Happy “DEPENDENCE Day” From The White House!

15A Cranky One
2 days, 8 hours ago
Happy 4th of July lizards! On a less happy note, I just got off the phone with my sister, who informed me that her daughter, who lives and teaches in Japan, turned down several lucrative job offers here in the ...

New From Olbermann: Trump Will Not Be Cleared

The fallout from Donald Trump’s admission that the Russians meddled in our election
161Anymouse 🌹
6 days, 2 hours ago
re: #143 BeachDem I cannot find anything on the Secretary of State for Nebraska Website. News reports seem to indicate that no decision has been reached. (Means I call again tomorrow.) There is no love lost between John Gale (who ...

Just Another Vile Misogynistic Rant From Our So-Called President

This kind of disgusting behavior from Trump isn’t shocking. It’s who he is.
1 week ago
re: #288 Backwoods_Sleuth Not sure if this one's posted yet (on my list) PRESIDENT TRUMP'S COMMISSION to investigate allegations of voter fraud is reaching out to state officials to gather information, but they won't be getting a lot of help ...