- published: 11 Aug 2017
- views: 281257
The Soviet Union's K project nuclear test series was a group of 5 nuclear tests conducted in 1961-1962. These tests followed the 1961 Soviet nuclear tests series and preceded the 1962 Soviet nuclear tests series.
The K project nuclear testing series were all high altitude tests fired by missiles from the Kapustin Yar launch site in Russia across central Kazakhstan toward the Sary Shagan test range (see map below).
Two of the tests were 1.2 kiloton warheads tested in 1961. The remaining three tests were of 300 kiloton warheads in 1962.
The worst effects of a Soviet high altitude test were from the electromagnetic pulse of the nuclear test on 22 October 1962 (during the Cuban missile crisis). In that Operation K high altitude test, a 300 kiloton missile-warhead detonated west of Jezkazgan (also called Dzhezkazgan or Zhezqazghan) at an altitude of 290 km (180 mi).
The Soviet scientists instrumented a 570-kilometer (350 mi) section of telephone line in the area that they expected to be affected by the nuclear detonation in order to measure the electromagnetic pulse effects. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) fused all of the 570-kilometer monitored overhead telephone line with measured currents of 1500 to 3400 amperes during the 22 October 1962 test. The monitored telephone line was divided into sub-lines of 40 to 80 kilometres (25 to 50 mi) in length, separated by repeaters. Each sub-line was protected by fuses and by gas-filled overvoltage protectors. The EMP from the 22 October (K-3) nuclear test caused all of the fuses to blow and all of the overvoltage protectors to fire in all of the sub-lines of the 570 km (350 mi) telephone line. The EMP from the same test caused the destruction of the Karaganda power plant, and shut down 1,000 km (620 mi) of shallow-buried power cables between Astana (then called Aqmola) and Almaty.
In contemporary business and science a project is a collaborative enterprise, involving research or design, that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.
Project can also be defined as a set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations.
Projects can be further defined as temporary rather than permanent social systems or work systems that are constituted by teams within or across organizations to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints. An ongoing project is usually called (or evolves into) a program.
The word project comes the Latin word projectum from the Latin verb proicere, "before an action" which in turn comes from pro-, which denotes precedence, something that comes before something else in time (paralleling the Greek πρό) and iacere, "to do". The word "project" thus actually originally meant "before an action".
When the English language initially adopted the word, it referred to a plan of something, not to the act of actually carrying this plan out. Something performed in accordance with a project became known as an "object".Every project has certain phases of development.
The School Rumble manga and anime series features a cast of characters designed by Jin Kobayashi. The story takes place mostly in a Japanese high school and revolves around various love triangles and polygons. The manga series is followed by a short parallel world story, School Rumble Z.
The manga alternates between several main protagonists. In the main storyline chapters the main protagonists are Tenma Tsukamoto and Kenji Harima. The side chapters focus on many of the side characters from the main chapters with most of them focusing on Yakumo Tsukamoto. While many of the chapters are gag stories, the central theme of School Rumble is relationships, mostly because of love, and as the series progresses, characters are introduced and situations are misinterpreted, the relationship web becomes more complex. Since the characters are unable to let their true feelings be known to the one they like tension and rivalries build.
Tenma Tsukamoto (塚本 天満, Tsukamoto Tenma)
Daryush Valizadeh (born June 14, 1979), also known as Roosh Valizadeh, Roosh V and Roosh Vorek, is an American writer and pickup artist known for his controversial writings on the seduction community and antifeminism. He is a leader of a movement that he terms "neomasculinity".
Roosh writes on his personal blog and also owns the Return of Kings website where he publishes articles by others on related subjects. Roosh has self-published 15 books, most of which offer advice to men on how to pick up and have sex with women in specific countries. His writings have received widespread criticism, including accusations of misogyny and promotion of rape.
Roosh was born in the United States in 1979. His parents were immigrants from Armenia and Iran. Roosh graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2001 with a degree in microbiology. He began blogging about his attempts at having sex with women but once his internet anonymity was broken, he turned to blogging and writing full-time as a means to supporting himself, first with the publication of Bang: The Pickup Bible That Helps You Get More Lays (2007) and then with sex-themed travel guides on the countries he visited.
