Showing posts with label thugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thugs. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

      A lot of my work days are consumed with driving across Winnipeg. After 28 years of doing this job I think that I know more about the City than the average cab driver. Interesting stuff some times. Today I had another attempted car jacking when a perp attempted to open the passenger side door. Locked, ha ha ! Perp travels to the drivers side and tries to beg money. The perp responded to the proper English of  "NO, go the fuck away" without any graphic details about how I would carve up their intestines. Bye bye. OK, I was sitting in a convenience store parking lot at Arlington and Selkirk reading the local newspaper trash, the Winnipeg Sun, and eating junk food---almost an invitation to street demons. Still I got to admire the common sense of the demon. Quite unlike one demon who attempted to open the driver's door when I was parked at Notre Dame and Arlington many years ago. Once againb the door was locked, but it DID open as I slammed the fucker as hard as I could with the door. OUCH !!!Which all goes to show- exercise caution no matter what you are doing.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Mexico's Mineworkers' union is outstanding in that country for being both militant and free from corruption. They have undertaken to organize the unorganized in a number of different industries including auto parts. After a recent sucessful strike members were attacked by thugs from the company union. The Maquila Solidarity Network is asking people to protest this attack. Here's the story and appeal >>>
Urgent Alert:
Mexican Auto parts workers assaulted at Johnson Controls factory

On Monday, thugs entered a plant owned by Johnson Controls in Puebla, Mexico, and assaulted them, according to reports, "with sticks and stones, leaving many injured." Two of the members of the Executive Committee of the newly formed union at the plant, Cándido Barreucos and Vigilio Melendez, were beaten in a company office and forced to sign letters of resignation, reportedly at gunpoint. They are currently in a hospital with severe injuries.

The union, affiliated to the Mexico's national Mineworkers union, was recognized by Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls on May 29, 2010 after a three day strike by the workers at the company's Interiors plant, also known as Resurrection. The Mineworkers believe that the assailants are members of the COS, the company union that was ejected after the strike. Under the agreement ending the strike, Johnson Controls agreed to recognize the Mineworkers as the workers’ union representative and promised to take no reprisals against the strikers.

MSN has phoned and written to Johnson Controls, but the company has not responded. That’s why we’re asking you to join in urging the company to act now.

Our allies the US Labor Education in the Americas Project (USLEAP) have set up automatic email pages you can use to take two urgent actions: contact Johnson Controls and contact the Mexican government.

Read more, including more information on attacks against our local allies the Centro de Apoyo al Trabajador (CAT).
Maquila Solidarity Network
606 Shaw St.
Toronto, ON M6G 3L6
416 532-8584
The Maquila Solidarity Network actually has two letters that they'd like you to sign. First of all go to this link to send the following letter to Johnson Controls.

Mr. Stephen A. Roell
President and CEO
Johnson Controls
5757 N. Green Bay Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53209

Dear Mr. Roell:

I was appalled to learn today that thugs were permitted to enter one of your plants in Mexico on the morning of August 16, 2010 and beat up workers who belong to a union your company recently recognized.

I am told that two members of the Executive Committee of the newly-recognized union at the Interiors/Resurrection plant, Cándido Barreucos and Vigilio Melendez, were forced at gunpoint to resign and were beaten so badly that they had to be admitted to a hospital. The thugs were permitted to remain in the plant all day even though Johnson Controls promised it would not take any reprisals when it signed an agreement on May 29, 2010 settling a three-day strike and agreeing to recognize the union.

Workers have apparently been trying to organize independent unions at your plants in Puebla, Mexico for sometime. I understand that your company has also refused to recognize the basic rights of workers at another Johnson Controls plant, FINSA.

Both plants have reportedly had protection unions that are used to keep out independent unions.

I am ashamed that a US company operating in Mexico is accused of such behavior. If Johnson Controls is going to operate plants in Mexico or anywhere else, it should respect the rights of its workers.

I urge Johnson Controls to respect the basic rights of its workers in Mexico, remove the protection union at its Interiors/Resurrection plant, reinstate Cándido Barreucos and Vigilio Melendez whose resignations were coerced, guarantee the security of all of its employees at all plants in Puebla, and honor the agreement you signed on May 29, 2010.


