- published: 21 Aug 2016
- views: 152
AMI or Ami or AmI may refer to:
Nico & Vinz are an African-Norwegian group singing and songwriting duo composed of Kahouly Nicolay "Nico" Sereba from Holmlia, Oslo and Vincent "Vinz" Dery from Lambertseter, Oslo. They formed in 2009 as Envy and are based in Oslo. They changed their name to Nico & Vinz in January 2014 after the international success of "Am I Wrong".
Nico Sereba of Norwegian-Ivorian origin and Vincent Dery of Norwegian-Nigerian origin created their music as a fusion of genres as diverse as pop to reggae to soul, having been exposed by the various musical influences of their parents with whom they did recurring trips to the West Coast of Africa. The duo was launched as Envy with its main debut appearance at Emergenza Festival in 2011. They won first place at the Taubertal Open Air Festival World's "Emergenza Final" for new emerging artists. Following that success, the duo released the mixtape Dreamworks: Why Not Me under the name Envy. The materials were also made available online through WiMP.
Am I Wrong may refer to:
Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.
Watch the music video for the hit single "Am I Wrong" by Nico & Vinz. Get Nico & Vinz's new 'Cornerstone' EP on iTunes: iTunes: http://wbr.fm/CornerstoneI 'CORNERSTONE' AVAILABLE NOW iTunes: http://wbr.fm/CornerstoneI Amazon: http://wbr.fm/CornerstoneA Google Play: http://wbr.fm/CornerstoneG STREAM 'CORNERSTONE Spotify: http://wbr.fm/CornerstoneS Apple Music: http://wbr.fm/CornerstoneAM 'BLACK STAR ELEPHANT' AVAILABLE NOW Get the autographed poster bundle:http://smarturl.it/BSEAlbumBundle Download on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/BSEPO Download on Amazon: http://smarturl.it/BSEPOAmazon STREAM 'BLACK STAR ELEPHANT' Stream: http://smarturl.it/BSEStream LINKS Official Website: http://www.nicoandvinz.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nicoandvinz Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nicoandv...
There's no single formula for a great talk, but there is a secret ingredient that all the best ones have in common. TED Curator Chris Anderson shares this secret -- along with four ways to make it work for you. Do you have what it takes to share an idea worth spreading?
Eine Hauskonzerte-Produktion Regie: Stef Zins und Tobias Tzschaschel Edit: Stef Zins ME + MARIE Live auf Tour 23.04.16 D-Passau 08.05.16 D-München Milla 10.05.16 CH-Zürich Helsinki Doppelkonzert mit AMI 11.05.16 D-Frankfurt Nachtleben Doppelkonzert mit AMI 12.05.16 D-Köln Blue Shiell Doppelkonzert mit AMI 13.05.16 D-Berlin Badehaus Doppelkonzert mit AMI 14.05.16 D-Hamburg Doppelkonzert mit AMI 17.05.16 CH-Chur 18.05.16 A-Wien WUK support für LEMO 08.07.16 I-Bruneck Sommersalon 09.07.16 A-Burg Clam Harvest of Art Festival 14.07.16 D-Oldenburg Kultursommer 16.07.16 CH Gurtenfesitval 06.08.16 CH Chapella Open Air 13.08.16 D-Haldern/Rees Haldern Pop Festival 13.09.16 D-Erlangen E-Werk 14.09.16 D-Düsseldorf Zakk 15.09.16 D-Bremen Tower 04.10.16 D-Mainz schon Schön 05.10.16 D-Hannover Lux ...
