The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland

Ferry House, 48 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: +353 1 613 70 40 | Fax: +353 1 613 70 43
Email Website 


Complaints handling

  • ASAI handles complaints from consumers, competitors and other interested parties
  • Fee: Free 
  • Complaints must be submitted via an online form or in writing
  • File a complaint
  • View decisions


Copy advice

  • Copy advice is available to all
  • Fee:
    • Members and non-members – Free
  • Feedback is usually given within 1 working day, but response time varies from case to case



  • Alcohol ads must be pre-cleared by Copy Clear (formerly Central Copy Clearance of Ireland or CCCI) against the ASAI code and statutory codes
  • Cinema ads must be pre-cleared by Cinema Advertising Association