And then go to this link to send the following letter in Spanish to the Mexican government.

Honorables señores:

El dia de hoy recibí información de que se reanudó la violencia e intimidación hacia trabajadores mexicanos, que buscan ejercer sus derechos laborales básicos, en las fábricas de autopartes que pertenecen a la compañía estadounidense Johnson Controls.

El 16 de agosto del 2010, según informes recibidos, unos golpeadores entraron a una planta que pertenece a Johnson Controls en Puebla y atacaron a los trabajadores con “palos y piedras, dejando muchos heridos.” Dos de los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo del nuevo sindicato en la planta, Cándido Barreucos y Vigilio Melendez, fueron golpeados en la oficina administrativa y obligados a firmar cartas de renuncia, presuntamente a punta de pistola. Actualmente estas personas están en el hospital con lesiones muy graves. El sindicato de mineros, que representa a los trabajadores, cree que los agresores fueron miembros de la COS (Confederacion de Organizaciones Sindicales).

Además, hace unos días, la organización local que apoya a los trabajadores que se están organizando en las plantas de Johnson Controls en Puebla, envió una alerta por las amenazas que recibieron sus miembros. El Centro de Apoyo al Trabajador (CAT) reportó que el 9 de agosto, Enrique Morales, Coral Juárez y María Luisa Rosina, fueron amenazados por cuatro hombres que los cercaron en una zona aislada, mientras visitaban a trabajadores de Johnson Controls para informarles sobre sus derechos humanos y laborales. Una de estas personas les hizo la amenaza muy específica sobre la directora del CAT, Blanca Velásquez, diciendo que ella no debía seguirse metiendo con la CROM, el sindicato patronal en otra planta de JCI en Puebla, llamada FINSA, en donde los trabajadores también han intentado organizar un sindicato independiente.

Les escribimos con seria preocupación por las nuevas amenazas hacia los defensores de derechos laborales y humanos en Puebla.

Les pido con mucho respeto, y con mucha urgencia, que las autoridades competentes tomen las medidas inmediatas y apropiadas para asegurar el bienestar de los trabajadores que legítimamente están organizando sindicatos independientes en las plantas de Johnson Controls en Puebla, y de los miembros del CAT y sus familias, quienes están apoyando a estos mismos trabajadores. Sinceramente espero que el gobierno mexicano pueda llevar a la justicia a los responsables de la violencia hacia los trabajadores en la planta mencionada, y por la intimidación hacia los miembros del CAT. De manera respetuosa, también les insto a que el Gobierno Mexicano reconozca al Sindicato de Mineros como el representante auténtico de los trabajadores de la planta de Johnson Controls Interiores, y que el gobierno asegure que la empresa Johnson Controls, a quien estaré escribiéndole por separado, respete los derechos de todos sus trabajadores en México.

En nuestra economía integrada de América del Norte, es de suma importancia que los derechos de los trabajadores en ambos lados de la frontera sean respetados.

Gracias por tomar en cuenta mi punto de vista.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Retired General Raul Eduardo Iturriaga Neumann, formerly of the Chilean military during in years in terrorist power, skipped out on his date with destiny on June 12th when he "went missing" on the day that he was to begin serving his five year sentence for his actions during the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. An arrest warrant has been issued. He was sentenced for his role in the "disappearance" of 21 year old left wing militant Luis Dagoberta San Martin. He has also been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment "in abstentia" by a court in Roma, Italy way back in 1995 for his planning in his role as the Chief of the Exterior Department of the 'DINA' (the Chilean secret police) for the attempted murder of Chilean Christian Democrat politician and former vice president Bernardo Leighton in Rome back in September, 1975. General Neumann was, of course, a graduate of the US's "torture academy", the School of the Americas back in 1965. He played a prominent role in 'Operation Condor', an international terrorist campaign against Latin American leftists both at home and in exile. To read more about this cuddly cute individual go to
For some "inexplicable" reason Molly always feels a little thrill every time one of these government thugs gets caught. May General Neumann's unpleasant time in the luxury of the right wing underground be as short as possible.