Piper from the group Flipsyde releases his first single from the 6-song EP, "Cops And Robbers", which serves as a soundtrack to the full-length play by the same name. Cops And Robbers is a revolutionary look into the relationship between Law Enforcement, the media and the Black Community. The music video follows two teens as they struggle to get their lives on track with the help of R.E.A.C.H. Ashland Youth Center, a $25 million youth center in San Leandro, Ca. Executive Producer: Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira for PIPEDREAMZ ENT Produced by James Farr for TUNNEL VISION & Ami Zins Written by: Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira Boy: Pharaoh Ferreira Girl: Jahslyn Whitelocke-Chensee John: Lew Levinson Man on Street: Rodney "Alamo" Brown All first responders, nurses, teachers and therapists were ...
http://ensemblemiknawooj.com https://www.facebook.com/ensemblemiknawooj WARNING: This video contains extreme violence and occult imagery. Viewer discretion is advised. - Plot Synopsis- After a failed attempt to infiltrate the lair of the Lord of West (one of the 5 material overlords responsible for the suffering and corruption of the world), our hero, the Black Swordsman of Dominance, is captured. As he struggles for his life, the daimon god Mik Nawooj enters and subdues the assailants with black magick. One of the villains becomes possessed by Mik Nawooj and leads the Black Swordsman out of the dungeon. Upon opening the door at the end of the hallway, Black Swordsman sees rays of sunlight and walks onward toward the mythical snowy mountains of Makgoya. - Expanded story elements- ...
►► FASTLIFE ►► ÜBERALL ERHÄLTLICH ► iTunes: https://itun.es/de/VHujcb ► Google Play: https://goo.gl/Kmdkxy ► AmazoneMP3: https://goo.gl/bz6iO5 Die zweite Videoauskopplung «FÜR DIE FAMILIE» von AZET und ZUNA aus der kommenden EP «FASTLIFE». Abonniert den Kanal um nichts zu verpassen und folgt uns auf Facebook. Folgt uns auf Facebook: AZET: https://www.facebook.com/AZETKMN KMN: https://www.goo.gl/XBgkl4 ZUNA: https://www.facebook.com/ZunaKMN Folgt uns auf Instagram: AZET: https://www.instagram.com/kmn_azet/ ZUNA: https://www.instagram.com/kmn_zuna/ KMNGANG Kontakt: Allgemeine Fragen: info@kmngang.com Presse: presse@kmngang.com Booking: booking@kmngang.com «HOL MIR DEIN COUSIN» T-SHIRT: https://www.dresscode-merch.de/kmngang Richtung Paradies - EP kostenlos Downloaden auf: http://k...
Das Geldsystem zerstört unsere Zivilisation, die Umwelt, die Gesellschaften, die Gesundheit, die Völker & Nationen. Die wenigen, die von dem System tatsächlich profitieren sind Schmarotzer, die das Wirtstier - die Masse der Menschen und alle Lebensgrundlagen der Erde - ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste aussaugen - einzig und allein mit dem Ziel, noch reicher und noch mächtiger zu werden! Nur, die Grenzen sind fast überall erreicht - der Kollaps steht kurz bevor - wenn die Vernunft sich nicht endlich Bahn bricht. „Der Bankraub ist eine Initiative von Dilettanten. Wahre Profis gründen eine Bank.“ Das wusste schon Bertolt Brecht und niemand, der Ahnung von der Materie hat, würde ihm widersprechen. Wer das Geldsystem beherrscht, dem kann die Regierung eines Landes egal sein. Mit Geld lässt sich v...
un homme vs des milliers d'extraterrestre. Qui va gagner ?? va-t'il réussir à s'en sortir va-t'il retrouver son ami le boss ?? où périront-ils sous les attaques des zins ?? ou de panne de moteur ??
Nombre de présidents ont dû faire face à des crises lors de leurs mandats, mais pour les Saints, la crise est venue d'ailleurs. A l'aide des armes les plus démentielles et les super-pouvoirs les plus incroyables, allons botter les fesses des Zins. Faut au moins cela après qu'ils aient détruit ma maison blanche. Retrouvez-nous sur http://www.weegeek.net/ pour d'autres émissions et délires. Et n'oubliez pas, un j'aime, ça fait toujours plaisir ^^
Piper from the group Flipsyde releases his first single from the 6-song EP, "Cops And Robbers", which serves as a soundtrack to the full-length play by the same name. Cops And Robbers is a revolutionary look into the relationship between Law Enforcement, the media and the Black Community. The music video follows two teens as they struggle to get their lives on track with the help of R.E.A.C.H. Ashland Youth Center, a $25 million youth center in San Leandro, Ca. Executive Producer: Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira for PIPEDREAMZ ENT Produced by James Farr for TUNNEL VISION & Ami Zins Written by: Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira Boy: Pharaoh Ferreira Girl: Jahslyn Whitelocke-Chensee John: Lew Levinson Man on Street: Rodney "Alamo" Brown All first responders, nurses, teachers and therapists were ...
