Defending Yvette


Many of you will recognize Yvette Felarca as the courageous anti-racist who was front-and-center in Sacramento the day of a planned neo-nazi rally, confronting racist scum twice her size and carrying the fight to the foe.  Yvette, like nine other antifa that day, was injured by the racist goons, but still managed to give a rousing 10-minute interview with media after the bigoted clowns were run out of town.

Responding like the cowards that they are, the nazi filth began sending anonymous death threats to the school Yvette works at.  Then they escalated to making demands that the school district fire Yvette for her courageous and principled actions in Sacramento on June 26th.

Incredibly, Yvette’s employer appears to be acquiescing to the demands & threats of racist trolls.  Yvette has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.  As of this writing, Yvette is out-of-pocket for thousands of dollars and her career is now on the line.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund was happy to be able to send Yvette some funds to help cover what her employer has taken away from her and to help her continue to fight the witch-hunt against her.  An educator willing to risk their own safety to defend their community from fascists = an educator that should praised, not punished!

We’ve also set up a crowdfunding page with Yvette’s consent and will donate all proceeds directly to her.  You can Yvette defend herself against this betrayal by her employer by making a direct donation there and by sharing the link with your friends and colleagues.


2 thoughts on “Defending Yvette

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