this in mind, we joined huge numbers of our fellow workers on the ICTU demonstration in Dublin on February 21st, advocating a national strike to defend workers interests.
Internationally, as the global recession deepens, there have been signs of increased resistance by working people; with riots in Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria. There was a general strike in France, while the government fell in Iceland. As the economic situation worsens in Ireland, our members remain active in their unions, student organisations, communities and campaign groups to try and fight back against the impoverishment and violence that continues to be imposed on us and our class by our rulers. We need you to join us in this fight.
In this Issue...
There is no money left in Ireland. At least that’s what you might think after listening to Brian Cowen, Enda Kenny, IBEC and the parade of capitalist economists and pundits who parrot this nonsense. Yes, we are heading into a deep recession but guess who is expected to pay the cost?This Strike is For Us All
The national strike called by ICTU should be just the first day of action in what must become a strike wave across every sector until all pay cuts are withdrawn. The super-rich can shoulder the costs of their crisis themselves.

Free Education for Everyone held its first National Conference on Saturday, January 31st. Over forty student activists traveled from UCD, TCD, Maynooth, Galway, Limerick and Cork.
The workers at Waterford Crystal occupying the plant are an example to us all. Rather than accept the closure of the business, the loss of all the jobs and the destruction of the area’s premier industry; workers seized the buildings making liquidation impossible for the receiver.
There was the whiff of something in the Derry air. The constantly rising civilian death toll in Gaza had already produced the same outpourings of rage on the streets of Derry as it had around the world. Thousands of signatures had been gathered calling on Raytheon to be given the boot, while ever larger crowds had gathered for vigils at the cenotaph, marches through the city, rallies at the Guildhall and at a nonviolent blockade of Raytheon itself. Now more and more of us were becoming determined that we do not have to resign to feelings of helplessness in the face of Israel’s war atrocities. Our burning rage was igniting something positive.
“People who got mortgages they can’t afford to pay back were greedy and foolish and should suffer the consequences…They signed a free contract, they’re adults and they have to take responsibility for their actions”. This is the kind of thing that gets thrown around a lot in recessions. It conveniently ignores a few things.
There are a few ways in which International Women's Day can be approached. It can be ignored. This is what mostly happens in the mainstream media. Unlike Valentines Day and Mothers Day, cards aren't given and presents aren't bought. With no profit to be made out of it, the day is not exactly one that jumps out and grabs the attention.
Private, fee-paying schools for the wealthy received more than €100 million from the 26 county taxpayer last year. €99 million was spent on paying teachers’ salaries, and a further €2.1 million on building works in 17 fee-paying schools in 2008. Blackrock College in Dublin tops the list, receiving €3.9 million. Other schools receiving more than €3 million in annual support include Kilkenny College (€3.5 million), St Andrew’s College (€3.4 million), Belvedere College (€3.3 million) and Wesley College (€3.1 million). Most of the schools in receipt of this free taxpayers’ cash charge fees of about €5,000 per year.
The recent publishing of the report by the Consultative Group on the Past demonstrates the simmering sectarian tensions and hostility beneath the surface.The 190 page report by the group, chaired by ex-Church of Ireland primate Lord Eames and former Policing Board vice chairman Dennis Bradley marked 18 months of consultation with victim groups and others that have been bereaved through the conflict.
Related Link:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Issue number 4 of the Nor'Easter, the publication of the North Eastern Anarchist Network in the USA is now out and about. Here's the lowdown.
The Nor Easter #4 Winter 2009:
Winter 2009 Issue of the Nor'easter now available ---- The winter 2009 issue of the Nor'easter is now available. You can browse the on line edition, download and print the PDF or check your favorite infoshop for the newspaper version.
The Nor'easter collective is happy to announce that the winter 2009 issue of the Nor'easter is now available. This is the first issue printed in newspaper format.
and on line versions are also available. Contents include stories about Greece, Somali pirates, the Republic workers and more. Also included are reportbacks and updates from across the northeast United States.
As always, the Nor'easter looking for content for future issues. Please send submissions to
Table of Contents
Nor'easter Statement on Gaza
Oakland On Fire: Anarchists, Solidarity and New Possibilities in the Oakland Rebellion
The Republic Workers Remind Us That Direct Action Gets the Goods
Rising Tide Boston to Bank of America: We're Still Breaking Up With You!
Sea Bandits: Poverty, Business and the Rise of Somali Piracy
A Close Look at the Greek Insurrection
Reportback From the Disrupt Lake City Presentation
Short Updates
Reportbacks From the Northeast
A Steel City Revolts With Launch of New Anarchist Publication
Boston Anarchist Black Cross Reportback
Wooden Shoe Talking Changes in Tough Times
Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement Update
IthAca Update
From Rochester With Love!
About the Nor'easter
The Nor'easter aims to provide an outlet for anarchist-related news and events while simultaneously introducing non-anarchists to anarchism and plugging them into the movement.
Thank you for reading this issue of the Nor'easter, the new quarterly of the Northeast Anarchist Network. Please help us with this project by submitting articles, events, photos, graphics, etc. Email submissions to
Issue Volunteers
* Jake Carman
* Hannah E. Dobbz
* Stephen Goodman
* Wes Hannah
* Bryn Roshong
* Marie Skoczylas
* Sublett
* Richard Vallejo

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Linchpin is the journal of the Ontario platformist organization Common Cause. Their latest edition, #7, is now online in a downloadable pdf format for reprinting and distribution. Here's the announcement from the Anarkismo website.

