Jeremiah's Recovery Fund

$2,881 of $4,000 goal

Raised by 81 people in 22 months
Penny Jackson
on behalf of Jeremiah Peterson
On Thursday August 6th my little brother Jeremiah was the stabbing victim of a crime from a "white separatist" that proudly sported his Swastika Tattoo....He stabbed my brother quite close to his heart causing him to loose so much blood that if he would have lost half a pint more this would be a Funeral Fund.   Please help us in raising money to benefit his healing and recovery process.

Below is the Keye News Record
  ----------------------- UPDATE: Police confirmed Jimmy Baylor, 23, stabbed five or six people after taking off his shirt, exposing a swastika tattoo. Baylor is now in the Travis County Jail. ----------------------- EARLIER: An East Austin record store concert turned violent Thursday night. Officials said several were wounded after an altercation at Trailer Space Record Store. EMS took one 20-year-old man to the hospital with serious stab wounds. He was transported from a gas station in the 1400 block of East 12th Street. Co-owner of Trailer Space Records, J.J. Ruiz said a young metal band played on their stage Thursday night. He called the crowd energized, but not violent. Ruiz said that changed when a man with a swastika tattoo and his friend walked in. Ruiz said he had never seen the men before. At one point, Ruiz said the two unknown men began causing trouble and someone brought out a knife. The violence spilled onto Rosewood Street and beyond. "I can honestly count on one hand the number of fights we've had in the eight years we've been here," said Ruiz. "Last night was really an isolated incident." Owner of Ideal Soul Mart, just across from the record store, Bobby Mitchell, said he's never seen anything bad happen at Trailer Space. "Kids had no businesses coming over here with swastika tattoo on them," said Mitchell. "That is not the place for that." Mitchell said East Austin is a safer now than it has ever been. He doesn't believe this rare incident will change that. "It's a new time and era, 2015, a new millennium," said Mitchell. "So, Black, White, Mexican, everybody should be getting along. So if you come over here with some foolishness this is not the place to be. Mitchell went on to say, "Everything has changed. East Austin has changed. We don't have time for no foolishness no more." At this point, Austin police could not tell KEYE TV who, if anyone was arrested. The owners of Trailer Space Record Store said they saw the man with the swastika tattoo and his friend in handcuffs. "We really hope this incident doesn't deter people from coming out and having a good time," said Ruiz. "We are here for everybody." Trailer Space Records is open for business and is hosting live music Friday and Saturday nights.

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Update 2
Posted by Penny Jackson
21 months ago
We just want to thank EVERYONE for the support of donations, advice and care. While Jeremiah is still waiting on the State to release victim funds your support is helping tremendously! His stitches were removed and he is learning to adapt to life with the pain from the accident. A sneeze, a hard wind blow on his bike and all have been a major change to daily life. Jeremiah has decided to give up the motorcycle and get a car because his chest can't take the pressure from the wind. New journey .....
Cheers to you all.
Cheers to Jay's recovery
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Update 1
Posted by Penny Jackson
22 months ago
We are so very grateful to our friends, family and lovely strangers with kind hearts for their acts of kindness.
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Read a Previous Update
Jay Garrison
22 months ago

I appreciate all of the support don't know where id be without you all.

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Penny Jackson
22 months ago

Thank you so very much for your support.

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$2,881 of $4,000 goal

Raised by 81 people in 22 months
Created August 10, 2015
Penny Jackson  
on behalf of Jeremiah Peterson
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Michael Freid
18 months ago (Monthly Donation)
Michael Freid
19 months ago (Monthly Donation)
Michael Freid
20 months ago (Monthly Donation)
Whitney McShan
20 months ago
Michael Freid
21 months ago (Monthly Donation)
Currie Bucher
22 months ago
Antifa International
22 months ago

Thank you for standing up to racist scum. We're sorry you got hurt and we want you to know that we have your back! Hope you're feeling tons better soon! In Solidarity, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund

Riley Goyco
22 months ago

God has a plan and purpose for your life, Jay! You're alive for a reason. I'm praying for a quick recovery. Much love.

22 months ago
james williams
22 months ago
Jay Garrison
22 months ago

I appreciate all of the support don't know where id be without you all.

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Penny Jackson
22 months ago

Thank you so very much for your support.

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