Top 10 K Project Anime Moments [60 FPS]
K Project ♦ Best Original Soundtracks 「OST 」
K-Project Trailer HD
K Project AMV - I Fooled You
K Project OP ❤
「K」Project - WE ARE HOMRA
「Project K AMV」••• I'm a Lion ᴴᴰ
yata misaki kickass scene [ project k ]
K Project AMV - I'm So Sorry
[K Project] Showdown OST
K Project AMV - Stamp On The Ground
Top 8 K Project Anime Powerfull Fight Moments [60FPS]ᴴᴰ
K Project 声优会
「K Project」 Suoh Mikoto theme ( Edit ver )
「K」第1期 本編ダイジェスト
[K-Project] - Last Fight! AMV HD
K-Project - Hey MAMA [ AMV ]
[K Project] Requiem of red [TeatimeFS]
[K] AMV - Angel With a Shotgun
أنيمي K Project مصنف للقمة لولا ... - موسوعة الأنيمي
Here is my list for Top 10 K Anime Moments (All season / K - Project, Missing Kings, & Return of Kings), with 720p HD 60 FPS quality: 0:25 = 10.Yatagarasu vs Fushimi 1:45 = 9.Adolph K.Weismann A.K.A Isana Yashiro, The Silver King. 3:31 = 8.Homra vs Septer 4 5:06 = 7.Suoh Mikoto break from The Prison 6:53 = 6.Anna Kushina became The New Red King 8:32 = 5.Isana Yashiro’s come back 10:00 = 4.Isana Yashiro gets chased by The Members of Homra 11:45 = 3. ? 14:04 = 2. ? 16:19 = 1. ? This video is just my opinion so feel free to comment, rank or send a video response with your opinion. Subscribe to our Channel and Like this Video for more awesome videos! https://goo.gl/GUGNBd Hope you enjoy it! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allow...
My most favourite Soundtracks from the Anime K-Project ( Missing Kings & Return of Kings involved) Tracklist : ( K Project OST ) 00:00 Suoh Mikoto 02:49 KnocK-on Effect 04:07 Namida No ShizuKu 05:29 Kiss Of Death 07:53 TosuKa Tatara ( K Missing Kings OST ) 09:47 And then ( K Return of Kings OST ) 12:23 Return of Kings 14:57 Assembly 18:07 Battle of the dance 21:04 Past and Future 23:44 Sword of Damocles 26:31 Kizuna 29:29 If you die.. Thanks For Listening ! ___________________________________ i own nothing in this video.
Tw: https://twitter.com/ItsSkyking K project AMV i hope you guys like it. Please give it a like if you enjoyed the video. Don't forget to comment. Please subscribe for more AMV https://www.youtube.com/user/chuychiba Anime: K Project Music: Awaken The Giant - I Fooled You Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
[AMV] I'm a Lion. • Music: Lion - Hollywood Undead. • Anime: Project K. • Ending Song: Suoh Mikoto theme song Suoh Mikoto tribute... • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6x9QevdC7gGlM7GL5r_MWQ
Anime: K/K Project Song: I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
- Hope you enjoy the video! - Some of you guys requested me to make one of these so here it is What should be my next video? Comment down below! - Please subscribe to my new channel : https://goo.gl/79LzME - Click here: http://goo.gl/3mv29k to subscribe to the channel and know when we a upload a video!
This is a fan-made song K - Suoh Mikoto theme ( Edit ver ) This is my slightly edit version My website : http://www.denyoku.com/ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust;_id=56866134 //Disclaimer If any artist, circle, label or pixiv artist have issue with my uploads, please contact me ruzargizman@gmail.com. It will be remove instantly email : ruzagrizman@gmail.com
2014年7月に公開致しました「K MISSING KINGS」海外上映用に公開致しました第1期のダイジェスト映像です。 第2期放送直前!夜刀神狗朗のナレーションでこれまでのお話を振り返りましょう! TVアニメ「K」 原作 GoRA ×GoHands 監督/キャラクターデザイン 鈴木信吾 シリーズ構成 GoRA 総作画監督 古田誠 美術監督 野村正信 色彩設計 斉藤友子 撮影監督 福士享/大泉鉱 編集 丹彩子 音響監督 高橋秀雄/田中亮 音響効果 田中秀実 音響制作 ドリーム・フォース 音楽 遠藤幹雄 音楽制作 スターチャイルドレコード アニメーション制作 GoHands 製作 k-project MBS TVアニメ「K RETURN OF KINGS」 2015年10月2日よりMBS・TBS・CBC・BS-TBS“アニメイズム”枠/AT-Xにて放送予定 STAFF 原作 GoRA×GoHands 監督 キャラクターデザイン 鈴木信吾 シリーズ構成 高橋弥七郎 シリーズディレクター 金澤洪充 総作画監督 古田 誠 プロップデザイナー 岸田隆宏 メカデザイナー 大久保 宏 チーフアニメーター 内田孝行/岡田直樹/大久保 宏 美術監督 内藤 健 色彩設計 斉藤友子 CGIディレクター 菊地貴紀 撮影監督 戸澤雄一朗 編集 丹 彩子 音響監督 横田知加子 音響制作 グロービジョン 音楽 遠藤幹雄 音楽製作 スターチャイルドレコード アニメーション制作 GoHands 製作 k-project MBS CAST 伊佐那社 浪川大輔 夜刀神狗朗 小野大輔 ネコ 小松未可子 櫛名アンナ 堀江由衣 宗像礼司 杉田智和 比水流 興津和幸 草薙出雲 櫻井孝宏 八田美咲 福山潤 鎌本力夫 中村悠一 淡島世理 沢城みゆき 伏見猿比古 宮野真守 御芍神紫 森田成一 五條スクナ 釘宮理...