Linchpin 7 online:

Linchpin 7 onlineCommon Cause has published the December '08 / January '09 issue of the Linchpin, with articles on the continuing strike of educational workers at York University, women organizing with IWW Edmonton, and two articles with more of a green focus. Murray Bookchin's social ecology is introduced in our continuing anarchism 101 section, and Ottawa Common Cause member Greg Macdougall synthesizes ideas on environmental justice presented at the November Organizing for Justice conference.
Please contact us if you would like to contribute to Linchpin in the future, or if have any feedback on already published issues.
Copies of Linchpin are available in Ontario communities where we have branches and allies, and we are always looking to expand. These are some specific locations where you can find Linchpin:
HAMILTON - The Skydragon Centre, 27 King William St.
LONDON - Empowerment Infoshop, 636 Queen St.
OTTAWA - Exile Infoshop, 256 Bank St
TORONTO - Toronto Women’s Bookstore, 73 Harbord St.
If you'd like some copies to distribute in your town, do get in touch.
Andrew Loucks

Saturday, November 08, 2008

The ever active folks at the Pittsburgh Organizing Group have now set up a new quarterly publication, the "Steel City Revolt". Here's their announcement via the A-Infos website.
Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) Announcing Steel City Revolt! New Anarchist Quarterly:
Date Fri, 07 Nov 2008 19:12:52 +0200
It is with great excitement we publicly announce the release of the Steel City Revolt! (SCR), a new quarterly print publication of the Pittsburgh Organizing Group. Our inaugural issue is representative of our aim with anarchist-related articles on events, theory, history, analysis and culture. Our mission statement and submission guidelines are available at
Subscription information: Steel City Revolt is published four times per year, on the fifteenth of every January, April, July and October. The magazine is mailed to all members and supporters of POG. A basic supporter membership is $25. More information, and an online form is available at:
We're still working out the online payment form so we'll contact people after they subscribe with payment instructions.
Issue #1, 48 Pages
Our inaugural issue is representative of our aim with anarchist-related articles on events, theory, history, analysis and culture.Some highlights:
- RNC protest coverage includes two personal accounts, one from a POG member who used a cement lockbox to attach himself to the steering wheel of the car he used to blockade the middle of 7th and Wall streets in Minnesota for over an hour
.- An overview of labor struggles at Equitable Gas, Verizon, and Pittsburgh Port-Authority where management recently announced its intention to impose a contract on workers setting the stage for a possible transit strike on Dec 1.
- A personal reflection on the $700 billion bailout and the broader financial crisis.
- Interviews with four local anarchists on the issue of voting, or not voting, and the broader question of our movement’s relationship to electoral politics.
- The case of Amadeu Casellas: A Spanish Anarchist’s Life and Death Struggle for Freedom.
- Radical gifting ideas, some recipes, and instructions for making things.
Full Table of Contents:
# From the Editors# Mission Statement
# Upcoming Events# Letters to the Editors
# Free Association
# To Vote or Not to Vote
# Reportback from the Jericho March
# Convention Coverage
# Crashing the Convention
# Statement from the RNC 8
# POG Perspectives
# Pittsburgh Labor Struggles
# NAFTA Superhighway to Hell
# Financial Crisis
# The Struggle of Amadeu Casellas
# Reflections on Seattle
# Remembering Marcella Salli Grace and Kirsten Brydum
# Radicals and Holidays
# Book Review: Ishmael
# Why POG is an Anarchist Group
# Get to Know an Anarchist from the Past
# Upcoming Anniversaries in Radical History
# Poetry
# Recent Anarchist Resistance Around the World
# POG Membership Form

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Linchpin, the journal of the Ontario platformist Common Cause organization, is now in its sixth edition. With timely article on the financial crisis, anarchafeminism and much more. Here is their announcement. See the website to download a pdf copy of the magazine and to read all the articles.
Linchpin Issue 6:

This is the October/November 2008 issue of the Linchpin paper, published by Common Cause. We publish articles written by our members as well as by others involved in action / movements. Please contact us if you would like to contribute or have any feedback.

We make copies of this paper available in the Ontario communities in which we have a presence, and are always looking to expand. If you'd like to get involved in helping in our distribution efforts, please contact us.

