Essay/Cultures & Languages

From Aesop to doge

The animal who speaks in a human voice is a figure of the most enduring imaginative power. What do we hope to hear?

Stassa Edwards


Of money and morals

Moneylending has been taboo for most of human history. So how did usury stop being a sin and become respectable finance?

Alex Mayyasi


Should a rapist get Viagra or a robber get a cataracts op?

Tom Douglas


If life feels out of balance, don’t worry – there’s always symmetry below the surface

4 minutes

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Video/Gender & Sexuality

Meet the lucky little organ that is uniquely dedicated to pleasure

3 minutes


The American housewives who sought freedom in Soviet Russia

Julia Mickenberg


Common ground

When we think of urban public space in terms of competing rights, we create a battleground. Is there a better way to share?

Farhan Samanani

Video/Social Psychology

Laughing at others’ misfortune is fine for ‘fail’ videos. It’s poison for politics

6 minutes


Fear of radiation is more dangerous than radiation itself

David Ropeik


Scents and sensibility

Our sense of smell gives flavour to food, emotion to memories, and connects us to each other. But how exactly does it work?

Katherine Whitcroft

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Essay/Gender & Sexuality

The orgasm cure

What if we could expand ecstasy, reduce stress and lift depression, all by delaying and extending orgasm?

Peter von Ziegesar

Essay/Cognition & Intelligence

How totalism works

The brainwashing methods of isolation, engulfment and fear can lead anyone to a cult. I should know – I was in one

Alexandra Stein

Essay/Quantum Theory

Quantum common sense

Despite its confounding reputation, quantum mechanics both guides and helps explain human intuition

Philip Ball


The future is emotional

Human jobs in the future will be the ones that require emotional labour: currently undervalued and underpaid but invaluable

Livia Gershon

Video/Human Enhancement

It takes a careful blend of science, craft and compassion to make a prosthetic eye

6 minutes

Idea/Film & Television

Philosophy has a lot to learn from film

Costica Bradatan

Essay/Politics & Government

Return of the grotesque

The postmodern carnival has arrived, and there are good reasons to prefer François Rabelais’s version

Robert D Zaretsky


A tour of the Brooklyn rooftops where man’s best friend has a beak and wings

8 minutes


It’s not that your teeth are too big: your jaw is too small

Peter Ungar

Essay/Meaning & the Good Life

Do we matter in the cosmos?

Humanity is nothing more than a microscopic blip in the universe. But does that mean we are insignificant?

Nick Hughes

Video/Nature & Environment

What we’ve done with our world, from ingenuity to devastation – in two kinetic minutes

2 minutes


Solving the heroin overdose mystery: how small doses can kill

Shepard Siegel


‘Here we are all the same’

The US Constitution guaranteed freedom of religion, but the fight for religious equality was only just beginning

Richard D Brown


Flashing together: when fireflies meet LEDs, the result is a beautiful lightshow

2 minutes

Idea/Stories & Literature

This is the Muslim tradition of sci-fi and speculative fiction

Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad

Essay/Social Psychology


Prejudice remains a huge social evil but evidence for harm caused by microaggression is incoherent, unscientific and weak

Scott O Lilienfeld

Video/Internet & Communication

A classic film on communication finds renewed meaning in the age of memes and emojis

22 minutes

Idea/Politics & Government

Even the ancient Greeks thought their best days were history

Johanna Hanink

Essay/Values & Beliefs

Dissolving the ego

You don’t need drugs or a church for an ecstatic experience that helps transcend the self and connect to something bigger

Jules Evans