- published: 20 Jan 2017
- views: 41850
The Cro-Magnons (ザ・クロマニヨンズ, Za Kuromaniyonzu) is a Japanese rock band founded in July 2006 by Hiroto Kōmoto (vocals) and Masatoshi Mashima (guitar), both previously of The Blue Hearts and The High-Lows, with Masaru Kobayashi (bass) and Katsuji Kirita (drums).
After The High-Lows ceased activity in November 2005, Mashima proposed forming a new band with Kōmoto. Due to an introduction from a recording engineer named Satoshi Kawaguchi, known from the time of The Blue Hearts, Kobayashi and Kirita joined the formation of The Cro-Magnons. The name of the band came after Mashima and Komoto saw The Rolling Stones perform live at the Nagoya Dome. Their first album had already been recorded and the band was tentatively named "Kuromaniyonzu".
With their album due to be finished in the winter of 2006, they appeared all over the country in summer music events without announcement and without a name. On the net, people blinked and wondered "Is this Hiroto and Mashi's new band?" Before their live performance on Osaka's "Meet The World Beat 2006," news of their appearance was leaked and some of the crowd called out "Hiroto!", "Mashi!". With a bitter smile, the band members said "It wasn't a secret at all." At 1:41pm on July 23, The Cro-Magnons made their first official appearance as a band. Two months later, on September 20, the band began their first nationwide tour, "The Cro-Magnons Shutsuen Tour!!" (ザ・クロマニヨンズ出現ツアー!! The Cro-Magnons Appear Tour!!).
The Cro-Magnons - Totsugeki Rock
"EIGHT BEAT" The Cro-magnons PV
The Cro-Magnons - Petenshi Rock
Cro Magnons
Neanderthal vs Cro Magnon 1of10
ザ・クロマニヨンズ - タリホー
The Cro Magnons
the cro-magnons - Auto.wmv
"歩くチブ" (The Cro-Magnons)
Music video by The Cro-Magnons performing Totsugeki Rock. (C) 2012 Ariola Japan, a division of Sony Music Labels Inc. http://vevo.ly/PsImm2
Music video by The Cro-Magnons performing Petenshi Rock. (C) 2016 Ariola Japan, a division of Sony Music Labels Inc. http://vevo.ly/R6dUUh
Readings from pages 34 - 35 in World History: Societies of the Past textbook
The Cro-magnons
"歩くチブ" (The Cro-Magnons-ザ・クロマニヨンズ-2006)
→ FOR AUDIO: http://boilerroom.tv/?p=41569 → SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL Jazzy Sport's Cro-Magnon blew us away with 60 minutes of high class aural pleasure. Featuring reworked versions of original material & a few choice covers (including a stomping rendition of Azymuth's "Jazz Carvival"). → FOLLOW US HERE FOR MORE FUN: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boilerroom.tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/boilerroomtv Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/platform
bass: Kenichi Ikeda a.k.a. ROOT SOUL drums: Kazushige Otake (Cro-Magnon) guitar: Tsuyoshi Kosuga (Cro-Magnon) keyboards:Takumi Kaneko (Cro-Magnon) percussion:Hiderow (central) trombone: Takao Hirose(JAZZ COLLECTIVE) sax: Takeshi Kurihara (central) trumpet: Atsuki Yumoto (Fire Horns) http://www.hennessy-artistry.jp/session/2010archive.php ROOT SOUL Blog http://ameblo.jp/rootsoul/
Music video by The Cro-Magnons performing Totsugeki Rock. (C) 2012 Ariola Japan, a division of Sony Music Labels Inc. http://vevo.ly/PsImm2
→ FOR AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1K2mVR2 → SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL Two contemporary jazz fusion behemoths collide in this flowing performance of Cro-Magnon's "Prosperity" & Pharoah Sanders' "Prince of Peace". → FOLLOW US HERE FOR MORE FUN: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boilerroom.tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/boilerroomtv Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/platform