Copies are available at a number of locations, including:
HAMILTON - The Skydragon Centre, 27 King William St.
LONDON - Empowerment Infoshop, 636 Queen St.
OTTAWA - Exile Infoshop, 256 Bank St; Oneness Grassroots Promotions, 430 Rideau St;
TORONTO - Toronto Women’s Bookstore, 73 Harbord St.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The 'Nor'Easter' is the journal of the Northeast Anarchist Network in the USA. The latest issue of their journal is now online for reading and for downloading in pdf format. Here's the announcement.

US, Nor'Easter Issue 3 Out Now:
Issue #3 of the Nor'Easter, the quarterly of the Northeast Anarchist Network, is ready to hit the streets (or nearest computer screen)
Download the Fall 2008 issue (10.1mb PDF)
- 20 pages featuring:
* Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul: Report from the RNC
* Report from Caravan to Chiapas: Observation and Solidarity with Zapatista Communities
* Pandemonium in the Streets of NYC
* APOCs Build It From Below: APOC Northeast and Northwest regional gatherings
* Reports from around the region and beyond

Print some off or get in touch with the Nor'Easter Collective, and spread 'em far and wide!

Download the PDF and read online content at
Online Content:
# Fuck Corporate Philanthropy
# Safe Homes Initiative: Safe for Whom?
# Sacco and Vanzetti Speech
Full Versions:
# Chronicle of the Battle of St Paul
# Report from the Caravan to Chiapas
The Northeast Anarchist Network is: a regional, horizontal, organizing network in the Northeast, striving to link those committed to anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppressive struggles. We recognize that the anarchist movement has a diversity of perspectives and priorities. We seek to nurture solidarity and mutual aid amongst all participants of the Network, especially in the face of repression.

Started in February 2007 by anarchists from across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, NEAN has grown through many subsequent meetings around the region. The process of creating this Network has connected many groups and individuals and has been a catalyst for the formation of new groups and projects. We haver eason to be optimistic about the future of this Network and region, and we welcome anyone sympathetic to our goals to be a part of it.
The Nor'Easter aims to provide an outlet for anarchist-related news and events while simultaneously introducing non-anarchists to anarchism and plugging them into the movement.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


La dernière édition de "Cause Commune", la revue de NEFAC au Québec, est maintenant en ligne. Voir l'article ci-dessous de la NEFAC-Montréal site.

The latest edition of 'Cause Commune', the journal of NEFAC in Québec, is now online. See the article blow from the NEFAC-Montréal site.

Cause commune no 22:
Le numéro 22 de Cause commune, le journal de la NEFAC au Québec, est maintenant disponible sur le web. 4000 exemplaires papier de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantes libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de la NEFAC le plus près de vous.Un pdf à basse résolution --format tabloïd-- est disponible.Au sommaire du no 22 (format HTML)
*Agir au lieu d’élire
*L'anarchie de A à Z, «U» comme Unité
*L’irraisonnable émeute
*Géorgie: l’ombre de la guerre froide refait surface...
*OTAN en emporte l’argent...
*Élections: qu’en est-il de l’avortement
*Cinéma : deux points de vue anars sur Le banquet
Traduction anglais:
Common Cause No. 22:
Number 22 of Common Cause, the journal of NEFAC Quebec, is now available on the web. 4000 print copies of this newspaper are distributed free by libertarian activists, inside and outside the organization. Common Cause is a springboard for anarchist ideas in support of resistance movements against the bosses, the owners and their allies in government. If you like the journal and want to help disseminate it in your area, contact the collective of NEFAC nearest you.

A low resolution pdf - tabloid format - is available.

Contents of No. 22 (HTML)
*Act instead of electing
*Anarchy from A to Z, "U" as in Unity
*The unreasonable riot
*Georgia: the shadow of the Cold War resurfacing ...
*NATO takes money ...
*Elections: what about abortion
*Movies: two anarchist views on 'Banquet'

