European Trade Union Institute, ETUI.



Martin Myant 05/2017

This guide provides an analysis of past trade agreements, set within the context of developments in international economic relations. It shows that there can be gains from more trade and economic integration, but that there have also been losers.


Jean Lapeyre 06/2017

L’objectif de ce livre est de retracer l’histoire du dialogue social, de sa genèse à son autonomisation au travers de témoignages croisés des protagonistes qui l’ont conçu et développé, des différents textes élaborés, des avis communs aux accords autonomes et de l’analyse du fonctionnement du dialogue social.


Edited by Magdalena Bernaciak and Marta Kahancová 05/2017

This book provides a detailed account of the innovative practices pursued by trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe since 2008. The book covers eleven post-socialist states that joined the EU in 2004, 2007 and 2013: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.


Edited by Steffen Lehndorff, Heiner Dribbusch and Thorsten Schulten 05/2017

This book analyses the development of trade unions in eleven countries (Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK) since the early 2000s. The individual chapters focus on unions' structural, organisational, institutional and discursive power resources.


Béla Galgóczi 05/2017

This working paper looks at wage developments in central and eastern Europe (CEE) over the past twenty years and shows that wages are not only low compared to western Europe but, as demonstrated by a number of variables, also tend to be lower than what the economic potential of these countries would allow for.


Edited by Agnieszka Piasna and Martin Myant (ETUI) 05/2017

myths of employment deregulation

This book looks at the effects of changes in employment regulation on levels and forms of employment in ten EU countries (Spain, Italy, Estonia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, France, Denmark, and the UK).



Benchmarking working Europe 2017

This 2017 edition of Benchmarking working Europe focuses on the question 'overcoming cleavages across the EU?'. It analyses in four chapters and with the help of 58 visual graphs latest trends and outcomes of European policies in the areas of macro-economics, wages and collective bargaining, labour markets and, last but not least, social dialogue and workers' participation.


Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros (P2P Foundation) 03/2017

Peer production: challenges and opportunities for labour and unions

This policy brief discusses the implications for labour and trade unions of new forms of work that are organised via distributed digital networks using the internet.


26/06 - 24/07/2017

It has been more than 20 years now since the first formal European Works Councils have been established. About 20.000 worker representatives travel around Europe to meet at least once a year and discuss topics which are of interest for the workforce of their companies across borders.  New EWCs are being established every year and new members are being elected and appointed continuously.  This means there is a great need for training on some of the basic aspects.  This on-line course is intended to respond to that need. It will involve about 12 hours of work.

Pathway A7

Participation fees: free of charge


Une étape importante franchie dans la lutte contre les cancers professionnels

12 July 2017

Le Comité des représentants permanents (Coreper) a approuvé le 11 juillet 2017 le projet de compromis négocié entre la présidence maltaise du Conseil et le Parlement européen en ce qui concerne la première phase de la révision de la directive sur les cancérogènes et mutagènes au travail. Le texte établit une série de valeurs limites d’exposition professionnelle (VLEP) qui devraient permettre d’améliorer sensiblement la protection des travailleurs.


Seven ETUI Eurotrainers recognised and certified by Lille1 University

11 July 2017

On 29 June 2017, a landmark day for ETUI Education and trade union training, seven Eurotrainers who have been working directly with the ETUI in recent years had their competences and skills recognised and accredited by Lille1 University in France.


María Luz Rodríguez, former Spanish vice-Minister of Employment joins the ETUI

6 July 2017

The ETUI is delighted to welcome María Luz Rodríguez, Associate Professor in Labor and Social Security Law at Castilla-La Mancha University (Spain) as associate researcher for the month of July. She will be conducting a research on crowdworkers and platform capitalism in the framework of the Foresight Unit.


Slovakia: economic structure bears risk of single-side orientation on automotive sector

5 July 2017

Slovakia has in recent years become the worldwide number 1 in car production per capita and the trade unions in the sector have been rather successful in their bargaining. On the other hand, industrial observers notice the vulnerability of an economic structure that is depending on one economic sector.


Carcinogens Directive as centrepiece of the ETUI’s Seminar on Chemicals

5 July 2017

The 13th edition of the ETUI’s annual Seminar on Chemicals was held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 29 and 30 June 2017. It brought together some 40 trade unionists from 17 countries across the European Union. Revision of the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive was at the heart of the discussions.


Collective bargaining developments June 2017

4 July 2017

Here are the most important developments at European and member state level from the June issue of the Collective Bargaining newsletter:


Czech trade unions call for a pay rise

3 July 2017

In recent years, trade unions have repeatedly underlined the need for wage increases in Central-Eastern European countries. One of the most emblematic initiatives in this regard has been the campaign ‘The end of cheap labour in Czechia’, launched in September 2015 by the Czech trade union confederation ČMKOS.


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5 scenarios for the future of work in the age of digital revolution


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About ETUI

The European Trade Union Institute is the independent research and training centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) which itself affiliates European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation. The ETUI places its expertise – acquired in particular in the context of its links with universities, academic and expert networks – in the service of workers’ interests at European level and of the strengthening of the social dimension of the European Union. Read more
