Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics at Boston University


Inside Arion : Winter 2017

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Marianne McDonald in her infinite variety, by Herbert Golder

Rachel Hadas, Four Poems

Paul Barolsky on Botticelli’s Primavera: the painting and the poem

Cave myths and light in some ancient philosophers, by Andrea Nightingale

Two Poems by Phoebe Giannisi, translated by Brian Sneeden

Harold Keller’s Iliad drawings

Two Poems by Patrick O’Donnell

Raymond Geuss explains Nietzsche’s philosophical ethnology

Propertius, Pound and other outsiders, by Theodore Ziolkowski

Inadvertent Beginnings: Fred Licht recounts some early adventures

J. Michael Walton reviews Matthew Wright’s Lost Plays of Greek Tragedy,

Volume 1: Neglected Authors

M. D. Usher on Stephen Scully’s Hesiod’s Theogony: From Near Eastern

Creation Myths to Paradise Lost

Autolycus: A Problem in Egypto-Canadian Cultural Relations by Douglas Young


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