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Speaking of Edmonton the Edmonton Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) is one of the most dynamic branches in Canada. They publish a newsletter, 'The Wobbly Dispatch' and Volume 6, Issue 3 (September, 2008) is now available in a downloadable pdf format at their site. Stocked full of features and photos, this issue celebrates the 10th anniversary of the latest incarnation of the IWW in Edmonton. Here are some of the contents:
*Looking back and Working Forward: May Day, Edmonton and Struggle.
*Don't Mourn [Learn to] Organize! Recent and Upcoming Workshops.
*Stolen Sisters Walk.
*Ending Systemic Oppression of the Young.
*We Call it Freedom.
*On Leadership.
*Book Review: The Russian Revolution in Ukraine.
*View From the Basket.
Plus many shorts, photos, cartoons and much more. Drop on by for an interesting and inspiring read.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Zabalaza is the theoretical journal of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front, a platformist group active in South Africa. The journal always contains some mighty fine writing, and Molly highly recommends that you check out the general website for one of the best collections of downloadable anarchist pamphlets available on the net.
Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Class Struggle Anarchism, Issue No.9:
Issue number nine of the theoretical journal of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front is now available online.
In this issue...
Southern Africa:
* Workers, Bosses and the 2008 Pogroms
* “Ba Sebetsi Ba Afrika”: Manifesto of the Industrial Workers of Africa, 1917
* Ninety Years of Working Class Internationalism in South Africa
* Unyawo Alunampumulo: Abahlali base Mjondolo Statement on the Xenophobic Attacks in Johannesburg
* Xenophobia, Nationalism and Greedy Bosses: An Interview with Alan Lipman
* Interview with Two Libertarian Socialist Activists from Zimbabwe
* Kenya’s Troubles are Far from Over
* Will EU troops stop the Central African cycle of violence?
* Brutal Repression in Sidi Ifni (Morroco)
* Obama and Latin America: a Friendly Imperialism?
* Anarchism & Immigration
* The Poison of Nationalism
* Nostalgic Tribalism or Revolutionary Transformation?: A Critique of Anarchism & Revolution in Black Africa
A PDF version of the journal can be downloaded here:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Red and Black Revolution is the theoretical journal of the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement. Their latest issue, # 14, is now available in a downloadable pdf format. Here's the announcement and a brief summary of some of the articles.

Red and Black Revolution 14
The Spring 2008 issue online, with links below. The pdf is available here

“No Justice, Just Us” Interview with Larry Wheelock, brother of Terence, who was killed in police custody.
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction The first part of a series of articles investigating the capitalist financial markets from a critical perspective. This article looks at the financial markets, particularly focusing on the mechanics of some of the instruments that have led to a momentous transformation of the workings of global financial markets in the most recent decades.
How free can you be if you can’t even control your own body? Ireland still has one of the most regressive anti-choice regimes in Europe. Alan MacSimóin looks back at twenty five years of pro-choice struggle and anarchist involvement in it.
Book Review: “Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant Gregor Kerr reviews Miriam Ching Yoon Louie's Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant Women Workers Take On The Global Factory.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The following is from the A-Infos website. For more information consult the website of the Northeast Anarchist Network.
US, Call for Submissions to the Nor'Easter* Issue 3
The time has come again to submit articles for the Nor'Easter, the NorthEast Anarchist Network's newspaper! Thanks to all who submitted to the first two papers - hopefully everyone has had the chance to read it and to distribute! Copies are available on the Web site. ---- For the next issue, please submit your articles about recent actions, upcoming and ongoing campaigns, current events, etc. to Noreaster-Submissions AT neanarchist dot net by August 8th. There is going to be a separate call-out for submissions relating to convention report-backs with a deadline of September 12th, but please submit other pieces, reportbacks from actions, etc. to be edited before the convention!
The Nor'Easter is aimed at both anarchists and non-anarchists alike, so a wide range of topics should be considered for submission. -- and send in your ideas of what anarchy is or what an anarchist world may look like for our ongoing series 'What's Your Anarchy?'
Most importantly, please let us know about upcoming events for inclusion in the calendar for the fall-- any events, actions, etc. that you want publicized. Think about your group's actions, local events, bookfairs, etc. This is free publicity, so plan ahead and let us know!===============
* The Official Quarterly of the Northeast Anarchist Network

Saturday, June 28, 2008



Le camarades Québecois de la NEFAC continuer à lutter le bon combat, et ils ont mis en évidence la 21e édition de leur journal Cause Commune. Il est disponible pour télécharger via Internet dans un format pdf. Bonne lecture.

The Québec NEFAC comrades continue to fight the good fight, and they ahve now brought out the 21st edition of their journal Cause Commune. It's available for download via the internet in a pdf format. Good reading.


Cause commune no 21

Le numéro 21 de Cause commune, le journal de la NEFAC au Québec, est maintenant disponible sur le web.

4000 exemplaires papier de ce journal sont distribués gratuitement par des militantes libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation. Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement. Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de la NEFAC le plus près de vous.

Un pdf à basse résolution --format tabloïd-- est disponible.

Au sommaire du no 21 (format HTML)

* Le Camp des «4 sans»: Se mobiliser pour le droit au logement

* Le «Droit de cité»

* L'anarchie de A à Z, «T» comme Terrorisme

* Vers une nouvelle organisation révolutionnaire

* La rage du peuple

* Pendant ce temps... en France

* Des anarchistes changent le nom d’une rue du Vieux-Québec

* Punk/Oï : Larmes aux poings

* Hip-hop : Désobéissance

* Livre : Le Mouvement masculiniste au Québec

* Une scierie en grève à Valcourt

* À la défense du droit à l'avortement

* Journée historique, répression des flics

Common Cause No. 21
The latest number of Common Cause, the newspaper of the NEFAC Quebec, is now available on the web.