Music video by The Cro-Magnons performing Petenshi Rock. (C) 2016 Ariola Japan, a division of Sony Music Labels Inc. http://vevo.ly/R6dUUh
cro-magnon live worldwide festival sete july 2007
"歩くチブ" (The Cro-Magnons-ザ・クロマニヨンズ-2006)
Opening Naruto Shippuden Eps 257 - 281
If you would like to donate click the link below thanks. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=XFFT65TV7VGXC
→ FOR AUDIO: http://boilerroom.tv/?p=41569 → SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL Jazzy Sport's Cro-Magnon blew us away with 60 minutes of high class aural pleasure. Featuring reworked versions of original material & a few choice covers (including a stomping rendition of Azymuth's "Jazz Carvival"). → FOLLOW US HERE FOR MORE FUN: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boilerroom.tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/boilerroomtv Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/platform
Neanderthal (2001) Documentry Found this on an old video so please excuse the quality through moviemaker. Filmed 'near myself' at Glenveagh National Park, County Donegal, Ireland Directed by Tony Mitchell Cast Kenneth Cranham - Narrator (voice) Mark Byron - Cromagnon Jud Charlton - Neanderthal Alison Johnston - Neanderthal Cosh Omar - Neanderthal Howard Salinger - Neanderthal Samantha Seager - Neanderthal Miltos Yerolemou - Neanderthal Produced by Alex Graham Assistant producer - Ailsa Orr Original Music by Andrew Hulme Dan Mudford The Neanderthals are an extinct species or subspecies of the genus Homo which is closely related to modern humans. They are known from fossils, dating from the Pleistocene period, which have been found in Europe and parts of western and central Asia. The spe...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Résumé de l'épisode : Les hommes vivent en tribus. Celle des Pierrot sait déjà fabriquer ses outils, contrairement à celle des Teigneux. Aussi Maestro leur propose un troc, le premier de l'histoire. -------------------------- Abonnez-vous à la CHAINE OFFICIELLE VEVO de MAESTRO pour découvrir toutes ses nouvelles vidéos : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=iletaitunefoisVEVO -------------------------- Retrouvez : La série "Il était une fois... l'Homme" restaurée, en intégralité : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoC-sV1KmXA&list;=PLwXdsX5tdaQMbU6Crp9h4dwqHwSpIRi7B La série "Il était une fois... Les Explorateurs" en intégralité : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCFnt3xpc5A&list;=PLwXdsX5tdaQP6-nlHPnl8l9REJXulC2F0 La série "Il était une fois... Les Amériques" en intégralité : ht...
Πόσο όμορφη ήταν κάποτε η σεβάσμια μητέρα Γη! Η ενέργεια προέρχεται από τον ήλιο. Ναι, η ζωή και όλη η ενέργεια, πετρέλαιο και ξύλο, όλα ο ήλιος. Ξέρεις πόση ενέργεια μας στέλνει συνέχεια; Κολοσσιαίος ο αριθμός! Και τι κάναμε με αυτόν παλιά; Απλά ηλιοθεραπεία, τίποτα άλλο! Το 2000 υπήρχαν πάνω από 400 αντικείμενα στον ουρανό, δεν θα ‘θελα να σου πω πόσα υπήρχαν αργότερα. Και όπως πάντα έπρεπε να γίνει τραγωδία για να αλλάξουν τα πράγματα. Ο άνθρωπος χρειάζεται την καταστροφή για να πάρει αποφάσεις. Στερνή μου γνώση να σ’ είχα πρώτα!
A la recherche de nos ancêtres et de leur mode de vie, nous visitons la maison de Cro-magnon. En compagnie d'archéologues, Fred et Jamy nous font découvrir les gestes quotidiens des premiers hommes : la peinture, la chasse, la taille des silex, la confection des vêtements, la fabrication des armes. Nous apprenons les différentes étapes de l'évolution de l'homme et la manière de dater une découverte archéologique.