te extrañO mi niñO vuelve ami xk zin thi iio nO zoii nada
I do not own the rights to the song. Song is available on iTunes. For Fitness purposes only. Choreographed and lead by Amy Koncak Licenced ZIN in front row from left to right is Hayley and Cris Fabulous students Jenelle and Marie Classes held by Amy Koncak and Cris Kraft at Hickam and Joint Base Pearl Harbor in Honolulu HI
Written and performed by Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira, directed by Ami Zins & Lew Levinson: COPS and ROBBERS is a revolutionary look into the dysfunctional relationship between law enforcement, the media, and the Black community. Centered on an officer involved shooting, writer/performer Jinho "The Piper" Ferreira takes the viewer on an emotionally charged ride with unexpected twists and turns. The Piper seamlessly travels through 17 characters, each with their own convictions, logic, and prejudices. Cops and Robbers takes no prisoners as it challenges the viewer to question all preconceived notions of "right" and "wrong".
Le slam une poésie urbaine, le slam pour te dire que je t'aiiiime, le slam... Non! Décidément, je ne suis pas doué pour ça, par contre le groupe des jeunes du CEDAS cartonne là où il passe. Découvrez leur processus de création, filmé par nos amis de Zin-TV que l'on remercie.
Pas de code amis/demande pour participer/jouer avec moi, merci. 53ème épisode du Let's play solo de Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ! Le Rajang, suivi du défi du Caravanier, avec un Zinogre, un Rajang... furieux, et un Shagaru Magala ! BAM ! Musique d'outro: J.o.i.E par *-RZ-* / Rifyz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W1OWzYvC3M Layout, miniature et image d'Outro par Schyzofen. Twitch: http://bit.ly/BlueLive Facebook: http://bit.ly/BlueFB Twitter: http://bit.ly/BlueTW Steam: http://bit.ly/BlueSteam
Emociones cuantas emociones
mi vida transcurre, cada día una mas
desde el futbol, libros, los balones
a cruzar en moto la ciudad
he aprendido mas de mil lecciones
que me enseñó la vida, que es mi maestra
y la que me muestra, por donde marchar.
Porque te estoy diciendo toda la realidad
si no lo has comprendido
te estoy diciendo que tu, todo lo puede lograr
si luchas por conseguirlo.
Si vas buscando amor encuéntralo donde estes
mirando por todas partes
si luego no es de verdad, ya lo reconoceras
lo sientes dentro sin equivocarte, eeh
Paso a paso lo comprenderas
Emociones, cuantas emociones
Si he tenido que ayudar amigos
no me echado atras no lo he dudado jamas
la amistad la pongo sobre todo
esto no lo puede olvidar
me mantengo fiel a mis principios
y un poco mas maduro, camino seguro
delante el mundo, delante de ti.
Si vas buscando amor encuentralo junto a mi
en los ojos de la gente
y solamente estaras si tu te das de verdad
debes tenerlo presente.
Si vas buscando amor encuéntralo donde estes
mirando por todas partes
si luego no es de verdad, ya lo reconoceras
lo sientes dentro sin equivocarte, eeh
Paso a paso lo comprenderas
Emociones cuantas emociones
Si vas buscando amor encuéntralo donde estes
mirando por todas partes
si luego no es de verdad, ya lo reconoceras
lo sientes dentro sin equivocarte, eeh
Paso a paso lo comprenderas
Emociones cuantas emociones (bis)