4000 paper copies of this newspaper are distributed free by libertarian activists, both in and outside the organization. Common Cause is a springboard for anarchist ideas, to support the resistance movements against the bosses, owners and their allies in government. If you like the newspaper and want to help distribute in your community, contact the NEFAC group nearest you.
A low-resolution pdf - tabloid format - is available.

Contents of No. 21 (HTML format)
* The Camp "4 sans"(I have trouble trasnlating this-Molly): Mobilizing for the right to housing
* The "Freedom of the City"
* The anarchy A to Z, "T" as in Terrorism
* Towards a new revolutionary organization
* The rage of the people
* Meanwhile ... in France
* Anarchists change the name of a street in Old Quebec
* Punk / Oï: Tears the fists
* Hip-hop: Disobedience
* Book Review:
The Men's Movement in Quebec
* A sawmill on strike in Valcourt
* In defence of the right to abortion
* On This Day in History(this a rather free translation-Molly ) Police repression

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Black Flag, one of the leading anarchist magazines in the UK is on the search for contributors. Have something to say ? Think you can say it well ? Why not give BF the internet equivalent of a dingle. The following announcement is from the Anarchist Writers blog.
Black Flag -- call for contributions/help
I would just to like to call for contributions for the next issue of Black Flag, the UK's leading (and oldest) anarchist magazine(I guess this description depends on the difference between "magazine" and "newspaper' as freedom is quite obviously older than BF-Molly). It has a class struggle anarchist perspective, i.e., communist-anarchist or anarcho-syndicalist.

We are aiming to make it bi-annual this year and the first issue was published for May Day. The next will be for the London Anarchist bookfair in October. The deadline is in mid-August, but please contact us to you are planning to contribute material.

We are specifically looking for someone to write about the health sector, discussing anarchist ideas on the state of the NHS and the demands in America for a state run system instead of their quasi-privatised system. Specifically, what do anarchists do in the short run with regards to New Labour plans on the NHS (which seems to be privatisation by stealth) and the obvious limitations in the American system (as prompted, in part, by "Sicko"). Something beyond "We need a revolution", in other words.

Also, we need articles which analysis current struggles and events. As a bi-annual magazine, we need more than just reporting. Historical material and reviews are welcome, but we are not short of them and we wish to have a good balance between current analysis and historical articles.

Obviously, we are looking for work in the class struggle anarchist tradition but we will consider libertarian Marxist material as well. As long as it is interesting and makes valid points, it will be given a hearing.

If you are interested in subscribing, writing, getting involved or giving us your money, our contact details are:
Black Flag
BM Hurricane
United Kingdom

