- published: 04 Nov 2016
- views: 12565
We talk about the history of humanity and the levels of deceit contributing to the obfuscation about who we really are. Emily Windsor-Cragg Bio: Born during WW2 and adopted out from my birth families, I grew up in the Zionist-Communist Movement of the radical Left. Trying to figure things out, is the story of my life. I've tried many spiritual paths, married and divorced a few times, birthed five kids over 23 years, and worked as Instructor at Xerox, and GeoWashUniv, I attended University in the 80s & 90s and completed a masters in conflict analysis and communication. I had my own software start-up in the early 90s, Play Technologies, Inc, which failed to gain funding. I was radicalized during the Clinton Admin by the University's focus on Globalism and effects on human life of HR p...
I talk with Jay Weidner about the secret space program, Stanley Kubrick and more... We talk about the recent William Tompkin's disclosures and how they affect the perception of Kubrick's role in faking the moon landing. Jay agrees we went to the moon but had "help" from ETs as is substantiated by William Tompkins a former aerospace engineer who has come forward this year. This is a MUST SEE INTERVIEW!! LIVE TODAY
I talk with Douglas Dietrich about the occult backdrop to the death of Max Spiers and what's going on in the global political scene. Douglas is an internationally recognized Military Historian and investigator who spent years working at the San Francisco PRESIDIO as a research librarian for the Dept. of Defense. SHORT BIO: Douglas Duane Dietrich is a Naturalized American Citizen, born the son of a Caucasian American Sailor, George Joseph Henry Dietrich (b.1919--d.2007) in the Nationalist R.O.C. (Republic of China), as Reestablished on The Island of Formosa (Taiwan). His father retired from the U.S. Navy after thirty years of Duty covering Gunboat Patrol in the twilight years of Warlord China (circa 1936--1941); the proactive phase of American belligerency in World War II (circa 1941--...
We will be discussing Jason's contact and time travel experiences as well as the death of his co-writer, ufo researcher, Bob Mitchell and their book: FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE This interview is now scheduled for Friday October 14, 2016 @ 1pm PT. Bio: In 2015, Jason started to work on publishing his story and information with the late Bob Mitchell. “Forbidden Knowledge – Revelations of a Multidimensional Time Traveler” was released March 2016, and almost instantly went international being translated into German, Chinese and Japanese. Jason was also one of the guest personalities featured in the 2015 UFO documentary “The Resonance”. Jason has also worked as the creative director for Tesla Magazine from 2014-15. In 2016 Jason co-authored “Disclosed – Chronicles of John Titor II” and is currently...
BREAKING : MAX SPIERS MOTHER CLAIMS SON TEXTED PRIOR TO DEATH GOING LIVE to discuss breaking news " “If anything happens to me, investigate.”--- MAX SPIERS TO MOTHER JUST PRIOR TO DEATH! GOING LIVE SHORTLY ON THIS CHANNEL WITH GUEST MILES JOHNSTON who is being interviewed about the details surrounding this case by mainstream British press. The 2nd hour I interview Max's girlfriend Sarah Adams about what happened prior to his death and why she think Max was killed. SEE MY BROADCAST DONE LIVE THE DAY AFTER MAX'S DEATH WITH MILES JOHNSTON. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih8qKY7orPg AND My original interview with Max Spiers and Michael Prince at the Super Soldier Conference May 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adE3SE6Sa-k KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelotportal.c...
Mary Rodwell was my guest on Wednesday night October 26th @ 7pm PT. AUTHOR OF AWAKENING & THE NEW HUMAN, FOUNDER OF ACERN, INTERNATIONAL LECTURER , RESEARCHER, COUNSELLOR, DIRECTOR & CHAIR OF FREE , REGRESSION SPECIALIST, EXOPOLITICS COMMITTEE MEMBER, DIRECTOR OF AWARD WINNING DOCUMENTARIES MARY RODWELL is recognized internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002); and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:- Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Her new book ‘The New Human’ which describes and documents star...
I interviewed Simon Parkes Thursday, September 1st at 10 AM PT .... RE: RAMPING UP OF MILITARY ACTION... THE BANKSTERS ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME FOR THE FINANCIAL RESET and need to get WWIII going to make there plans for ONE Word Government and One World Military a reality. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http;//projectcamelotportal.com
I will be doing an update with Maxine Taylor regarding the astrology of the Presidential Candidates and forecasting the election. KERRY CASSIDY http://projectcamelotportal.com
ROUNDTABLE TONIGHT @ 7PM PT: Anna von Reitz and Robert Horton : We The People go here for more info: http://projectcamelotportal.com/2016/10/19/round-table-tonight-anna-von-reitz-scott-bennett-russell-jay-gould-and-robert-horton-american-states/
AN INTERVIEW WITH JORDAN MAXWELL... REGARDING STATE OF THE PLANET and his view of current events. LETTER FROM JORDAN MAXWELL’S ATTORNEY JORDAN MAXWELL was my guest on August 24th. WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNqEjYrrgvo Also, see link below to go to Jordan's website. Note: see below for important information from Jordan's attorney regarding his case. GO TO : JORDANMAXWELLSHOW.COM FOR MORE INFO AND TO DONATE TO HELP HIS LEGAL BATTLES FROM JORDAN'S ATTORNEY: Begin forwarded message: PUBLISHED WITH PERMISSION From: Jordan Maxwell Show Subject: Letter From Jordan Maxwell's Attorney Regarding Dolezal BOGUS "Cease and Desist" and THREATS Date: August 25, 2016 at 2:20:07 PM PDT To: kerry@projectcamelot.org Letter From Jordan Maxwell's Attorney Regarding Dolezal BOGUS "Cease a...
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"project camelot" "The Project Camelot" "Project Camelot Interview" "PROJECT CAMELOT" "PROJECT CAMELOT INTERVIEWS" "PROJECT CAMELOT: SKYNET" "POWER OF BELIEF & HEARTS" "POWER OF OUR HEARTS" "Project Camelot (full)" "The Origins of Project Camelot" "at Project Camelot" "on Project Camelot" "Project Camelot Interviews"
"project camelot" "The Project Camelot" "Project Camelot Interview" "PROJECT CAMELOT" "PROJECT CAMELOT INTERVIEWS" "PROJECT CAMELOT: SKYNET" "POWER OF BELIEF & HEARTS" "POWER OF OUR HEARTS" "Project Camelot (full)" "The Origins of Project Camelot" "at Project Camelot" "on Project Camelot" "Project Camelot Interviews"
"project camelot" "The Project Camelot" "Project Camelot Interview" "PROJECT CAMELOT" "PROJECT CAMELOT INTERVIEWS" "PROJECT CAMELOT: SKYNET" "POWER OF BELIEF & HEARTS" "POWER OF OUR HEARTS" "Project Camelot (full)" "The Origins of Project Camelot" "at Project Camelot" "on Project Camelot" "Project Camelot Interviews"