We Back Berkeley!


It’s getting pretty real out there in Berkeley.  On March 4th at a so-called Trump support rally, fascists rolled up with body armor, shields, baseball bats, 2x4s, bear mace, bricks, and knives and from the jump started wading into the counterprotest to target women, racialized people, trans people, etc. for physical attacks.

Berkeley antifa were not having it!  They did what they had to do to defend themselves and their community from a series of rapidly-escalating assaults by well-armed thugs.  Of course the police, who did sweet FA to prevent people from being assaulted, were quick to arrest seven antifa.  Now we are being asked to help our brothers and sisters with the legal costs related to these arrests via this crowdfunding pageThe International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund was happy to heed the call – will you?


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