Friday, June 06, 2008

Molly recently came across this interesting announcement on the A-Infos board about a new online anarchist magazine. Yes, there is a debate about "online" versus printed publications that is old enough to have whiskers that have turned grey. Maybe I'll rehash this some other time. The project looks quite interesting, and the list of organizations and individuals appended at the end is thought provoking in itself. Quite a collection, and it would seem like a sort of party game to see how many breaths you have to take in order to recite them all. What pleases me the most is that I have never heard hide nor hair of the majority of them. This is a tribute to the ever-widening spread of anarchism today, about how it is gradually becoming a very widespread movement, something that has interesting nooks and crannies that it would take a lifetime to discover. What is also pleasing is that I only recognize three out of the dozens of items as representative of the "anarcho-fools" while many more are sterling examples of practical organizing. But enough pontificating. Here's the announcement.
Whirlwinds online journal launched
Team Colors Collective and The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Press are proud to announce the launch of the one-off online publication “In the Middle of a Whirlwind: 2008 Convention Protests, Movement and Movements” - http:// .
---- Whirlwinds provides detailed analysis, thoughtful criticism, and substantive writing on current organizing through an inquiry into movement in the United States. Through that process, Whirlwinds assembles a strategic analysis of current political composition as a tool for building political power. (A detailed summary of the project and contributors list follows this note.)
---- We begin and end with the question: Will you join us in the middle of a whirlwind?
• Communicate with the coordinators and contributors
.• Utilize materials contained within Whirlwinds in your own organizing.
• Participate in our discussion forums to critique or dialog around Whirlwinds contributions (forthcoming).
• Host or attend one of the many “Of Friends and Whirlwinds” events.
• Make a contribution toward the effort and sign up on the email list.
• Distribute this announcement and “Will you join us in the middle of a whirlwind?” posters and postcards; available at your local radical infoshop and from Team Colors.
• Create an affinity group to prepare for the upcoming convention protests this summer.
• Inquire into, research, investigate, document, organize around and amplify the winds - refusals, struggles, activities - circulating through your everyday lives and communities.
Whirlwinds is go; additional contributions, articles, and materials will appear in the weeks leading up to convention protests this summer and action reports and analysis will follow.
As our struggles swirl and become collective, the winds flowing through our lives and communities become a whirlwind.
Team Colors Collective
3 June 2008
* * *
Will you join us in the middle of a whirlwind?
In the Middle of a Whirlwind:
2008 Convention Protests, Movement and Movements
A one-off(I hope this doesn't mean what I think it does-Molly) online journal of theory, art, activism and organizing out now!
Coordinated by: Team Colors Collective
Published by: The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press
In the Middle of a Whirlwind (Whirlwinds) inquires into current organizing efforts in the United States, and through that process, assembles a strategic analysis of current political composition as a tool for building political power.
Whirlwinds’ strategic context is this summer’s RNC and DNC protests; through these documents and the discussions that erupt from them we hope to directly impact the anti-Convention organizing. In a larger sense, and in the long-term, Whirlwinds is intended to provide a set of useful documents for contemporary radical organizing. Each essay and interview addresses the issues of movement, working class power and composition, and/or gives strategic insight into organizing, and the strengths and weaknesses of current movement/s in the U.S.
Contributions From:
Jen Angel Bay Area Radical Health Collective Bluestockings Books, Café and Activist Center (written by Malav Kanuga) George Caffentzis Chris Carlsson Maribel Casas-Cortest & Sebastion Cobarrubias (Counter Cartographies Collective) Emma Cosse (Act-up Paris) CrimethInc. Direct Action to Stop the War Domestic Workers United & Right to the City Alliance (written by Harmony Goldberg) Family Farm Defenders Silvia Federici Michael Hardt & El Kimobo in conversation Brian Holmes The Icarus Project IWW Starbucks Workers Union “I Want To Do This All Day: Redefining Learning & Reinventing Education” (Audio Documentary) El Kilombo Intergaláctico Latino Health Outreach Project (written by Jennifer Whitney) Peter Linebaugh Brian Marks Daniel McGowan Stevie Peace (including an interview with Critical Resistance) Philly’s Pissed & Philly Stands Up (written by Timothy Colman, Esteban Kelly & Em Squires) Roadblock Earth First! Gigi Roggero (Edu-Factory) Maggie Schmitt (Precarias a la Dervia) Ben Shepard Basav Sen Smalltown, USA Workers Center smartMeme $pread Magazine Brian Tokar Daniel Tucker (AREA Chicago) Ultra-red US Federation of Workers Cooperatives United States Social Forum (Documentation Committee; written by Marina Karides) Art by: David Azzellini & Lize Mogel, Kristine Virsis of Just Seeds, Brett Bloom of Temporary Services, USSMEAC. Interviews with: Ashanti Alston (interview by Team Colors), Robin D. G. Kelley (interview by Ben Holtzman) and Unconventional Action (National), Recreate ’68 (Denver) & RNC Welcoming Committee (Twin Cities).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Here's another good one from down under. Issue #3 of 'The Auckland Anarchist" is now out and about and prowling for readers. The following is the contents of this issue plus a reprint of the first article. To read more of the magazine go to the websites listed at the end.
New Zealand, Issue #3 of The Auckland Anarchist -
- Thoughts on the direction of the movement
Articulating goals is one of the essential ingredients for a healthy movement to do. We can't keep on saying "have a revolution", "smash the state", "abolish capitalism" are our goals. Why? Because they aren't things that movements aim to do but instead are the outcomes of certain ways of living, of acting and interacting with each other.

---- On the other hand goals that are quickly achieved, end up precipitating the demobilisation of grassroots activism. Witness the disappearance from the streets of protesters once the Urewera 16 were released, or the New Zealand troops left Iraq. Winning as Sam Buchanan has pointed out, is the fastest way to destroy a movement. ("Attack of the Headless Chickens").

So what goal can we use to inspire ourselves and others, beyond the shallow politics of reformist activism? I would like to suggest one here: living autonomously.

Living autonomously as one Argentinean participant in a neighborhood assembly/occupied building/social centre noted is "autogestion(self-management), self-sufficiency, weblike articulations, noncommercial exchange of goods, horizontal organizing, and direct democracy".The goal of living autonomously is to weave these ideals into our everyday lives, to "build and create different things without following the logic of the capitalist system".Autonomy is a concept of collective freedom from institutions like capitalism, consumerism,the state and patriarchy that are reproduced in our everyday lives. It is a way of relating to the world. We struggle for our own autonomy and to help others gain their own autonomy.Articulating our aim as one of living our lives as autonomously as possible, and struggling for autonomy in our basic lives we can draw the connection between our day-to-day campaigning and a vision of an anti-capitalist, participatory society.

