Showing posts with label personal. Winnipeg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Winnipeg. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

      A lot of my work days are consumed with driving across Winnipeg. After 28 years of doing this job I think that I know more about the City than the average cab driver. Interesting stuff some times. Today I had another attempted car jacking when a perp attempted to open the passenger side door. Locked, ha ha ! Perp travels to the drivers side and tries to beg money. The perp responded to the proper English of  "NO, go the fuck away" without any graphic details about how I would carve up their intestines. Bye bye. OK, I was sitting in a convenience store parking lot at Arlington and Selkirk reading the local newspaper trash, the Winnipeg Sun, and eating junk food---almost an invitation to street demons. Still I got to admire the common sense of the demon. Quite unlike one demon who attempted to open the driver's door when I was parked at Notre Dame and Arlington many years ago. Once againb the door was locked, but it DID open as I slammed the fucker as hard as I could with the door. OUCH !!!Which all goes to show- exercise caution no matter what you are doing.