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The Galloway Viking Hoard Campaign

The Galloway Viking Hoard (GVH) Campaign has welcomed the news that Scottish Government Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop MSP has called a summit to discuss the future of this remarkable piece of regional and national heritage.

Cathy Agnew, campaign chair, said: “There is a real and urgent need to reach a true compromise and fair agreement on the future of the hoard.

“It is very heartening that the Cabinet Secretary has recognised the strength of public feeling that treasures discovered in Dumfries and Galloway should remain in Dumfries and Galloway and not risk being lost inside a vast Edinburgh museum.

“The campaign to have the hoard allocated to Dumfries and Galloway where it was discovered attracted huge support locally, nationally and internationally from the general public, historians, academics, politicians of all parties and many others.

“Despite the apparently ‘unfair’ decision to grant it to NMS we now have some hope that these voices will be heard and that a suitable settlement can be reached.”

Why the Galloway Viking Hoard is so special

Galloway has a long, rich history linking it to many peoples and places – the hoard is a wonderful reflection of its past. Probably buried in the 9th or 10th centuries its treasures include:

  • A unique bird-shaped gold pin
  • Silver armbands and ingots from the Irish Sea region
  • A small decorated Christian cross
  • Anglo-Saxon disc brooches
  • A rare engraved silver Carolingian vessel
  • Byzantine silk from Constantinople
  • Gold and crystal wrapped in precious fabrics
  • Glass beads of the type found in Scandinavia and central Europe.

Many puzzles remain – who buried the hoard and why did they never return – but by having it as a world-class attraction in Kirkcudbright we can draw international attention to the region and its remarkable story.

What the Media Says

“One of the most significant archaeological discoveries of recent times in Scotland.”

British Archaeology

“The discovery of more than 100 pieces of gold and silver jewellery at an undisclosed site in a Dumfries and Galloway field three years ago has been hailed as one of the most significant Viking treasure troves ever discovered in Scotland.”

Sunday Times

“This is one of the largest Viking hoards found in Scotland for over 100 years, and the variety of material it contains is very exciting.” Stuart Campbell

Head of Scottish Treasure Trove, Quoted in Current Archaeology