Elsewhere in the world autonomous movements focus on gaining autonomy by seeking to strip from their day-to-day lives wage-slavery, rent/mortgages, television, cars supermarkets and live instead by building the infrastructure they need themselves: community gardens, bakeries, social centers, workshops,squats and all manner of co-operative / d.i.y,mutual aid based projects. Autonomists also place high priority on taking action in solidarity with those others struggling for their autonomy; wage workers who want more control at work, students, youth, women, communities defending their environment, indigenous people and refugees.

Lets together think of our role as anarchists not to make a revolution out there, but instead to revolutionise the way we live, instead of waiting for the right conditions we try to create the conditions we want to live in. In the next few months I hope to see a whole host of autonomous projects spring up in Auckland: community gardens, a social centre, more alternative social and educational events,workshops and more, as people begin to struggle for autonomy in Auckland.
Auckland Autonomist
CONTENTS of The Auckland Anarchist #3
1 * Autonomous in Auckland?
2 * STREET Medics
3 * FREEDOM FIGHTING AT PRISON GROUNDS The fight for freedom on prison grounds
8 * GOD BOTHERING 101 AND A RESPONSE: The case against Christian anarchy

Editors: Tyler, Design: Simon, Issue Coordinator: Tyler, Contributors: Gilly, MZ, Tom, Simon and Ingrid, Miriam, Horus, Tyler. The views of contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Auckland Anarchists Collective

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The anarchist movement in New Zealand is young, but it is vibrant. Here's an announcement for the latest issue of one of their magazines, 'Imminant Rebellion", along with the poetry that they felt had to be sent along with the blurb. (Yeah, Molly hates modern "poetry", but to each their own taste). Anyways....
Aotearoa (New Zealand), Anarchist Journal Imminent Rebellion #9 - page 1-13 - of the Rebel Press* - Introduction, Content, Ballad of an Ungrateful Immigrant;
---- Anarchism begins from the central insight that social hierarchies are unnecessary and, therefore, oppressive. In place of the systemic violence of power, anarchism seeks instead to expand upon the combined ideals of freedom coupled with equality. Against the centralisation and violence of the State, anarchism proposes the full decentralisation of the political and the economic, the destruction of national borders, and the horizontal organisation of life from the smallest to the largest, from the simplest to the most complex. Against wage slavery and poverty, anarchism seeks the full socialisation of property, shared and worked in common to directly meet the needs of people. And in rejecting hierarchies of identity -- sexual, racial, ethnic, or otherwise -- anarchism seeks an expansive and thoroughgoing egalitarianism. Decentralisation, free association, and mutual aid -- such are the key concepts of anarchism.
An irregular anarchist journal from deep in the South Pacific.
A politics that refuses to reduce the complexity of life to the singular logic of the State cannot be simple, cannot be the domain of easy slogans. Nor can an anarchist politics ever make the risk of believing it has achieved a finality, even if only theoretical. This journal is therefore not propaganda, but a genuine attempt to articulate an anarchist practice and theory, one whose articulation cannot have an end.
hand bound with a hatred of the State infused into every page
Editor + Designer Torrance
Special Thanks - Jen / Ali / Val / Kane / Kim of Rebel Press
Publisher Rebel Press >
PO Box 9263 Te Aro >
Wellington Aotearoa
Contributions for issue 10 can be sent to our email address.We prefer articles to be kept below 5,000 words. Deadline sometime before the end of 2008 ­ check the website for updates.
Content of imminent rebellion #9
*t.b., suitcases, frogs and dogs -­ my 15th October 2007 4
*ballad of an ungrateful immigrant 13
*the Tongan riots 14
*know your rights, these are your rights 30
*operation 8 ­ how the police watched us 36
*fuck me like the whore I am 46
*from the streets to the cells and back again 52
*a critique of NGOism 56
*lake Waikaremoana ­ back in Thoe hands 68
*for revolutionary struggle not activism 74
*why is it so hard to support survivors? 79
*towards an anarcho-design practice 84
*behind German borders 91
*dangerous foundations: an argument against the Identity in Identity Politics 98
*letters 107
Ballad of an Ungrateful Immigrant ---­ Nausea Nissenbaum
So... what're you getting for your birthday?
He laughs at the joke I don't get
Coz yesterday in economics class
He learned just what percent of Jewish girls
Want nose jobs for their sweet sixteens.
And every time I walk past
These boys yell out, `hey Moses,'
Like it's the worst insult they could dream up
And I wonder how do they know?
When my eyes are blue like theirs
And my hair is light like theirs
And my skin my skin is whiter than theirs
That pale Polish complexion so unsuited to this ozone free climate
But something gives me away
Coz my nose is all wrong
And my lips - they are fish lips - that same boy tells me
So I wear a silver star around my neck
Like a big fuck you to their wholesome Anglo paradise
And every time a teacher stops me to talk about uniform regulation
I talk back
I talk about pogroms,
I talk about Jews taking communion and spitting it right back out,
I talk about Jews burnt at the stake and
Jews burnt in ovens
And after all that do you really think a detention's gonna scare me?
And when I talk, they listen
They listen, and they shut up, and they back off
Like the intensity in my eyes and the quivering in my voice
Is a knife that might start slashing
At their Anglo-Celtic-Saxon white white white reality.
In social studies we learn about the holocaust
My grandma's existence on display for these
Wide eyed blonde teenagers
Who stare and whisper as I bite my lip to dam the tears
Tears which burst out later, in drama,
When Wayne Lancaster tells the class how Hitler is his idol
And the AP apologises to me after my mum complains coz
Wayne's entitled to his opinion
But he needs to understand, you can't
say things like that in front of Jewish people.
Of course, most people are nicer
They tell me all about their granddads who fought in World War Two
Like they were fighting for my freedom and I should be grateful
except that my grandad also fought in World War Two
And when it ended he had no home to go back to.
So all I can say is, fuck you New Zealand
Yeah, I'll take your passport
I'll take your dole payments
But your smug gentile pity
Your churches on every corner
And your Christmas lights in every park
That you can shove up your touchas.
* Rebel Press: ... "all our books are proofed, laid out and hand bound by our local black bloc"