Thanks for watching Music: David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj & Afrojack - Hey Mama (DISTO Remix) Anime: K K-Project Seasone 1-2 Studios: GoHands Producers: Starchild Records, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Studio Tulip, Glovision
เพิ่มคาราโอเกะโรมันจิค่ะ ขี้เกียจลบอันเก่า =w=)/
NOTE** The name of this anime is: K, Project K, K Project. And before anyone starts asking this question again, DO PLEASE READ THE COMMENTS AS MANY PEOPLE HAS ALREADY REPLIED TO AT LEAST 10 COMMENTS ASKING THE SAME QUESTION. Thank you :) Angel with a Shotgun - The Cab Homra. UPDATE [4th January 2013] OMG 10K VIEWS!! *A* THANK YOU!! /HUGS UPDATE [27th January 2013] OMG 20K VIEWS!! DJALJDSAKDLSALJDLSAJ Thanks for all the nice comments!! /hugs! UPDATE [23rd August 2013] 150K VIEWS?! *A* THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!! UPDATE [24th December 2014] 550K VIEWS! OH MY GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH, GUYS! :,D
Hey guys sorry had to change somethings and upload again so as before please enjoy and hit a like and subscribe me for more awesomeness:) Anime:K-Project Song:P.O.D-Goodbye for now *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing do not own anything.do not own the song or any of the anime used in the amv*.
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Tenia muchas, muchas ganas de subtitular esta canción y tuve que hacerlo, lo siento por las personas que solo están en mi canal por el contenido de DR(?) También me di cuenta que nunca había hecho nada de K y eso que llevo más tiempo en este fandom que en el de DR... Seven stories es un tema interpretado por Angela para la nueva serie homónima de K, que estrenara el séptimo mes de este año. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
Yo, so let's cut to the chase. Basically, i'm working on bringing out an insane duotage. I have the editor for it. Who's gonna bring some crazy old MW2 style edits. Trus. Go look at some old FaZe or PsyQo clips you'll see what i mean. It's gonna be insane. I wanna make it a 1.5k special. And if it goes well, i'll start doing them more often! Basically gonna be a mix of mine, and whoever else get's some insane clips and is down with doing this. It's all for fun & entertainment for you guys. - Currently i'm looking for an insane player to make it the duotage that would shit on all my uploads! - How should i decide who wants to work on this with me?
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Our Pre-K class is raising money to plant 70 trees in Israel in honor of Israel's 70th birthday and Tu B'Shvat.
Le grand retour
HOLA Friends.... Technical Hola Channel par aap sabhika Swagat Hai.... Aaj k Iss video me, me aapse baat karne wala hu "Google X" k "PROJECT LOON" k Baare me... Ye Project se judi saari jankari k lie dekhte rahie iss video ko... Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/technicalhola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/technicalhola Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechnicalHola Thank You
Please like share and subscribe kare video ko
Song-Nine Lashes-Never Back Down Anime I used: 1.Kiznaiver 2.Magi 3.The King’s Avatar 4.K-Project 5.Servamp 6.Durarara 7.Guilty Crown 8.Erased 9.Black Butler 10.Tokyo Ghoul 11.Monogatari Series 12.School Live 13.Hannibal 14.Deadman Wonderland 15.Kekkai sensen 16.Death Parade 17.Re:zero. This is purely made for fans. This AMV is made with non-profit or does not represent another company. I do not own the copyrights to the "video clips" or the "music" in the video! ©For Disclaimers: 'Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational...
