Some collections may be temporarily not available for consultation. This can occur if documents are being reinventorised, receiving conservation treatment, being digitized, due to shortage of stack space, or renovation.
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The following archival collections are not available for consultation:
• Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB) :
Inventory numbers 3613.2 - 5226 and 9542 - 9573.2 are not available until at least October 2017.
Other inventory numbers can be consulted by appointment only.
The following serials are not available for consultation:
ZF 31228 Verenigt U, 1951 - 1960
ZF 40104 De Gids (orgaan CNV), 1950 - 1960
ZK 33188 De Vakbeweging, 1951 - 1960
ZF 30302 De Eendracht (ABKT) [Textielarbeider], 1951 - 1960
ZF 30629 Mercurius, 1951 - 1960
ZF 17055 De Bouwvakarbeider, 1908 - 1919
ZF 17210 De Schilder, 1900 - 1941
ZK 17424 De Jonge Schilder, 1927 - 1940
ZK 17058 De Jonge Bouwer, 1927 - 1940
ZF 17608 De Werkmansbode, 1877 - 1917
ZF 17600 De Blijde Wereld, 1902 - 1932
ZF 17501 Tijd en Taak, 1932 - 1940
ZF 40330 Tijd en Taak, 1945 - 1960
ZF 17247 De Timmerman, 1890 - 1919
ZF 30159 De Bouwer, 1920 - 1960 (1961)
ZF 17053 De Bouwer, 1940 - 1942
ZF 54574 De Metselaar en Opperman, 1907