Monday, May 19, 2008



The Spring 2008 edition of the Northeastern Anarchist (Issue 13), the journal of the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists(NEFAC) is now available. Want to know what anarchism is all about ? Tired of the juvenile antics and pseudo-intellectual pretensions of primmies and post-leftists obsessed with a delusion of self-importance ? Ready for an adult and reasonable version of the idea ? Try out the NEFAC magazine. Not that Molly agrees with everything that comes out of this quarter, but still, it has the odour of seriousness, sanity and sensibility. Here's the announcement for the mag.


Northeastern Anarchist #13, Spring 2008 OUT NOW!

Quote:The Northeastern Anarchist is the English-language magazine of the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist-Communists (NEFAC), covering class struggle anarchist theory, history, strategy, debate and analysis in an effort to further develop anarchist-communist ideas and practice.

This issue's contents:
* Workers at Sanitarios Maracay Fight for Dignity, Megan Hise

* Kicking the Commies out of Cleveland: Militant Labor under Attack at the Onset of McCarthyism, J. Hons

* Socialism and the Recuperated Factory Movement: Capitalist development and delusions, Todd Hamilton

* Vermont Communes: A Look Back At The 60s Counter-Culture & Politics, David Van Deusen

* Now is the winter of our discontent: SA public sector strike stokes the fire of popular-class unity and reveals "communist" weakness, Michael Schmidt

* First Pity Then Punishment: The History of Women and Welfare, Reb

* No Borders, No Nations, Stop Deportations: An Interview with the Anarchist Federation in Nottingham, England

* The Ecological Challenge: Three Revolutions are Necessary, Alternative Libertaire
* Planet of Slums, reviewed by James R.

* Communitas Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life, reviewed by Wayne Price
* Dear NEA- Sean West Responds

VIA Paypal payable to:

Note all subscription info, as indicated below*, at the time of your paypal transaction.
VIA check or money order payable to: "Northeastern Anarchist" send to:

The Northeastern Anarchist

PO Box 230685,

Boston, MA 02123,

Subscription (4 issues) ................. $15

Solidarity Subscription..................$25

support free subs for prisoners

Single back issues $2 each

Entire set of back issues (#1-8, 10-12) ......$22

Bundle orders for distribution $3 per copy for five or more copies $2.50 per copy for ten or more International orders ......please add $4
For more information about NEFAC, visit us on the web at:

The Ontario platformist organization Common Cause continues to organize, agitate and produce. Their latest production is issue #4 of their magazine Linchpin. The paper continues to come out regularly (an achievement in itself amongst anarchist efforts) and continues its high standards of reportage. Here's the announcement for the latest issue. If the pdf for the issue below doesn't work you can still download a copy from the Linchpin/Common Cause website.
Linchpin Issue 4 Out Now!

Common Cause is an Ontario anarchist organization that wants to see anarchists active in every town, neighborhood and workplace across Ontario.
A major focus of our activity is work at those crucial points where working class people are organizing together for control over their lives, the decisions affecting them and against oppression Our general approach is to involve ourselves with mass movements and work within these movements, in order to promote anarchist methods of organization involving direct democracy and direct action.

The methods of struggle that we promote are a preparation for the running of society along anarchist and communist lines after the revolution.

Common Cause was founded last September in Toronto by anarchists from several Ontario cities. Since then we have constructed our website at, taken part in demonstrations and held public discussion about topics of interest to anarchism. We'd like to hear from any anarchist in Ontario, or moving to Ontario who wants to work with us.

Please download the PDF of the paper and print out and distribute copies of it. If you let us know how many you have done and where you are via the contact form at you'll make us very happy!
469.87 KB