•Anime: K-Project K-Return of kings Link do outro canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_shKD7T83VM69F8qO4ns3Q?app=desktop •Music: Manafest - Impossible Link oficial: https://youtu.be/-vWyNparwSA •TAG Memory of red Saruhiko Fushimi Sarumi Saruhiko x Misaki Yata Misaki Homra HOMRA Scepter 4 K project Shonen ai Yaoi Swag Studios Red star studios Redstarstds k project amv amv k project 「AMV」 •DISCLAIMER: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. I do not own anything. I do not own the song or any of the anime used in the amv
otro amv mas que les traigo
No dia 03.02.2018 às 14:00 no CRJ- Centro de Referência da Juventude, localizado na rua Guaicurus - 50 (CENTRO BH) O evento K-Pop Project vai reunir toda a galera fã de música pop coreana para um dia bastante descontraído e com vários atrativos. Em sua programação as pessoas poderão desfrutar e apreciar: - Apresentações* - Random play dance - Quiz KPOP (Com premiação ao primeiro lugar) - Post-it game (Com premiação ao vencedor) - Sorteio** - Random play dance 2x ----------------------------------------- Convido vocês a participarem e também a assistirem meu comeback cover com a música Hello Bitches (single da rapper sul coreana CL)
My most favourite Soundtracks from the Anime K-Project ( Missing Kings & Return of Kings involved) Tracklist : ( K Project OST ) 00:00 Suoh Mikoto 02:49 KnocK-on Effect 04:07 Namida No ShizuKu 05:29 Kiss Of Death 07:53 TosuKa Tatara ( K Missing Kings OST ) 09:47 And then ( K Return of Kings OST ) 12:23 Return of Kings 14:57 Assembly 18:07 Battle of the dance 21:04 Past and Future 23:44 Sword of Damocles 26:31 Kizuna 29:29 If you die.. Thanks For Listening ! ___________________________________ i own nothing in this video.
オリジナルサウンドトラックCD vol.1 01.K's Theme 0:00~03:12 02.Suoh MiKoto 03:14~06:00 03.IKari 06:03~07:46 04.DarK PinK SKy 07:49~11:33 05.Kitsch 11:37~13:37 06.Kitten 13:41~15:18 07.Kushina Anna 15:21~16:30 08.KnocK-on Effect 16:32~17:48 09.Knife 17:50~19:53 10.Shiro #3 19:56~20:41 11.At SKool #1 20:44~23:41 12.MunaKata Reisi 23:45~25:45 13.Karma 25:48~27:50 14.Namida No ShizuKu 27:53~29:12 15.Killer 29:16~30:41 16.Yata MisaKi 30:42~33:27 17.Friendship 33:29~34:32 18.Kagerou 34:36~36:00 19.Kiss Of Death 36:03~38:23 20.TotsuKa Tatara 38:26~40:20 オリジナルサウンドトラックCD vol.2 01.Yatogami Kuroh 40:22~42:51 02.Smile 42:54~45:05 03.Kusanagi Izumo 45:07~47:26 04.At SKool #2 47:29~49:52 05.Awashima Seri 49:55~51:49 06.Adolf K Weismann 51:53~54:54 07.Shiro #2 54:57~55:47 08.Kolorless King 55:51~56:38 09.Key 56:42~5...
2014年7月に公開致しました「K MISSING KINGS」海外上映用に公開致しました第1期のダイジェスト映像です。 第2期放送直前!夜刀神狗朗のナレーションでこれまでのお話を振り返りましょう! TVアニメ「K」 原作 GoRA ×GoHands 監督/キャラクターデザイン 鈴木信吾 シリーズ構成 GoRA 総作画監督 古田誠 美術監督 野村正信 色彩設計 斉藤友子 撮影監督 福士享/大泉鉱 編集 丹彩子 音響監督 高橋秀雄/田中亮 音響効果 田中秀実 音響制作 ドリーム・フォース 音楽 遠藤幹雄 音楽制作 スターチャイルドレコード アニメーション制作 GoHands 製作 k-project MBS TVアニメ「K RETURN OF KINGS」 2015年10月2日よりMBS・TBS・CBC・BS-TBS“アニメイズム”枠/AT-Xにて放送予定 STAFF 原作 GoRA×GoHands 監督 キャラクターデザイン 鈴木信吾 シリーズ構成 高橋弥七郎 シリーズディレクター 金澤洪充 総作画監督 古田 誠 プロップデザイナー 岸田隆宏 メカデザイナー 大久保 宏 チーフアニメーター 内田孝行/岡田直樹/大久保 宏 美術監督 内藤 健 色彩設計 斉藤友子 CGIディレクター 菊地貴紀 撮影監督 戸澤雄一朗 編集 丹 彩子 音響監督 横田知加子 音響制作 グロービジョン 音楽 遠藤幹雄 音楽製作 スターチャイルドレコード アニメーション制作 GoHands 製作 k-project MBS CAST 伊佐那社 浪川大輔 夜刀神狗朗 小野大輔 ネコ 小松未可子 櫛名アンナ 堀江由衣 宗像礼司 杉田智和 比水流 興津和幸 草薙出雲 櫻井孝宏 八田美咲 福山潤 鎌本力夫 中村悠一 淡島世理 沢城みゆき 伏見猿比古 宮野真守 御芍神紫 森田成一 五條スクナ 釘宮理...