Es war einmal der Mensch e3 Ein mensch aus Cro-Magnon Folge 3 von 26 Hauptfigur ist „Maestro" -- ein bärtiger, weiser alter Mann, der stets im Hintergrund die passenden Geschichten erzählt, aber oft auch Teil der Geschichte ist. Fünf Milliarden Jahre vor unserer Zeit zeigt Maestro die Entstehung der Erde und erklärt die Entstehung des Lebens, der Dinosaurier, der Neandertaler und des Menschen. Die Serie geht dabei immer wieder auf Theorien ein, die zur Zeit der Entstehung der Serie aktuell waren. Im späteren Verlauf behandelt sie wichtige Epochen, Ereignisse und Personen der Geschichte.
Det var en gång - Tidernas äventyr, (franska: Il était une fois... l'homme) är en fransk animerad TV-serie från 1978. Serien är på 26 avsnitt och följer mänsklighetens historia, från jordens skapelse till nutiden och in i framtiden.
In his new autobiography, "The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon," NYHC legend John Joseph recounts his hard times and spiritual redemption. Before fronting one of the most important bands in the underground punk scene, the Cro-Mags, John faced homelessness, addiction, betrayal and insanity. The book is a raw and unapologetic autobiography about his life. Join John when he comes to speak on his new book. Interview at 692 Broadway in NYC for BUILD Series. For full schedule and more videos go to http://aol.com/build Follow us: TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/BUILDseriesNYC FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BUILDseriesNYC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/BUILDseriesNYC SNAPCHAT: BUILDseriesNYC
Though most listeners will know John Joseph as the founder and front man for the Cro-Mags, he is also a serial entrepreneur, triathlete, and author. His autobiography The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon is a fascinating look at old New York and his latest book Meat is for Pussies is a completely new take on healthy eating that got him in all kinds of trouble with PC pussies.
John Joseph, writer, triathlete and frontman for the legendary CRO MAGS and now BLOODCLOT sits down and chops it up at the studio. we've been away for a bit but its great to be back...ENJOY!
Though most listeners will know John Joseph as the founder and front man for the Cro-Mags, he is also a serial entrepreneur, triathlete, and author. His autobiography The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon is a fascinating look at old New York and his latest book Meat is for Pussies is a completely new take on healthy eating that got him in all kinds of... Free Speech was a short lived podcast hosted by Gavin McInnes. Gavin now hosts The Gavin McInnes show on the Anthony Cumia Network. Gavin Miles McInnes (born July 17, 1970) is an English-born Canadian writer, actor, comedian, co-founder of Vice Media and the host of The Gavin McInnes Show on Compound Media. He is a contributor for The Rebel Media, and a frequent guest on television programs on Fox News and TheBlaze TV
John Joseph (NYHC band The Cro-Mags) writes about the hard times of his life, tenure with the band, and his spiritual beliefs.
Subscribe to Clique’s channel : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos : http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique website : http://www.clique.tv Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv Follow us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cliquetv ************************************************ Nous avons rencontré Kendrick Lamar à l'occasion de son dernier passage à Paris. Le rappeur originaire de Compton, qui vient de sortir son troisième disque, To Pimp A Butterfly, a placé son album à la première classe du classement Billboard dès la semaine de sa sortie. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Clique : http://bit.ly/10UoT5i Toutes les vidéos sur http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique, le site : http://www.clique.tv Clique sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/cliquetv Clique sur Facebook : https://www.facebook....
The New York Hardcore Chronicles 10 Questions w/ John Joseph (Cro-Mags / Bloodclot / M.O.I.). While shooting the "Forever And Always" segment for The New York Hardcore Chronicles Film we managed to fit in 10 questions.
Guilt has always tried to prey me down from my bliss
Inside this silent well of sorrow that has burned my
For Aeons
Doomed to hide inside this lie
Life is not for giving my soul needs salvation
Through the haze that steals all my space
Blinded by fire casting from your eyes
Fall from grace without my embrace
Infinite days play all my cards away
Sign the way where I pass at eve of day
I welcome you into my silent maze
This masquerade of lies that fades away
My only chance lies in your hands
You can dry the tears from my eyes
This life has gone by
It's too hard to find
Light from my shadow
That drags me down
There's no tomorrow
There's only sorrow
Holding your heart
in my arms
Rainbow-coloured days
Were filled with rage of devourer
With the hands of time that have gone by
Why I don't know
I used to dress for the kill