Thank you for 3 Mil total views :D For non-K Project fans Thank you for patiently waiting me to completely finish all of these transcriptions and videos!! As long as there's no new season / movies for K, this is going to be the FINAL VIDEO. You guys might wondered why do I keep on doing this until this point while the hype already dies down, and here are the reasons 1) The OSTs chord progression is unique.. it consist lots of non- basic chord which I think will help me to learn various new things by transcribing / arranging it (Seriously, thank you so much Mikio Endo :D ) 2) The OPs & EDs are catchy, I love most of it (Especially Tsumetai Heya Hitori & Asymmetry) *Guess what, Tsumetai Heya, Hitori still exist on my smartphone favorite playlist fr...
ทำเล่นๆครับ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQhPYHkd1uI ต้นฉบับ
K-Project Sequel; K 2nd Season; K RETURN OF KINGS; K - Return of Kings Epiosdes 2 In modern Japan, where history has strangely overlapped with reality. There, seven "Kings" with great superpowers existed. Along with their clansman to whom they shared their own power with, the kings each formed clans. Order bound by blue, red flames that cause chaos, irregularities that shine in white, and reforms branched off into green. The Kings, each with their own abilities, now... With "jungle" once again jumping back into action, the fates of the various Kings are brought together.
What's that? An upload on Thursdsay? What even is this madness? Well I'll tell you what this madness is. It's a brand new show! That's right, it's a brand new series starting here on These Snazzy Gamers by the name of Animu Wut Do? What is "Animu Wut Do?" Well it's a show that is being released every other Thursday, were Greg and Mira sit down and play a game while talking about one anime in depth for about 30-45 minutes in a mixture of let's play and podcast! For our first episode, Greg and Mira sat down and talked about the anime K Project and it's companion movie K: Missing Kings while Greg sucks at playing Peggle! There are spoilers abound, but they are denoted in the episode, so no worries to anyone who has never heard of the anime. If you liked this show, please let us know! It'...
Well some of you have been asking for a longer version of Ikari from K, so here it is! One hour version! I don't own anything of the K-Project anime.
I don't own anything! This game and the franchise belong to their respective owners, all I did was the silly commentary and cheap editing. This is... certainly something.... hm. I may do a part two if you guys want, but this was just for fun because really... this deserves some sort of reaction. Want to give this game a go for yourself? Download it here! http://misemonogatari.tumblr.com/post/91769313189/sarumi-misaru-bl-game
Mixed by K-Project ►Follow Facebook: https://goo.gl/Dru8ZG VK: https://goo.gl/7OUUhH VK Community: https://goo.gl/16q5vE 01. Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Max R. Remix) ►Buy: - 02. Sunset Project - Welcome Back (Empyre One Remix) ►Buy: https://goo.gl/OC343D 03. Een Stemming feat. Veligura - Redhead Flame (Extended Mix) ►Buy: https://goo.gl/cm1spc 04. Loona - Vamos A La Playa (Dan Winter Remix) ►Buy: https://goo.gl/aDm3LM 05. DJ Gollum feat. DJ Cap vs. 89ers - Heart Ahead (Easter Rave Hymn 2k17) (Phillerz & Corza Remix) ►Buy: https://goo.gl/AenuCO 06. Pakito - You Wanna Rock (RaymanRave & JP Project Remix) ►Buy: - 07. Hard3eat - You (12 Hours Mix) ►Buy: - 08. DJ Benchuscoro - My New Day (Club Mix) ►Buy: - 09. DJ Squared - It s My Life (DJ Gollum Remix) ►Buy: https://goo.gl/QnEXQf 10. Ital...
K-Project Sequel; K 2nd Season; K RETURN OF KINGS; K - Return of Kings Epiosdes 2 In modern Japan, where history has strangely overlapped with reality. There, seven "Kings" with great superpowers existed. Along with their clansman to whom they shared their own power with, the kings each formed clans. Order bound by blue, red flames that cause chaos, irregularities that shine in white, and reforms branched off into green. The Kings, each with their own abilities, now... With "jungle" once again jumping back into action, the fates of the various Kings are brought together.
Bueno este es mi primer video y creo que empezare a subir anime pocos conocidos pero buenos XD